you are the love of my life

Chapter 709 Lost before fighting

Chapter 709 Lost before fighting
Rong Jinbei's cold tone, with deliberate humiliation, made Luo Yunfan seriously see the gap between himself and how he lost so badly to him!

But Luo Yunfan didn't seem to care, because the competition between men is not only about weapons, but also about ability, and more importantly, brains.

As long as a woman's balance is tilted to one side, the other side loses.

He smiled softly, "Mr. Rong, don't be too happy, God is fair, what you have, sooner or later, you will lose it in another way,"

What's more, he has never really owned such a domineering possession.

His words irritated the man opposite, Rong Jinbei's face was ferocious, he glared at him with blue eyes, stepped forward, grabbed his collar, and lifted Luo Yunfan up.

Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth and roared, "You're courting death!"

He actually acted like a hero in front of his woman in spite of himself.

Qin Yise stepped forward and walked towards Luo Yunfan eagerly. She was worried that his injury would be serious, what if his internal organs ruptured?
Rong Jinbei, a bandit, doesn't he know that his hands are like iron tongs?Those heels are no different from elephants, they are extremely powerful.

To actually attack her daughter's lifesaver without seriousness or seriousness, this kind of ungrateful person is too cruel!

As expected of a businessman, his blood is full of indifference.

"Qin Yise, stop for me, stay aside, or you will cry and beg me later, and I won't be merciful to this man!" Rong Jinbei yelled, staring at her movements.

"He's badly hurt, can't you see that?"

"That's what he asked for!"

Who told this little boy to dare to snatch a woman from him just because he knew a little bit of medical skills?
How old is he?

Going to Europe to make a name for himself, he really considers himself an elite talent. Compared with him, he is still far behind!

If this little boy struggles for ten lifetimes, he may not be able to catch up with him.

Rong Jinbei stood in front of Qin Yise like a wall, blocking her and Luo Yunfan's sight.

Qin Yise looked at the blood all over the floor and frowned, "Can you be reasonable, Dr. Luo is my friend and your daughter's savior, without him, I would not be where I am now, are you sure you want to be so unreasonable?" go down?"

She had never spoken to him in such a calm tone, just because the more dangerous she was, the more she had to keep her head clear.

So if you are not careful, you may misfire.

Qin Yise's eyes were full of worry, and she couldn't help but look at Luo Yunfan. Although Rong Jinbei blocked him, he couldn't completely control her consciousness.

Rong Jinbei's face was sullen, and his eyes were a bit apprehensive, as if jealous, but he tried his best to hold back, no matter how much emotion he had, he wouldn't show it to her.

The atmosphere froze, and after a brief silence, Qin Yise shifted her gaze to his face, and said coldly, "I don't care how you treat me, but it doesn't mean that you hurt those who have helped me, and I will remain indifferent !"

As soon as her words came out, the anger in Rong Jinbei's eyes grew stronger, he gritted his teeth, and stared at Qin Yise fiercely: "What do you mean? You care about this little boy more than me?"

"He occupies an irreplaceable position in my life. Even if we can't be together, people like you won't understand the feeling of sympathy!" Qin Yise looked into his eyes and said angrily .

(End of this chapter)

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