Magic Phoenix

Chapter 842

Chapter 842 Big raid ([-])

At dawn on the second day, the golden armored tiger took the lead in action.

Since its strength has soared a lot, it has long been eager to try, wanting to see what level its combat power has reached.Based on the dual reasons of challenging and completing the task, it found a ninth-order high-level super divine beast.

Although there is only a small difference between this super mythical beast and it, the combat effectiveness of this small level is more than a little bit worse.You must know that for a super divine beast of this level, if you want to advance to a small level, you need at least hundreds of years or even longer accumulation.

Su Mei didn't follow the Golden Armored Tiger, nor did she stay in its territory.After learning about the distribution area of ​​the beasts in the Central District from the Golden Armored Tiger, she left alone.

Before Jiaolong's strength recovered, she put it in the space.The power in the Yuntian Illusory Tool is more conducive to its cultivation, where it can recover faster.

In addition to the tenth-level fire phoenix in the central area, there are a total of seventeen super divine beasts, seven of which have reached the ninth level.Of the seven, three are beginners, two are intermediate, one is advanced and one is at their peak.

Right now she has only contracted two heads, and there are fifteen more.

According to Su Mei's plan, she wanted to subdue these seventeen super divine beasts together.For her, not only will the contracted super divine beast not consume mental power, but it will increase it. In this way, she doesn't need to worry about not having enough mental power.

Knowing the choice of the golden armored tiger, she set her sights on one of the two intermediates.As for the other end, it was naturally reserved for Yinchen.

It really took a long time for the Golden Armored Tiger to challenge the Flame Flying Leopard, which was one level higher than it, for the first time.The two beasts fought from dawn to dusk, and then they both fell to the ground panting.

"Jin Jia, why did your Yuanli suddenly become so pure?" Lie Yan Fei Leopard asked in shock as he lay on the ground wearily, but still raised his head.

The golden armored tiger didn't get down, and although it was out of breath, it still maintained a standing posture.

"Dong Ye, you should have heard of the power of primordial spirit." It lowered its eyes to look at the giant beast below, and said with a heavy breath.

"The power of primordial spirit—of course!" Hearing these words, Lie Yan Fei Leopard's heart was shocked, and a strange color suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"My origin force has been transformed by the power of primordial spirit. Not only that, but I have also been promoted to a higher level." The golden armored tiger glanced at it, and answered proudly.

What?There is such a thing!
Lie Yan Fei Leopard was taken aback when he heard this.

"Where did the primordial power come from on Xianxuan Island? How come I have never heard of it?!" Lie Yan Fei Bao replied in surprise.

"Don't worry, you will feel it soon." The golden armored tiger glanced at it sideways, and said with deep meaning.

"What do you mean?" Hearing this meaningful sentence, Raging Flame Flying Leopard became more and more suspicious.

Jinjiahu didn't speak again this time.

Why hasn't the master come over yet?Eyes drooping slightly, Jin Jiahu's thoughts had drifted to other places.

Seeing that it neither spoke nor left, the Raging Flame Flying Leopard couldn't figure out what it was thinking.

What exactly is it trying to do? !

Flame Flying Leopard was in a mess and couldn't calm down to heal his wounds.

After half an hour, Su Mei finally appeared in front of the two beasts.

"Master is lost, right?" Jin Jiahu was excited and puzzled when he saw the girl.

It had been transmitted to her half an hour ago, why did it take so long to arrive.


Hearing this sentence, Lie Yan Fei Leopard lying on the ground was stunned immediately.

Only then did it realize that this golden armored tiger had been contracted by humans!

(End of this chapter)

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