Magic Phoenix

Chapter 505 Eighth Grade Wall Breaking Pill

Chapter 505 Eighth Grade Wall Breaking Pill

"Little Meier doesn't like this sword?"

Inside the Accord, Feng Liuchen glanced at the girl next to her, seeing that her eyes were calm and there was no trace of strangeness on her face, she couldn't help squinting her eyes slightly.

This is a sub-sacred weapon with unlimited attributes, and the little guy is not at all tempted. In this way, she may already have a sub-sacred weapon on her body.

It's normal if this is the case, after all, she is already a member of the temple.With her talent, it's not uncommon to get a sub-artifact.

Merry Chen guessed some, but not everything.No matter how he guessed, he would not be able to guess that what she got was not a sub-sacred weapon, but a real one.If he knew, he would doubt Gu Junlan's intentions.

"It's too dazzling."

When Feng Liuchen was guessing secretly, he did not expect the girl to give such an answer.

too dazzling——

Turning his eyes slightly, he quickly understood what she meant.

Did she think that the sub-artifact was too eye-catching and would attract the coveting of many people?

"You need to care about this?" Feng Liuchen asked in disbelief as he looked at the girl with raised eyebrows.

With her temperament, would she taboo these things?What's more, she is a member of the temple. Even if her identity is unknown, no one would dare to take the treasure from her once she made a move.

After all, in the eyes of the world, there is no such a small spirit king at the peak of the thunder system, except for the super genius of the temple.

Hearing the man's words, Su Mei glanced at him obliquely.She naturally heard what he meant.

"The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. Not everyone can maintain rationality and not go crazy for profit." She raised her eyebrows slightly, and she replied flatly.

What Su Mei said was half true and half false.This sub-artifact is not bad, but she already has the artifact, so she doesn't need to use it.

Although the artifact is not suitable to appear in the world easily, once she encounters a strong enemy, she must use it.If she loses again, doesn't she still have contracted beasts?

Of course, if you don't encounter a strong enemy, you won't need these.Whether it is a divine weapon or a sub-sacred weapon, they are all eye-catching existences, and they should be used as little as possible.

There are still a few ninth-level spiritual weapons in her space, and she thinks this one is good, it has combat power and is not so memorable.

It's just that there is no need to tell him these thoughts, so she gave this answer truthfully.


The girl's explanation was not unreasonable. Hearing this, Feng Liuchen raised his eyebrows and glanced at her.

"You really don't want it?" His eyes flickered slightly, and he asked leisurely.

Su Mei didn't speak, but only gave him a sideways glance.

Seeing this, the corner of the man's lips curled slightly, and he didn't say anything more.

"Twenty-three thousand five hundred!"

"Twenty-four thousand pieces!"

"Twenty-five thousand pieces!"

The quotation downstairs is still going on, and it has already broken the [-] mark.

"Thirty thousand!"

Finally, the people in the Accord on the second floor made a move, and the price directly went up to the [-] mark.

Hearing this voice, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty-two thousand!"

"Thirty thousand three!"

Afterwards, it was full of voices from the second floor, and the first floor was basically dead.

A quarter of an hour later, the Tianxuan Excalibur was finally auctioned off by the people in No. [-] Accord at a price of [-] top-grade spirit stones.

"Everyone, the second treasure that will be auctioned next is - the Eighth Grade Wall Breaking Pill." The old man quickly announced the identity of the second treasure.

Hearing these words, there was a sudden gasp in the lobby on the first floor.

"Oh my god, there is an eighth-grade wall-breaking pill!"

If the sub-artifact just now shocked everyone, then the current eighth-rank wall-breaking pill made everyone crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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