Chapter 705
The expression on Rong Jinbei's face became even paler. Hearing this, he slowly turned his head and looked at the woman in front of him. His voice was calm and gentle:
"Isn't there a saying that the scourge will last for thousands of years? Don't worry, I didn't die so easily. You just need to answer my question, don't talk nonsense, just try to persuade me!"

Qin Yise looked at him, feeling like her heart was hanging.

She pretended to be relaxed and laughed, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you, and your father will blame me again, and will use all means to get revenge on me. A defenseless woman can't stand up to your wealthy family. It's a torturing business!"

Her mocking words couldn't be more direct, Rong Jinbei smiled palely, neither angry nor retaliated, just turned his head and gave her a meaningful look.

Qin Yise was very dissatisfied with his reaction, her chest was filled with anger, as if she had been hit on cotton, and she was extremely powerless.

But now that he is a patient, she can't comfort her, and she can't do anything about it, because her conscience will be overwhelmed, so she can only grit her teeth and stare back at him.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The butler arranged the plane, and brought down a lot of medicine, selected a few, and handed them to the man on the sofa together with the water glass.

"Master, it's time to take the medicine!"

"Yeah." Rong Jinbei rubbed his temples, took the pill, and swallowed it in one go.

Looking at it, Qin Yise felt that it was painful enough, but he didn't even frown.

Also, compared with the torment of pain, what is this bit of suffering?

Standing here, Qin Yise felt the air was thin, and couldn't stay for a minute.

The man on the sofa stood up and announced forcefully: "The time for you to think about it has come, come with me!"

"You can go..."

"There's nothing wrong with it! Don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Qin Yise was about to speak, saying that he was not in good health, so don't take the risk of going abroad, Rong Jinbei interrupted her first, "Let's go, the plane is waiting outside, you are my man when you live, and my ghost when you die. If you have anything else to say, wait until you get back, and then explain it slowly, and I will ask the servant to write it down carefully with a pen and paper."

Now, don't say he is not sincere.

Give her time to think it through, and respect.

If she wanted to refuse, wouldn't half an hour be enough for her to refuse?
But she didn't say anything.

Even if he did, he wouldn't allow her to run away!
Even with the overlord clause, he will bind her for the rest of her life...
Before Qin Yise could react, Rong Jinbei had already held her hand and strode out. The housekeeper and bodyguards followed behind with their luggage.

His headache is about to explode, as long as he gets on the plane, he doesn't have to worry about it, the duck in his mouth will fly away again, and he has to think hard to chase her back!

He doesn't have the energy to play the game of chasing wives, and he strikes first, then he suffers. It is precisely because Luo Yunfan has provoked him that he is even more determined to deal with the relationship with this woman quickly.

Qin Yise was almost dragged away by him, her wrist was so painful that she seemed to be dislocated at any moment!
When going up the steps, Qin Yise resisted a little, but Rong Jinbei obviously had no patience, so he picked her up directly and put her into the cabin with a calm face.

This body is as strong as a cow, how can there be hidden diseases?
It seems to be quite serious!
It looks like it's about to hang up at any time...
His endurance is so strong, it is not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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