you are the love of my life

Chapter 704 Forced Marriage

Chapter 704 Forced Marriage
Could it be that he has some unspeakable hidden disease, so they deliberately made up a cover to lie to her?
"Rong Jinbei...are you okay!"

Qin Yise quickened her pace and ran down the stairs, her hands froze within half a meter of him.

Rong Jinbei frowned, his face was very ugly, and he rubbed his temples desperately with his fingers, as if a bullet was flying through his head.

There was a strong chill all over his body, and his man-eating eyes suddenly stared at the woman in front of him!
"You scared me to death, why are you looking at me like that?"

she asked quietly.

"Say! Do you want to marry me?" The man endured the severe pain, but this was the question he was most concerned about.

"Why do you say that getting married is as simple as playing a house?"

How can someone make a decision one second and fly abroad to get a certificate the next?
Although in the country, Mr. Rong's forces are everywhere, they can quietly obtain a marriage certificate, and Rong Zhanting has the ability to divorce the marriage without asking for their consent!

"Let me ask you, to marry or not to marry?" He seemed to endure it to the extreme, and the headache seemed to make him faint at any time.

"I'll think about it again!"

Qin Yise took a step back and said helplessly.

Rong Jinbei's face was so pale that it was almost transparent, without any blood at all.

Qin Yise's whole body was full of fear, she almost forgot to call for someone, she was afraid that he would pass out by accident.

Her hand, which was frozen in the air, was about to help him, but the man avoided him without a trace: "Don't worry, I won't die, and I won't make you a widow!"

At a time like this, how could he still think about it?

What kind of woman do you think she is?

Are you selfish and only thinking about yourself?
"Rong Jinbei, what on earth do you want to do? Your body can't withstand a long journey, and it would be very dangerous to take a plane forcibly." Qin Yise persuaded.

"I just want you to marry me, and I have cooled down this wish."

Crazy obsessions were running in his mind, and every blood vessel was about to burst.

Qin Yise was forced to lose her footsteps by him. What she was most afraid of was that he would use this method, regardless of the danger of her life, to make her compromise.

Every time she was defeated.

Rong Jinbei exhausted all his strength, and sat on the sofa beside him in a collapsed state, taking a long breath, and the pain gradually eased.

He said in a cold voice, "I'll give you half an hour to think about it. I'll take a break. Don't let me down on you. Similarly, my patience is limited. I don't mind tying you up again. If you go to the United States, do you want to get a certificate?" , it's up to you!"

"Half an hour, such a short time?"

Qin Yise was angry and angry, and asked in astonishment.

"If you talk too much, it will be shortened by 15 minutes."

Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth and said, raised his eyes to glance at the clock on the wall, his voice was as cold as ice, "You have no right to refuse, 30 seconds have already been wasted."

After half an hour, his symptoms may get worse, or he may recover.

Rong Jinbei was also taking a gamble.

He wasn't sure about the choice this woman made, so he had to give it a go.

"Calm down, please, or you will die!"

Qin Yise frowned tightly, breaking the silence.

The expression on Rong Jinbei's face became even paler. Hearing this, he turned his head slowly, looked at the woman in front of him, and said in a calm and gentle voice, "Isn't there a saying that disasters will last for thousands of years? Don't worry, I didn't die so easily. You just need to answer my question, stop talking nonsense, and try to persuade me!"

(End of this chapter)

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