Magic Phoenix

Chapter 843

Chapter 843 Big Mopping Up ([-])
Su Mei raised her eyebrows upon hearing this.

"Go to another place for a while." She replied lightly.

She went to more than one place that day.In addition to the ninth-level intermediate super beast, she also ran to contract a ninth-level junior.No way, who told this golden armored tiger to delay for so long.

"This is what you've chosen—"

Raising her eyes to the Flaming Flying Leopard not far away, she carefully sized it up.

"Exactly! I wonder if the master is satisfied?" Jin Jiahu asked excitedly after hearing the words.

Su Mei took a careful look and found that the Flaming Flying Leopard was indeed a ninth-level high-level super divine beast worthy of the name.Although its power has been exhausted, there is still a rather frightening coercion left on its body.

"Not bad." She replied lightly.

Great!It can finally get rid of the status of a mount!
When the golden armored tiger heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

When the flame flying leopard on the ground heard these words, it immediately became vigilant.

"Jin Jia, you have been contracted by humans! What do you want to do?!" Raising a pair of red golden eyes, the Flame Flying Leopard shouted angrily and startled.

"Of course I'm helping you! Don't you want to know who transformed my Yuanli, it's the master!" Ignoring the other party's anger, Jin Jia glanced at it and said happily.

what? !

Hearing these words, the Flame Flying Leopard was taken aback again.It's just that before it had time to think about it, the girl in front of it had already made a move.She waved her bare hand lightly, and a drop of blood shot into its brow.

Another half an hour later, the man and beast successfully completed the contract.

Like the Golden Armored Tiger, the Raging Flame Flying Leopard has also been promoted to one level.

Seeing it advanced, Su Mei's eyes revealed a hint of understanding.


After contracting five super divine beasts in a row, Su Mei unexpectedly discovered a rule—that is, if the contract object is contracted when all of its energy is consumed, the power obtained through the contract will be more.

Among the five contracted beasts, three were successfully promoted, only the Jiaolong who was fooled by her and the ninth-level junior Titan did not advance.However, although they have not been promoted, the energy in their bodies has been fundamentally purified, so their combat effectiveness has directly soared a lot.


Feeling the extremely abundant energy in the body, Lie Yan Fei Leopard was stunned for a moment.

What happened on this day is simply inexplicable to it.

Inexplicably challenged by a lower-level beast than himself, inexplicably defeated by the opponent, then inexplicably contracted by humans, and then inexplicably promoted.

To be honest, it was really confused by this series of inexplicable things.

"Well, I didn't lie to you. The master cultivates the power of the primordial, and the contract with the master can not only be promoted, but also the physical strength can be purified to the extreme." Seeing the flaming flying leopard showing a dazed look, the golden armored tiger was proud opened the mouth.

Hearing these words, Lie Yan Flying Leopard finally recovered from his stupefaction.

With a movement of divine sense, it appeared in front of Su Mei in human form.

"Dongye has seen the master!" Lowering its head, it respectfully expressed its heart of submission to the girl.

Like the golden armored tiger, it was overwhelmed by the strength of this human being.

It has never felt such a vast spiritual force in its life.What's more, it's really unbelievable that this human being can cultivate primordial power.

There is no doubt that their master will become a superpower, as for what height they can reach, even they cannot predict.

Su Mei nodded towards it.

"Go and say hello to your companions."

With a movement of her mind, she sent both beasts into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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