Chapter 112
Xiaolan did not receive the signal.

However, her feelings for Maeda Satoshi were pure fans' feelings for their idols. If they were not next to each other, they would not be next to each other. She didn't notice Conan's small thoughts at all, and sat down quietly in the empty seat next to Baishu.

Seeing that this side is safe for the time being, Conan was slightly relieved, and began to observe his surroundings.

The child has a small appetite, and Conan quickly finished his children's set meal, and then he left his seat to inquire about the news in the restaurant.

This is probably also one of Conan's passive skills. Whenever he wants to get information, there are always people waiting obediently around for him to ask. More than half of the people who participated in the mysterious tour of Izu now eat at the open-air restaurant.


Unlike Conan's happy inquiry, Shiroki's meal was not very stable.

The bear boy ran away, but someone was still causing trouble—ever since Conan ran away, he always felt that someone was peeping at him.

Seizing an opportunity, he raised his eyes abruptly, and saw Akiko Sayama sipping a salad, frowning slightly, and met his gaze.

After staring at each other for two seconds, she silently looked away.

"Akiko, what's the matter?" Maeda Satoshi was so attached to his beautiful fiancée that he also noticed the abnormality of Akiko Sayama at this moment.

He poured a glass of water for Akiko Sayama with concern, and at the same time looked at Bai Shu suspiciously... he is not much handsomer than himself, why does Akiko always look at him?
Under the watchful eyes of the two men, Akiko Sayama took the water and drank it, leaving a sentence "his hair looks uncomfortable", wiped her mouth, got up and walked straight away.

"...", the corners of Bai Shu's eyes twitched, Gaba almost bent the spoon, he made excuses, he made excuses, he actually made a point about my hair, it's too much!

"Akiko!", as soon as she left, Maeda Satoshi couldn't care less about eating.

Coaxing his girlfriend is the most important thing, he stood up and apologized to Bai Shu in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, she was too straightforward and meant no malice." Then, under Bai Shu's complicated eyes, he quickly ran after Akiko Sayama.

"...", the corners of Bai Shu's eyes twitched even more, and he was outspoken?How many meanings!Are you trying to say she's telling the truth?
"Haha, cough, cough, cough..." Xiaolan unconsciously made a stab, she choked with laughter, and coughed for a long time before suppressing her laughter, "Brother Zhishu, don't be sad, isn't it just your hair? , it will grow back soon!"

"Hehe." Bai Shu showed a polite smile, and bit the chicken leg to the bone.

Conan didn't come back until the meal was over.

Xiaolan stood up and searched for a long time before finally catching him at an empty table. She helplessly said the lines that she had to say many times every time she went out: "Don't run around!"

Conan nodded obediently.

On the way back to the room, Conan followed behind, whispering to Shiraki, "This 'Mysterious Journey to Izu' has a big problem."

"What did you find again?" Bai Shu saw that there was an extra tie in Conan's hand, which seemed to belong to the drunk man with shawl hair.

——When he found Conan, he was asking the waiter about Jiang Yuan, that is, the drunk man with the shawl. The waitress thought they knew each other, so she gave the tie to Conan and asked him to pass it on.

Conan is not very interested in this errand. Although he is holding Jiang Yuan's tie, his attention is always on others: "The grandfather wearing sunglasses said that 'The Strange Baron of the Night' used to be a well-known virus, and someone used it to invade The computers of major companies destroyed all the data, and the death of his son four years ago seems to be related to this virus."

"There is also that Konno Shiro who keeps asking questions and counting the time. He is asking someone to investigate Jiang Yuan, and the result is that Jiang Yuan is the kind of hacker who specializes in stealing data from other people's computers."

Conan's innocent child face is indeed a sharp weapon for inquiring news, he pondered for a while, then added hesitantly, "By the way, I don't know if it's important or not—he really likes his own Computer, I suspect he has a fetish!"

Xiaolan walked quickly, and had already entered the elevator, pressing the door open button to wait for them. Conan temporarily shut up and began to think about the known information silently.

The elevator went up to the 19th floor. Several people got out of the elevator and were about to go back to the room when they heard a quarrel, "Open the door, Mingzi, let me in!"

As soon as Bai Shu turned his head, he saw Maeda Satoshi who was next door was locked out of the door miserably, the door of the room was opened a small crack, Akiko Sayama poked out a small face from inside, accusing him faintly, "pervert."

"...", Satoshi Maeda's head grew bigger, "You drink too much! Why am I a pervert?!"

They were downstairs just now, there was nothing going on between the two, why did they suddenly start arguing again.

At any rate, they are temporary neighbors. Xiaolan tried to mediate the relationship between them. She asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Ah?", a bystander suddenly appeared, and Maeda Satoshi was startled. He turned around and smiled awkwardly, "She thought I was always staring at the waitresses just now, trying to find fault with me..."

"How dare you say you didn't watch it?" Akiko Sayama said in a cold tone. Judging by her expression, she wasn't joking, she was really angry.

"You...!" In front of so many people, Maeda Satoshi was also aggrieved by being blamed for being a pervert for no reason.

Akiko Sayama has always been jealous, but today, I don't know if it's because of something on her mind, the jealousy has intensified, and Satoshi Maeda couldn't help feeling a little angry.

He glanced at Akiko Sayama, then suddenly turned his head and said to Xiaolan, "Forget it, leave her alone, I want to go to the observation deck on the top floor first, can we go together?"

"?!!", Conan never expected that the plot would unfold like this, he jumped between the two, "Of course not!! How could you... um..."

Bai Shu covered his mouth and encouraged with a smile, "That's right, the weather is fine today, it's a good time to look around, let's go."

To be honest, few people can refuse such a thing as watching the stars with idols, but Xiaolan looked at Akiko Sayama who was in the air-conditioning in the door, and a drop of sweat slipped from the corner of her forehead, "It's not very good, call Miss Sayama together go."

She handed out a step, Maeda Satoshi also wanted to go down, he looked at Akiko Sayama expectantly, but the other party just snorted coldly, and closed the door with a click, listening to the sound, it was locked.

"...", Satoshi Maeda became angry, pulled Xiaolan up to the elevator, and shouted deliberately, "Don't pay attention to her, let's go!"

"Ah..." Xiaolan staggered to keep up.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!", Conan stretched out Erkang's hand towards her back, wishing he could hug Xiaolan's thigh and leave her behind, but one of them turned his elbow out for some reason.

Conan is about to die: What is this bastard Bai Shu doing!Maeda Satoshi is a married man! !
(End of this chapter)

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