you are the love of my life

Chapter 698 Unattractive

Chapter 698 Unattractive

"Yes, you are awesome. You can't pull her back without coercion. Don't even expect to be obedient and play the role of a wife well."

Rong Jinbei stared down at her face, his eyes were deep, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his tone was as bad as ever.

Qin Yise tried her best to tell herself not to be angry.

There's no need to argue so much with a person with a broken brain, it's not worth it if you get angry and ruin your body!

The man's handsome face was extremely gloomy, and the pair of deep eyes under the sword eyebrows were as black as ink.

Qin Yise felt that there was a chill in his body, and the bushy eyebrows were furrowed tighter and tighter.


Qin Yise opened her mouth, but she didn't bother to refute.

Whatever he says is what it is.

The more sophistry, the more embarrassing you will be!
His eyes were very fierce, as if she was a heinous criminal, Qin Yise felt that she couldn't bear such high pressure, if she was stared at by him all the time, she would definitely have a heart attack!

"Mr. Rong, aren't you busy? Always be so distracted, isn't it good! If I get in your way, I can make room for you!"

"Shut up!" Rong Jinbei interrupted her abruptly, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his handsome face was tense, and he shouted sharply, "Apart from saying go, leave here, and disappear completely, you don't like me , what else would you say? Huh?"

He has been brainwashed, but he still has such a strong logic of thinking, he is worthy of being a man from the Rong family!
Qin Yise looked at him amusedly.

There is a lazy smile in the eyes, which is extremely enchanting.

"Even if I don't love you like I used to now, at least I'm true to you, woman, I haven't seen anyone as uninterested as you, what kind of tricks are you trying to play, huh?"

Rong Jinbei roared, and suddenly stretched out his hand, pulling her up.

Throwing it into the sofa next to her, he bent down and surrounded her in his own shadow.

Qin Yise sat up quickly, and before his anger erupted, she pushed his body away.

Two people stared at each other with red eyes, one was haggard and the other was exhausted.

Just like two hedgehogs, whether they approach or hug each other, they can bruise each other.

Such a distance is destined to be lovers who cannot get together...

Qin Yise stared at his facial features, feeling familiar yet unfamiliar.

"You want to tie me up, don't you?"

It's not enough to suffer alone, so dragging her to back it up?

She asked softly, there was no warmth in her eyes, only disappointment.

Such a tone, light and breezy, without any warmth, made the cold-blooded and ruthless President Rong Da froze when he heard it.

Qin Yise slowly withdrew her hand, moved her body to the side, and kept a long distance from him.

He continued word by word: "If it's for torture and revenge, then I can accompany you."

But if he is experimenting with love, or wants something unrealistic, she can't do what he wants!
Because the heart is dead, there is no chance to start again, let it make waves.

Rong Jinbei stared straight at her, breathed rapidly, and his voice was a little heavy, with a bit hoarse: "Who said I'm going to torture you and take revenge on you, you think I'm a sadist?"

"Isn't it? Since your operation, you have been going back and forth. You are indifferent to me on the surface, but you imprison me behind your back and don't let me leave half a step. But you didn't put me directly on the bed."

He used to be full of these things in his mind, but now he can keep his mind free of distracting thoughts.

It can only be said that she is becoming less and less attractive to him...

(End of this chapter)

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