Chapter 697
"How dare you!"

Qin Yise said something perfunctory.

Rong Jinbei stared straight at her, looking up and down, with a look of disbelief, "You may be scolding me in your heart!"

"I don't even dare to say that, if you still want to speculate like this, I can't help it!"

Qin Yise replied speechlessly.

Rong Jinbei stared at her, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell, "You'd better not be clever, my patience is limited, and this place is heavily guarded."

The implication is that don't even think about running away, it's a waste of effort.

Qin Yise rolled her eyes and looked at him speechlessly.

"Go back to my room and stay there!"

The man stared at her condescendingly and said in a deep voice.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went upstairs first, and locked himself in the study again.

What a busy person, working even harder than before, what a solid body and a smooth career!

Qin Yise looked left and right, the child was taken away by the nanny, she looked to see if there was a breakthrough to leave, and Luo Yunfan didn't know if he would go abroad and return to Europe.

Her mobile phone has no network, no signal, and can't use any functions. It can only take a few photos, which is no different from a brick!
Qin Yise returned to the room and paced back and forth. When she was bored and silent, Rong Jinbei's elusive voice came again, "What are you looking at furtively?"

"Don't let me go out, don't let me take the children, and don't let me look around?"

Qin Yise asked extremely depressed.

"Your eyes tell me that if you think about how to escape or cause me heavy losses, no matter which way you go, you will die of that heart!"

Hearing this, Qin Yise stopped in her tracks, turned her head to look at Rong Jinbei, and found that his tense face was particularly frightening.

His eyes were also staring at her faintly at the same time, like a wolf in the dark, "You don't even want to leave my line of sight for half a step!"

Even though it was a few meters away, Qin Yise could still feel a chill emanating from his body.


"You can't take me with you all the time when you go to work, take a shower, or socialize." Thinking of the days before, Qin Yise's scalp tingled, and the past was unbearable.

"Did you forget that there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the house? No matter what you do, someone will report to me immediately."

Rong Jinbei said with a gloomy face, raised his footsteps and walked towards her slowly.

It's really versatile, even the supervisors are ashamed to say it so grandiosely!
She was under the eaves and had to bow her head.

Qin Yise curled her lips, avoided him, and replied angrily: "I don't know how long I can endure, at least for now I will cooperate obediently, but the more you guard me so strictly, the more I want to rebel! "

The unyielding spirit in a woman's bones is that she has been squeezed for a long time before she rises up to resist.

If he really pampered her as he promised, which woman would want to run away all day long and stay full after eating!

And what Rong Jinbei is best at is slapping the face and rewarding him with two jujubes, which makes people's teeth itch, but there is nothing they can do.

"Rong Jinbei, can you stop being so shameless!"

Qin Yise pursed her lips and said sarcastically.

"How can I have a daughter with you without being shameless?"

President Rong Da cast a sidelong glance at her like an idiot.

"Play the piano to the cow." Qin Yise turned her head and left angrily. If she said a few more words to a person like him, her life span would be much shorter.

(End of this chapter)

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