Chapter 706
Qin Yise sat there obediently, looking through the transparent window, the scenery outside was just right.

Rong Jinbei sat next to her and rubbed the center of his brows. The strong breath enveloped her layer by layer, but both of them were a little absent-minded.

The plane took off in silence, a warm palm suddenly wrapped around her soft little hand, she subconsciously shrank back in fright, but Rong Jinbei wrapped it tightly, not allowing her to shrink back.

There is a hint of determination in his eyes, making it impossible for anyone to disobey his orders!
Qin Yise met his eyes quietly, even though he was changing a little bit, the distance was just right, not too close or too far.

But in her heart, there was no joy in the slightest!
She had to admit that such a man was excellent and his conditions were very tempting, but his real purpose of marrying her was to torture her and make her surrender obediently.

People should not live in imagination, thinking that with their own abilities, they can change this man.

Instead of changing others, change yourself first!

She has never been so calm for a moment like now.

Rong Jinbei held her hand, pulled her hard, and brought her into his arms.

The long and narrow eyes stared at her deeply, the thin lips opened and closed, and all the hot breath sprayed on her face, "Why don't you want to go, obtaining the certificate is a guarantee for you, do you want to escape like this for the rest of your life?"

"That's my business, it has nothing to do with you!" Qin Yise tried her best to hold back, not letting herself get excited, and avoiding arguing with him.

"From now on, I will take care of your affairs. Now I want to see how you can escape from my palm!"

He loosened his big hand and made a movement of controlling it with one hand.

Qin Yise didn't bother arguing with him, her legs were growing on her body, where did she want to go, did he think that with a few bodyguards, she could really be trapped for a lifetime?
She moved her long eyelashes lightly, leaned into his arms, and said with a light smile: "You really want to marry me? Don't you know that your father hates me staying by your side!"

He can even do such a thing as brainwashing his own son, what kind of insane behavior is he afraid of?

"I can marry whoever I like, he doesn't care." Rong Jinbei said firmly.

Qin Yise sneered, and laughed out loud. Are you going to let her keep fighting with Mr. Rong?
Entering a rich family is as deep as the sea, she would rather not have such an honor!

"You think I'm not capable of resisting him?" Rong Jinbei asked, staring into her eyes, with a slightly serious tone.

"But he is your father. This is an ironclad fact. No matter how hateful he is, after all, he is your elder. The grace of nurturing is greater than the sky. I will not let you turn against your father for me, just like you should I also don't hope that our daughter will draw a line with us for a man in the future, and never have any contact with us!"

"No, I will keep her safe and educate her when she has a boyfriend. My mother is the best person in the world to her, and no one can replace her."

"Rong Jinbei, wake up, the time we spend with our child is far less than her future husband, so you can give her a shining life like a princess in the first half of her life, but you can't guarantee her the rest of her life, she has to rely on herself !"

Just like Rong Zhanting, who is 67 or [-] years old, but his son is only in his thirties.

Although it's hard to look forward to three generations living together, the time he can be with him is limited, so Qin Yise understands that this prevents the two of them from being together.

(End of this chapter)

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