you are the love of my life

Chapter 693 Head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 693 Head-to-head confrontation
In the military hospital.

Because of the unauthorized operation, Rong Jinbei sued Luo Yunfan and Professor He to court.

One has been suspended without pay, and the other has had his domestic doctor's license revoked. He is still under observation.

If the performance is good, restore his reputation.

There are two main staff missing in the hospital, and they are very busy.

For major heart surgery, no one is performing the surgery, and the identities of the patients are either rich or noble.

In desperation, the dean found Rong Jinbei and asked him to withdraw the lawsuit against Dr. Luo. After all, he cured his daughter's illness, didn't he?
The merits outweigh the demerits, this request should not be too much!

But what the dean didn't know was that what Rong Jinbei cared about was not his negligence in surgery, but that he was thinking of what he shouldn't be doing, to get his woman's attention!

Even if I don't love it very much, I don't have the habit of surrendering to others!

Luo Yunfan ran into Rong Xiaoxing in the mother and baby section of the shopping mall, surrounded by a bunch of servants and nannies.

His eyes shifted, and finally met Rong Jinbei's eyes unexpectedly.

The man covered his face with black super sunglasses. Although he couldn't see the expression in his eyes clearly, the expression on his face was full of unruly anger.

It is certain that he does not want to see him very much at the moment, Luo Yunfan smiled, since they met by chance, there is no way to pretend to turn a blind eye.

He generously stepped forward and greeted him: "Mr. Rong, what a coincidence."


Rong Jinbei stared at his outstretched hand, his thin lips curled lightly, with a sneering arc.

"Oh, come to buy things for Xiaobao? It's really rare. It seems that you don't have no feelings for Yise and her children. It's probably unprecedented for a big man to come out to the shopping mall with his nanny and children. It's probably unprecedented! "

"Isn't that strange, you're a single man, don't you visit the mother and baby area?" Rong Jinbei took off his sunglasses and looked at him lazily.

"It's just because of my habit. When she was just discharged from the hospital, the places she visited the most were mother and baby stores, big and small. I was always with her!"

Luo Yunfan's voice was like a knife carved into Rong Jinbei's heart.

At this time, there are very few people shopping in the mall, and it is a chain of high-end maternal and child brands, so there are hardly any customers.

In the quiet storefront, all the idlers stayed away, only two men confronted each other head-on.

The words were full of gunpowder, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Rong Jinbei hooked his lips sarcastically, "Dr. Luo, what are you showing off to me? Having an affair with your own patients gives you a sense of accomplishment, doesn't it? It seems that it is necessary to investigate whether you Yu, has an affair with all the beautiful female patients!"

"Mr. Rong, when you spout blood, you might as well ask yourself what kind of mentality you have towards her, and whether you really care about her. If you love her, you shouldn't mind her past."

What Luo Yunfan said from the bottom of his heart did not mean to be offensive, he just tried to persuade him from his own perspective and position.

The weakness in Rong Jinbei's heart was hit by him. Does he like that woman?
All he knew was that he no longer had the feeling that he had to have her so strongly!

But seeing her go with other men, and thinking about never coming back, I felt extremely uncomfortable...

Rong Jinbei suddenly sneered, looked at the man in front of him, and Bao Liang said, "Luo Yunfan, do you really regard yourself as my opponent? Are you complacent in your heart?"

He's about to make him laugh and cry and go back to Europe.

(End of this chapter)

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