Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 142 Because Mori Kogoro is here, he must have killed him

Chapter 142 Because Mori Kogoro is here, he must have killed him
Half an hour later, at the door of Chicun's house.

As soon as Bai Shu got out of the car, the notebook in his pocket responded.

I took it out and opened it, and there was a black name written on it squarely—someone nearby was about to rush to the street.

He put the notebook away again, and when he turned around, several other people had already got out of the car one after another, and followed Chi Cun Gongjiang into the door.

After meeting the housekeeper of Chi Cun's family, the daughter-in-law who is not favored by Chi Cun Gongjiang, her son who protects his wife, and her father-in-law who visits by chance, the group finally arrived at the door of Chi Cun Xun's study.

Chimura Gongjiang knocked on the door twice, "Honey, I'm back."

She stood and waited for a while, but no one came to open the door. Through the thick door, she could faintly hear the music coming from inside.

"He was still there before I went out. Did he go out for something?" Chimura Gongjiang murmured, took out a key from his bag, and opened the door.

The study room is spacious, with bookshelves on all sides, and a luxurious and spacious desk facing the door.

Behind the desk, a bald man is sitting on a large boss chair with his eyes closed. He leans forward, rests his head on one hand, and is dozing off.

Chimura Gongjiang glanced at him, showing such an expression, "It must be because I stayed up late last night."

She let a few people into the house, walked over and shook Chi Cunxun, "Husband, wake up, I have invited the detective."

Ikemura Hoon didn't move.

"...Husband?" Chimura Gongjiang's voice became hesitant, and he pushed him with some force.


The chair tipped to one side, Chimura Xun's fat body fell out, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"...", the room was quiet for a moment, everyone looked at Chi Cunxun who suddenly fell to the ground in astonishment, not understanding what happened.

It took a few seconds for Mrs. Chimura to react. She yelled and rushed over, "Husband, what's wrong with you?!"

Chimura Gongjiang wanted to help him up, but the man's body was too heavy and slightly stiff, so she failed.Hattori Heiji and Conan watched for a while, and felt something wrong at the same time, and ran to the side of Ikemura Koe.

But before they could do anything, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and touched Chi Cunxun's neck.

Bai Shu sighed, retracted his hand seemingly in pain, and put on a sad expression, "He has died, call the police."

In his hand, he was holding a soul that no one else could see.

Chi Cunxun, who was three-headed, hadn't been able to accept the reality of his own death. He looked at himself up and down for a while, and asked tremblingly, "What's wrong with me?!"

After a long while, he probably found that no one paid attention to him, so he had to accept the reality. After a few seconds of self-isolation, he changed the question aggrievedly, "I...why did I die?"

Bai Shuxu clicked behind the corpse's ears, the soul moved over, hugged his corpse's head for a look, and found a very inconspicuous little red dot there.

"This is..." Three voices sounded at the same time, one was still confused, and two were thoughtful.

When the soul fell into autism again, Conan and Hattori Heiji were silent for a moment, simultaneously looked away from the little red dot, and turned their heads to look for something on the nearby ground.

After a while, they finally found a needle under the desk.

Conan took out his handkerchief and was about to pick it up, but his hands were suddenly slapped away. Before he could recover, the collar was heavy, and he was picked up by the collar.

Hattori Heiji glanced at him dissatisfied, "What are you messing about?"

"...Let go!", Conan had just had some thoughts, but he was interrupted suddenly, and then, before his weak protest took effect, Hattori Heiji had already thrown him into Xiaolan's arms:
"How did you take care of him, how could you let such a young child go to see the corpse?!"

"..." Xiaolan hugged Conan and was stunned for two seconds. Yes, I didn't notice this before.

She was inexplicably ashamed, touched Conan's head, and didn't tell Hattori Heiji that Conan had seen dozens of corpses, if not a hundred. She just apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future."


Ten minutes later, the Mumu Police Department arrived at the scene, and the other members of Ikemura's family were also attracted by Ikemura Gongjiang's exclamation.

"The deceased is Ikemura Hoon, 54 years old, a diplomat. The person who found the body was his wife, Mrs. Ikemura, and..."

He looked at Kogoro Mori who was approaching with a smile, showing an indescribable expression, "And the detective who happened to be at the scene, Kogoro Mori—since you're here, it's another homicide this time, right?"

Mori Kogoro felt that the causal relationship was a bit weird, but he quickly put it behind him, waved his hands, and expressed his opinion, "There is no obvious trauma, I am afraid it was a natural death, at this age, plus this Body shape, it's really easy..."

"That's not right, Uncle Mouri, please take a closer look." Today's Conan is also working hard to maintain the reputation of Mori Kogoro, he tried to remind, "That must be..."

"It must have been poisoned."

Hattori Heiji announced the answer before Conan.

He put his hand on the brim of his hat, reasoning confidently, "According to the red spots behind his ears and the needles that fell next to him, this uncle should have been poisoned."

Mori Kogoro stared at him with dead fish eyes, trying to save his "reasoning" by prodding:
"Red spot? It's too hasty to judge like this. Maybe it's a mosquito! Some people only have a small red spot after being bitten by a mosquito... This kind of physique is really enviable."

"First, it's late autumn, and second...can't you see it at all?" Hattori Heiji looked at him suspiciously:
"The lips, fingers and toes of the corpse have turned purple, and there are hemorrhage spots on the conjunctiva, which are the characteristics of suffocation death, but he has no signs of being strangled or drowned, so it is likely that the poison paralyzed the nerves, leading to suffocation Death, this must be a poison that can kill instantly."

Sounds organized and professional...

Overwhelmed by his aura, Mori Kogoro moved his mouth, but in the end he was unable to speak. He had to watch this detective who appeared out of nowhere with the Megure police department, guessing his background.

Hattori Heiji was also looking at Mori Kogoro, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was something wrong.

"Sleeping Kogoro" has been in the limelight recently, but now it seems that his observation skills are far from worthy of this reputation... Plus he is Kudo's prospective father-in-law... Could it be that Kudo was helping him reason behind his back?

But until now, Kudo Shinichi has not shown up...

Hattori Heiji subconsciously looked out the window again, of course, there was no such thing as Kudo Shinichi who suddenly appeared there.

When he lost his gaze, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a person who didn't have a strong sense of presence by the wall. He stared at this person who was said to be the assistant of Mori Kogoro for a while, and suddenly, a small light bulb flickered in his mind.

By the way, besides Kudo, isn't there a ready-made helper here!
If I remember correctly, he was the first to discover the pinhole just now... At that time, the cause of death was clearly not determined, and even life and death were not determined yet, but he quickly noticed the very inconspicuous position behind the ear...

Hattori Heiji did it when he thought of it, and opened his mouth to throw the topic away, "Am I right?"

"Huh?" Bai Shu looked away from the fat soul, "It sounds reasonable, so it should be right."

"...wait a minute, I feel like you're playing tricks on me, did you really listen?"

Bai Shu really didn't listen, his brain automatically filtered this known information.

Fortunately, the policeman from the forensics department had carefully eavesdropped on their conversation just now, and he came over with the preliminary identification results, agreed with Hattori Heiji's statement, and did not let the scene cool down.

His two old departments seemed to be overwhelmed, and the Mugure police department was admiring but not very straightforward. Looking at Hattori Heiji, he finally asked the doubts he had just now, "Where did this kid come from?" here?"

"He said his name was Hattori Heiji."

The surname Hattori is not very common. As soon as Shiraki finished speaking, Megure's police department had a flash of inspiration, " are the son of Hattori Heizo, the head of the Osaka Police Department?!"

(End of this chapter)

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