you are the love of my life

Chapter 692 She Was Persecuted

Chapter 692 She Was Persecuted

Luo Yunfan said stubbornly word by word: "Teacher, you don't understand. I saved her not to get anything, but to pursue short-term beauty, even if the result is sad. For me, this journey It's enough."


Professor He has lived most of his life, and he is completely speechless towards such a stubborn junior like him.

"Do you think that if two people with different personalities are bound together, happiness will come?" Luo Yunfan laughed at himself, his voice was hoarse and even nasal.

"At least all the children are born. Fortunately, if you are happy or not, you will have to live this life."

Professor He said, the implication is that you only have to wait for the next life.

"I'm afraid, not necessarily..."

Luo Yunfan believes that God must have his own intentions for all the hidden arrangements.

Otherwise, Qin Yise would not run away desperately.

What she bowed her head in the end was to surrender to fate.

"Look at the fact that she chooses to stay with that man now, how can she be sure that she did it voluntarily and not by force!" Luo Yunfan asked and answered himself, his eyes full of sadness.

"She was kidnapped, I watched helplessly, but there was nothing I could do..."

This feeling is no less than the pain of losing a loved one.

Professor He silently sipped his cocktail and remained silent.

Luo Yunfan glanced at him, maybe others thought he was bewildered, going crazy for Qin Yise, being possessed by a demon, are abnormal behaviors, but he himself knew very well what this meant!
He pulled his lips and showed a pale smile, "I don't care about my career, how much I have achieved, or who I must surpass, but in relationships, I will not admit defeat, because once I shrink back, I will completely lose everything." Gone."

"Your opponent is none other than Rong Jinbei!"

Rumor has it that all the women in the city fall in love with him, the male god, President Rongda.

With his name alone, who would dare to rob a woman from him.

The other party's identity, family background, character, ability, appearance, no matter what, anyone who goes there is enough to be crushed for a few blocks.

Luo Yunfan clenched his hands into fists unconsciously, he couldn't just admit defeat like this, that man was brainwashed, and he lost the most precious thing in his heart.

That is faith!

"Teacher, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I know what to do!" Luo Yunfan said, with a look of thought in his eyes.

"I'm afraid you did something you shouldn't do!" Professor He sighed.

Rong Jinbei was busy in the study, the butler walked in with a coffee and asked, "Master, your coffee."

"Well, put it down."

After the butler put down the coffee, he stood aside and hesitated to leave immediately.

Rong Jinbei moved his gaze away from the computer screen coldly, glanced at him, then lifted his thin lips from the coffee and asked casually, "Is there anything else?"

"Master, it's that doctor, he saved your daughter, didn't he..."

"If you don't tell me, I forgot, I want to cut off his hands and feet, and he will never be able to get up while he is alive!"

Before the butler finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rong Jinbei in a cold voice, he could not keep any danger by his side, a great kindness is like a great hatred, how could he not understand this truth.

Qin Yise was thinking of her savior.

Even if he doesn't love a woman, he must not think about other men in his heart.

He wants that man to struggle in pain all his life, unable to survive, unable to die,

(End of this chapter)

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