Magic Phoenix

Chapter 504 All Rich People

Chapter 504 All Rich People

There was silence downstairs, and everyone looked at the old man.

Su Mei spotted the figures of the Patriarchs of Xiao Su's family in the crowd, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

As a veteran faction of Longteng, it is not surprising to be able to get the invitation letter here.Apart from these two, the royal family should not miss it either.

"Everyone is here for this auction, so let's not gossip, let's start now." The host announced the official start of the auction without much opening remarks.

Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all sat up straight subconsciously.

"The first treasure in this auction is the sub-artifact Tianxuan Divine Sword." The old man said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, he raised his big hand, and a blue sword suddenly appeared on the cylindrical display stand beside him.

The sword body is about two and a half feet long, and the hilt has no pendants, and even the spirit core is not inlaid, it looks very simple.


Hearing the old man's words, the breathing of most people on the first floor became disordered.

"It turned out to be a sub-artifact!"

Everyone showed a look of shock.

Su Mei didn't expect the first treasure to be a sub-sacred weapon, so she couldn't help becoming more curious about this auction house.It seems that the background of this auction house is not simple!
Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the old man picked up the sword on the display stand.


The old man held the hilt and pulled out the long sword.

There was a sound of the sword, and a fierce evil spirit burst out from the sword, sweeping away in an instant.

Such a strong sword!
Feeling this evil spirit, everyone was shocked and excited.


After demonstrating the power of the sword, the old man put the sword back into the scabbard and put it back on the display stand.

"The Tianxuan Excalibur was cast by Master Bogu 3000 years ago using moon soul stones and celestial meteorites. There is no limit to attributes. The starting price is [-] high-grade spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than [-] high-grade spirit stones. Now Start bidding." The host finally announced the bidding price.

Ten thousand top-grade spirit stones!
Su Mei was surprised when she heard the starting price.

You must know that the common currency in the Eastern Continent is purple gold coins. Even places like Jubao Pavilion and Lingtian Auction are quoted according to purple gold coins. I didn’t expect that this dark market auction would directly use spirit stones to quote, and It is still a high-grade spirit stone.

[-] high-grade spirit stones are equivalent to [-] million purple gold coins, and this is still the starting price. Su Mei was not surprised to hear this price.

This sub-artifact is really extremely expensive!At such a price, I don't know how many people can afford it.

As soon as this idea came to my mind, I didn't expect it to be broken by the atmosphere of the scene in the blink of an eye.

"I'll pay [-]!"

"Ten thousand and one hundred!"

"Ten thousand and three hundred!"

"Ten thousand and five hundred!"

Almost as soon as the host's voice fell, everyone couldn't wait to shout the price.

Sub-artifact—that is an existence that can be encountered but not sought after!Not limited to attributes, how can everyone not be excited.

You know, this is a super powerful hole card that can directly increase combat power, even people from aristocratic families can't help being tempted.After all, the sub-sacred weapon can already be regarded as the highest level weapon on the entire continent.

As for the artifact, it is a legend, even if there is one, it can only be locked in the forbidden area by those behemoths, and it will not be used by anyone at all.

"Ten thousand and eight hundred!"

"eleven thousand!"

"Eleven thousand and one hundred!"

Everyone was scrambling to be the first to shout the price, and the atmosphere was so enthusiastic that it was beyond Su Mei's expectation.

She underestimated these people!

Her eyes flickered slightly, and Su Mei sighed secretly.

It turned out that they were all rich people!
It seems that [-] high-grade spirit stones are really nothing.

Sure enough, if you don't see this kind of place, you can't appreciate the difference between the strong.The Dragon Empire is still too small.

(End of this chapter)

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