Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 194 I Suspect This World Wants To Fuck Me

Chapter 194 I Suspect This World Wants To Fuck Me
"...Okay." Conan regretted not being able to rehearse in person.

What's even more regrettable is that the two listeners already knew the truth one step ahead of him. No matter how interesting his reasoning is, it will inevitably make people feel unremarkable.

Thinking of this, Conan's interest faded a bit, and he continued dully:
"In short, after locking the door and leaving a message on the landline, the answering machine operates, and the tape will automatically rewind. With this force, the key worn on the tape is pulled into the room and slides all the way to the bottom of the notebook propped up by the chess pieces, and finally The tape toppled the pieces, and the key was left under the upside-down notebook."

"Wonderful, it's exactly the same." Hui Yuanai clapped his hands twice perfunctorily, then raised his hand to cover his mouth again.

Conan put away the tape he had pulled out just now, then leaned back on the seat with his hands behind his head, and said unwillingly, "Give me another 2 minutes, and I can figure it all out."

Speaking of which, if this is also a deduction contest, he seems to have lost again.

The most depressing thing is not losing, but not knowing where to lose.

Could it be that the previous speculation was actually wrong: what he lacks is not observation, but outrageous imagination?

This is a bit difficult to practice... Conan fell into deep thought for the nth time.


A week later, the police inspected the evidence and returned the disks irrelevant to the case to Toshiko Hirota.

Mrs. Hirota was grateful for their help in solving the case, and readily sent the disk to Bai Shu.

Haibara's face was calm, but her actions showed a completely different mood. She sat in front of the computer, looked at the white tree who was unpacking the express delivery, tapped the table with her fingertips unconsciously, and finally couldn't help but speak, "faster.",
Conan, who was sitting down on the chair next to him, couldn't bear to see Shiraki fighting with the courier empty-handed, so he handed over a pair of scissors with conscience, and at the same time said quite unexpectedly, "I didn't expect it to pass the police test."

With the help of scissors, Bai Shu finally fixed the tightly wrapped bag, and handed the disk to Hui Yuanai.

Huiyuan Ai skillfully read the disk and retrieved the documents. The hands on the keyboard almost became afterimages. At the same time, he did not forget to popularize Conan, "If you don't enter the password specified by the organization, it will look like an ordinary document file. .”

"That's it." Conan became more and more curious about the content of the information.

Bai Shu looked at the two expectant children, kicked off the network cable secretly, went to the living room and unpacked the biscuits.

As soon as he put a piece in his mouth, he heard Conan's surprised voice from inside the room, "What's going on?"

Hui Yuanai looked at the mysterious smoke that filled the screen from bottom to top, and it took a few seconds to react, and she lost her voice, "It's the Night Baron, a virus commonly used by organizations!"


"Yeah." Hui Yuanai pursed his lips and nodded, regretting in his heart, "If you read the data outside the organization, the data will be automatically destroyed... I was too careless."

As a drug researcher, for Hui Yuanai, the process of reading and writing a magnetic disk is as common as ordinary people walking and stepping their legs.

In addition, she has never read and written related materials outside the organization, this confidentiality setting, unfortunately, she has completely forgotten it.

Huiyuan Ai pounded a few keys to no avail, but in the end he could only watch helplessly as the black mist flooded the screen. A few seconds later, the power flickered and the computer shut down automatically.

"..." After a moment of silence, Huiyuan Ai pressed the start button again and read the disk again without hope, but no miracle happened, and even the whole computer was stuck after receiving the command, and suddenly shut down again .

It seems that it is useless to try again.

She sighed a long time, and leaned back on the wide chair as if she was exhausted, resting her chin with one hand weakly, "It seems that we will get along for a while longer."


The days that followed were surprisingly peaceful.

Conan was already mentally prepared to face the organization in black again, but that group of people seemed to have evaporated, and he couldn't even see a shadow of them again.

Not only that, even ordinary cases disappeared.In the past, every three or four days, a strange case would come to the door, but now, it has been a week since Professor Hirota died, and nothing happened.

But for Bai Shu, there are other things worth noting.

——The date in this small world suddenly became normal.There are no more days that merge into one day, or just after August, and suddenly jump back to the chaos of May.

Bai Shu was lying on the recliner by the window, looking at the yellow leaves that hadn’t changed color for a few days outside, and had to admit that after getting used to the trees that were sometimes bald and snow-covered, the current scenery looked weird. boring.

And it's normal, no matter how you look at it, it's suspicious...

Is it because the orbit of the small world is about to overlap with the present world?
Bai Shu thought for two seconds, felt troublesome, and gave up thinking decisively.

In fact, if there were any major incidents, the boss would definitely not let him lie down and paddle.

So before she came to the door, you should rest as much as you want.


There was no murder case for a few days, and Conan was so idle that he was about to grow moldy.

Xiaolan was the complete opposite. This girl who was dedicated to matching her parents had a new idea recently. After two or three days of intense tossing, she finally succeeded in persuading the Maori couple to agree to have a family dinner tonight.

In addition to the Maori family, the members of the dinner party also include Conan, who went to where Xiaolan went.

Today, except for Bai Shu, everyone else went out early in the morning.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi went to a signing event held by a food writer, while Conan went to the helicopter show with his friends and the doctor.

Mori Kogoro has no one to ask. This morning he finished shaving his beard and began to apply pomade. After applying the pomade, he went to pick out the clothes. I'm dead!", I threw down the pile of things, casually put on casual clothes, and ran to play mahjong with my friends to escape reality.

Bai Shu was able to occupy the entire room by himself. He lay flat on the recliner, basking in the sun listening to the birdsong, and occasionally took a sip of instant black tea from the supermarket, which was a few hundred yen in a large bag, while flipping through the tea that he hadn’t used for several days. notebook, and mentally calculate how much business you have saved.

When he was about to fall asleep, the doorbell suddenly rang twice.

Bai Shu regained his composure and glanced outside the door, stood up with the back of the reclining chair, patted his sleepy face, and went to open the door.

Outside the door was a man he had never seen before. He was tall and tall, with a short haircut, deep shadows under his eyes, and wearing very old-fashioned clothes that seemed to be very old.

This "never seen" includes both reality and the thick stack of prophetic comics.

(End of this chapter)

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