Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 143 The Kansai Detective Who Determined the Wrong Case

Chapter 143 The Kansai Detective Who Determined the Wrong Case
Hattori Heiji was neither proud of his status as a "second generation official", nor did he avoid it. He just waved his hand calmly:
"Don't mention my dad, let's focus on the case - when we came in, the door of the room was locked, and the possibility of outsiders sneaking in through the window cannot be ruled out. I suggest first checking for signs of anyone sneaking in from the outside."

"Hey, good." Mumu Police Department nodded dully, and turned to command his subordinates.

Xiaolan stared blankly at Hattori Heiji, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

Bai Shu looked over with a strange expression, Xiaolan was startled awake by his action, hurriedly looked away, and explained in a low voice, "He...he looks like someone I know."

Um?Conan heard this sentence with sharp ears, and also noticed Xiaolan's blushing in confusion.

He thought he would feel relieved, or a little jealous, but his sluggish body made his small thoughts emerge, and then dissipated in a daze.

Conan covered his nose and sneezed loudly towards the ground.

Xiaolan quickly took out the tissue and knelt down to help him wipe it.

On the other side, the preliminary inspection of the room has also ended:
The windows were all locked from the inside, and there were no abnormal signs such as prying. Compared with the windows, the murderer was more likely to sneak in through the door.

The Mumu Police Department frowned and looked at the Chimura family gathered at the door, "That is to say, one of you came in with a spare key to commit the murder! There should be many pairs of keys for this study, right?"

Mrs. Ikemura shook her head, took out her expensive wallet with dark luster, opened it, and took out a key from it:
"There are only two pairs, one for me and the other for my husband..."

"..." Mumu Police Department failed to reason again, he cleared his throat, and turned his attention to Chi Cunxun, the deceased, pretending nothing happened.

Bai Shu happened to be standing next to Chi Cun Xun. He looked down and pointed to Chi Cun Xun's trousers pocket, "It's a bit bulging here, as if it contained something."

"Let me see." Mumu Police Department put on gloves and ran over in person.

Chi Cunxun is obese, and his trouser pockets are not easy to get out. The Mumu Police Department squeezed his hands in with difficulty, grabbed the fabric on the inner wall of the pocket, and turned the entire pocket out.

This pair of trousers is exquisite in workmanship. On the side of the pocket, there is also a delicate small inner pocket, and a delicate ceramic keychain is exposed from the inner pocket.

Pull it out and compare it with the key in Mrs. Chimura's hand. It is exactly the same, and it is the key to the door of this room.

The expressions of Hattori Heiji and several police officers changed at the same time.

The room was sealed, and there were only two sets of keys, one was in the pocket of the deceased, and the other was in the hands of Mrs. Chimura, who had sufficient alibi. This meant that this was a murder case in a closed room!

After reaching this conclusion, Hattori Heiji immediately became excited, and at the same time secretly looked at Mori Kogoro.

The latter was unaware of this, and was scratching his head looking at the key in Mu Mu's police department's hand. The young man next to him who was said to be an assistant also had no fluctuations in his face, as if he didn't even realize that "this is a murder in a secret room".

Without a comparable opponent, Hattori Heiji's motivation slightly decreased.

However, as a diligent detective, the case still needs to be solved, Hattori Heiji can only hope that these two people will secretly contact Kudo Shinichi, and then follow the latter's advice, so that he can have an indirect confrontation with Kudo Shinichi .

... Sigh, why is it so difficult to compete with the famous detective in Kanto.

Bai Shu felt the piercing looking gaze at that moment.

He turned his head to look at Hattori Heiji, who was ready to go, and then looked at Conan who was standing next to him, dizzy from a bad cold, feeling that young people are really energetic.

Just as he was about to slip low-key to the chair next to him to spread out for a while, he suddenly felt the pocket against his chest move suddenly, and the notebook responded again.

This time, it was not the warmth when the dead person was discovered, but more like a subtle reminder, fleeting like static electricity, with a slight tingling pain, which aroused people's vigilance.

...The last time it had this reaction was on the Shinkansen, when the train was almost blown up by the bomb left by the man in black, causing countless passers-by who shouldn't have died on the spot.

Bai Shu's expression didn't change, but his footsteps towards the stool changed slightly, and he went straight out the door without being noticed by anyone.

He took out the notebook and opened the first page - the previous name had been automatically deleted after recovering the soul, and now there were only two names on the page:

One is the red "Chimura Hoon", which represents the wandering souls that have not yet been sent to reincarnation after death.

The other is gray, the name of a person that shouldn't exist on the roster - Kudo Shinichi.

Bai Shu: "...?"

He was stunned for two seconds, closed his eyes and flipped through the memory book in his mind, checking the "spoilers" he had read before coming here.

In this case, there was no attack, assassination, or sudden earthquake against Conan.

The only anomalies that exist are the cold and the liquor brought by Hattori Heiji, which makes Conan briefly change back to Kudo Shinichi.

The process of becoming bigger is so dangerous?
However, Conan survived so many times in the original world line, so this time it should be... no problem.

Bai Shu sighed tiredly.

For him, accidental death caused by external factors is easy to avoid.

But there is nothing he can do about this kind of internal problems.

Clerical personnel do not have the function of doctors. At this time, they can only believe in the magical "protagonist halo" of the small plane.

He closed the notebook, and was about to go back to the house to let Conan lie down for a while, but the moment he touched the doorknob, the door was pushed open from the inside with a bang, and the door frame almost hit Shiroki's nose.

He raised his head and took two steps back, avoiding the door, and also avoiding Hattori Heiji who swooped out from inside.

The latter was also startled by him, and then left an apology, and ran to the first floor like a breeze, looking for "evidence".

Bai Shu looked at his back silently. The memory he read just now made him clearly understand that this young man had been taken into the ditch.

After pushing the door and entering, before closing the door, Conan fell to the ground again.

Xiaolan ran over anxiously to check, while the Mumu Police Department hurriedly sent people to call for a doctor. Chi Cunxun's son contributed his own room and asked Conan to go to his bed to rest for a while.

When Conan was picked up by Xiaolan, Hattori Heiji also ran back like the wind.

He stood at the door to catch his breath, straightened his collar, and walked into the room pretending to be calm, showing a confident smile:
"I have fully understood the tricks of this secret room and who the murderer is!"

Conan's eyes were dim, his heart was beating like a beating drum, his eardrums were roaring, and he was panting like a dehydrated fish, but he still heard Hattori Heiji's words.

After seeing the ball of fishing line clutched in Hattori Heiji's hand, he felt a tug in his heart and wanted to shout "No!", but his physical condition could not stop his high-speed brain, but successfully blocked his mouth.

In the end, Conan was still unable to make a sound, and could only be carried away by Xiaolan. He tried to reach out and hold the door frame, trying to finish his reasoning before leaving, but of course he failed.

At this time, he passed another person.

Bai Shu turned his head sideways, looking at him with a complicated face.

For a moment, Conan felt that Bai Shu seemed to see something very important through him... such as a treasure in the world?bank vault? ——Anyway, it was a very strange sight.

Before Conan could figure out what was going on, he heard the other party whisper, "You want to say that the murderer is Mrs. Ikemura, right?"

"What? It's actually...!", Xiaolan stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, and looked at Mrs. Chimura standing at the other end of the room with downcast eyes.

Conan's eyes lit up, and he wanted to nod desperately, but his weak body stopped him. In the end, he could only move his jaw slightly, barely expressing the meaning of "agreement".

Bai Shu waved his hand at him, "Don't run around for a while, take a good rest and wait for the doctor. You won't be needed here, so don't rush over here."

Then he looked at Xiaolan again, and persuaded him earnestly, "Be sure to spend more time with him, after all, when a child is sick, he needs the care of his elder sister the most..."

With Xiaolan by his side, Conan's will to survive will definitely skyrocket, and it's up to you whether the treasury can survive!

As for whether Xiaolan will find out that Conan is Kudo Shinichi...

Bai Shu thought about it roughly, and felt that if the fact that Conan was Kudo Shinichi was exposed, it would not seem to bring about much change except for the relationship between the two.

Of course, he will not take the initiative to promote the two to recognize each other, but at this time, compared with the protagonist's life, it doesn't matter whether he is exposed or not.

Xiaolan didn't know that the matter was so serious, she just nodded seriously and promised, "I will."

(End of this chapter)

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