Chapter 708

Qin Yise stood there in a daze, without any response.

"what happened?"

Rong Jinbei couldn't help but shake the hand that fell on her shoulder, and found that her body was very stiff.

Involuntarily following her gaze, she found Luo Yunfan standing at the exit of the machine gate, dressed in British style, wearing a felt hat, and covered in black, making her look even more solemn.

very good!

He hasn't come to settle accounts with him yet. This man has the guts to chase him to the United States. What does he want to do?
With his ability, to prevent them from obtaining a marriage certificate?

Rong Jinbei snorted lightly, he sees that this little boy has lived to the end of his life.

Even if Qin Yise knelt on the ground and begged him, he would not soften his heart...

Rong Jinbei held Qin Yise's hand forcefully and strode towards the exit.

Luo Yunfan stood there motionless, like a sculpture, Rong Jinbei slightly sideways eyes, pursed his lips next to Qin Yise's ear and said, "Guess, did he install a radar on you? Come on, it seems that you care a lot!"

"Shut up!" Qin Yise interrupted him impatiently.

She owed Luo Yunfan, and this life was paid to him, and she still didn't pay it off.

Just when she was about to walk over quickly, Rong Jinbei held her wrist tightly.

Before she had time to struggle, she was pulled into his arms again by him.

With a strong posture, he hugged her and walked towards Luo Yunfan.

Before he got close, the man on the opposite side took out an AK pistol and aimed it in Rong Jinbei's direction.

In the United States, guns are legal, so few people noticed the riots here, and even if they saw them, they would not meddle in their own business and come to join in the fun.

"Are you sure you want to fight with me?" Rong Jinbei let go of Qin Yise, pushed her back, and asked with a sneer.


Luo Yunfan shot directly at his feet, Junyi's face was full of evil.

Rong Jinbei frowned slightly, stopped in his tracks, casually took off the gloves on his hands, and threw them to the subordinates behind.

"Master, do you want to give him a wink?"

The captain of the bodyguard was ready to draw his gun, ready to be called at any time.

As long as the young master gives an order, they will immediately beat Luo Yunfan into a hornet's nest!

"No!!" Qin Yise stopped in a panic.

She was frightened by their confrontation.

The bullet doesn't have eyes, and she still has a lot to say. Before she could ask Luo Yunfan, Rong Jinbei already walked over and kicked Luo Yunfan against the wall without saying a word.

He has been in the army, worked as a special soldier, and came out of the peacekeeping devil training camp!
Luo Yunfan is just a doctor with a scalpel, how could he bear his kick?
Qin Yise subconsciously looked towards Luo Yunfan. Before she could lift her leg, the man in front of her came over in two or three steps, picked her up, and shouted angrily, "You dare to go over and try, I'll kill him immediately!"

Luo Yunfan covered his abdomen, rolled his throat twice, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

He was leaning against the wall, bent over due to excessive pain, and the ground was covered with bright red blood...

Simply at this time, the airport is sparsely populated, and it is a dedicated venue for private jets, not to mention that there are few people to intervene!

Luo Yunfan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, the back of his hand was stained red, he didn't seem to know the pain, he raised his eyes and looked contemptuously at Rong Jinbei: "Do you think you are the only one who knows how to play with guns?"

"If there are more things I know, go for it. If you want to be with me, I may not be free to accompany you!"

Let's talk about winning over his bodyguards first, Rong Jinbei sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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