Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 111 Did you drop this golden vinegar jar, or this silver vinegar jar?

Chapter 111 Did you drop this golden vinegar jar, or this silver vinegar jar?
Baishu and the strange baron met at the door, and he turned sideways, avoiding the opponent's attack on his face.Seeing that he didn't stop him, the strange baron was a little surprised, but he still took the opportunity to slip away quickly.

Conan had already been pushed out of the railing. He grabbed the railing tightly with one hand, hung on it, and shouted, "I'm fine, here's the swimming pool, go and chase him!"

"...", Bai Shu followed, not to catch the Baron.He was mainly afraid that when Conan was pushed down, if he was unlucky, he would hit the people in the pool and cause some casualties.

——After all, there is a height difference of nearly ten meters. Even if you don't hit anyone, if your diving posture is wrong, it is not impossible to slap yourself to death on the water.

So he resolutely ignored Conan's words, ran to the railing, and shouted righteously, "Your safety is the most important thing!"

The child was not heavy, Bai Shu bent down and stretched out his hand, and gently lifted him back. After Conan got down on the ground, before he could even catch his breath, he rushed out of the terrace.

It's a pity that there is no strange baron in the corridor for a long time.

"It's really fast to escape." Conan hammered the wall to no avail.

Seizing the opportunity of the strange baron, he just slipped away.But Bai Shu was also worried about his safety. After thinking about it, Conan couldn't say anything to criticize, and finally he could only sigh faintly.

Bai Shu caressed his dog's head, and threw the blame ahead of time, "Who made you run around alone? Look, something almost happened! I told you that the baron doesn't like bad kids..."

"Don't coax me like a child." Conan's head was full of black lines, "There must be something hidden in this event, if it's just a game of exempting the accommodation fee, then he won't push me off the balcony Go down—even as a joke, this is too much."

"That's why the other 'prize' is very attractive." Bai Shu pointed to the coin-operated phone next to the elevator, "Isn't this an event for the doctor to sign up for? Just ask him and you'll know."

Conan thought it made sense and ran over to make a call.

When he put down the phone, he had written all over his face, "Is this old man reliable?" "The doctor doesn't know too well. I just know that this is a very confidential program. It may be a virus. I think..."


The elevator arrived suddenly, and it must have stopped on this floor. Conan was startled, and immediately took two steps back. He was suddenly attacked just now, and he still hasn't completely relaxed yet.

But it turned out that his worry was a bit unnecessary-Xiao Lan walked out of the elevator.

Just now Conan said that she wanted to see the scenery, so she went to the gift shop downstairs by herself. At this moment, Xiao Lan was looking at the two people at the elevator entrance in surprise, "Why did you get here? Are you going downstairs?"

Bai Shu shook his head, just said "no", Conan suddenly jumped up and said loudly, "It's because I haven't seen Sister Xiaolan for a long time, I'm a little worried, so I want to find you!"

"...", Bai Shu glanced at him, and he could take advantage of the situation, you are such a clever little ghost.

Xiaolan also smiled, bent down and touched Conan's head, "It's been a long time, it's because Conan is too clingy, I just went down for a few minutes. Oh, by the way, the open-air restaurant has started to serve meals, I'll go change it." Put on your clothes, you go down and eat first."

"Okay!", Conan was not clingy again in an instant, and he dragged Bai Shu straight to the elevator.

After closing the door and the elevator went down, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't tell Elder Sister Xiaolan what happened just now, or she might choose to go home because she was worried about me...! Wait, maybe that's why the person pushed me down. The purpose of the building!"

Bai Shu nodded, "I didn't intend to say it at first, what are you doing with such a big reaction."

"I didn't pass my breath at that time, who knows what you are going to say... Well, to be honest, if only you stopped that weird baron just now, I wonder what the organizer wants to do.", Did not fall into the pool, Conan seemed quite sorry.

Bai Shu declined to comment on this, and the elevator quickly went down to the first floor.

After leaving the hotel gate, turn to the side and you will find a large open-air restaurant.

When Bai Shu led Conan over, he suddenly glanced to the left as if feeling something.

——A statue of a knight stands quietly next to the hotel. He is riding on a horse with a long sword pointing directly at the sky. It is very beautiful to look at, but suddenly such a statue of a medieval knight pops up in the magnificent modern hotel, which still feels like a painting. The wind is not right...

...Forget it, the plot needs it.Bai Shu glanced away before looking away, and continued wandering around to find an empty table.

Kogoro Moori didn't know where to go to "investigate", and Bai Shu was thinking about where to sit, when suddenly a man with a haircut waved his hand at them, "Are you Xiaolan's friend? Sit over here!"

Bai Shu was stunned for a moment, nodded and was about to pass, when Conan next to him suddenly became sour, and whispered, "Xiaolan?! How can he be so intimate!"

"Go and have a look and you'll know." Regardless of Conan's objection, Bai Shu grabbed him and walked towards the table.

This is a small round table. There are already two people sitting at the table, a man and a woman. The man introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Maeda Satoshi, and I am also a member of the 'Izu Mystery Tour'."

He pointed to the woman beside him again, "This is my fiancee, Akiko Sayama."

Sitting next to Satoshi Maeda was a short-haired girl. She was very beautiful, but her expression was very cold. She was wearing a low-cut dress. Hearing Satoshi Maeda's words, she nodded slightly towards Shirazu.

Conan didn't care about this. Taking advantage of his small size, he asked bluntly, "Uncle, why do you know sister Xiaolan?"

"I met you in the hall before, but you left before I had time to speak." Satoshi Maeda scratched his head, "I know Xiaolan... because we both have a little research on karate, haha."

"It's more than a little research. Mr. Maeda is too humble. He was the Japanese karate champion six years ago!" Xiaolan didn't know when she came down. She had already changed into more casual clothes, and her face was full of met idols Fortunately, he blushed, "I started practicing karate just because I watched his match!"

Akiko Sayama snorted, turned her head away, this is obviously a jealous jar.

And Conan's expression instantly synchronized with hers.

Before Xiaolan sat next to Maeda Satoshi, Conan rushed over and took the seat first.

He was still not satisfied with this, so he dragged Bai Shu over and forcibly blocked Xiaolan and Maeda Satoshi, and then he had time to sigh, "Wow, so uncle is so powerful! I thought sister Xiaolan was already very good." It's amazing!"

He purposely added the accent on "uncle" and "sister": the generations are different, there can be no result, did you hear Xiaolan!

(End of this chapter)

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