Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 195 Listening to God of Death

Chapter 195 Listen to Death
The man was stunned at Bai Shu for a moment, then looked past him into the room.After seeing the big characters "Maori Detective Agency" on the window, he confirmed that he had found the right place, and asked slightly awkwardly, "Is Mr. Maori here?"

"He's gone out, and he won't be back until evening." Bai Shu glanced at Kogoro Mori's mobile phone lying on the cabinet. As expected of a criminal policeman, he avoided problems very thoroughly.

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned sideways to open the door, "If you have a commission, you can register first, and I will help you investigate."

However, the man waved his hand, "I don't have a commission... If it's convenient, can you convey a word for me?"

"Of course, you said." Bai Shu took out a pen from the top of the shoe cabinet, flipped open his notebook, and assumed a posture to take notes.

"What happened ten years ago, I'm sorry, if there is anything I can make up for, please feel free to speak up. Also, thanks to Mr. Mori, I can realize my mistakes and start a new life.", the man's simple and honest laughing:

"He was a really good cop and I hope to see him back on duty one day."

The visitor seemed a bit introverted. After saying these few words that he had drafted countless times in his mind, he didn't know what to say, so he could only bow deeply without saying a word, and turned to leave.

Bai Shu leaned against the door frame and looked at his back, and suddenly said, "Mr. Murakami."

"What?" The man leaned on the railing and turned his head in response.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that something was wrong, and rubbed the back of his head blankly, "I don't seem to have mentioned my last name..."

"Today there is a cultural festival in the city, there is a newly opened amusement park in the east, and there is a comic exhibition in Mihua Park. They are very lively."

Bai Shu put the pen aside, closed the notebook and held it in the crook of his arm, his tone was like an advertising tool for selling attractions, "It's rare to come out, why not enjoy life."

"Haha, you're right. I've been here for ten years, and I can't keep up with the trend of young people." Murakami waved his hand to bid him farewell, "I'll go and see, thank you."

When he walked away, Bai Shu returned to the house and closed the door behind his back.

He looked down at the notebook in his hand. On the paper that had been blank for many days, lay a black name quietly:

Mr. Murakami.

Washing one's hands and rehabilitating one's past is really a high-risk move in a small world.Hope he doesn't live his last few hours so that he regrets it

Although this soul is not in the predicted plot, but the performance delivered to the door, don't want it for nothing.Bai Shu let the bird out and followed Murakami for easy positioning.

In the evening, Mori Kogoro returned home listlessly, continuing to worry about his pile of clothes.

In the end, Xiaolan helped him choose a suit of clothes and ordered him to change within 5 minutes, and then the family hurried out to the dinner.

After the person left, Bai Shu took out a CD that he had just found out, and was going to watch some TV dramas for a while.

After watching two or three episodes, a bird bounced and squeezed in through the window. It swallowed the fried skewers that came from nowhere in its mouth, and shouted, "People are dead!"

"I know, I know, please keep your voice down."

Bai Shu looked at the progress bar, there was half an hour left to finish watching this episode, he clicked to fast-forward, and finished it quickly, and it happened to be the off-duty time of Maori Detective Agency.

Bai Shu changed into casual clothes, locked the door and prepared to leave.

Only halfway down the stairs, I saw Xiaolan angrily dragging Mori Kogoro back. Conan followed them speechlessly, thinking about how a person like Mori Kogoro got out of the singles.

Bai Shu casually greeted, "You're back so early?"

This topic precisely hit Xiaolan's anger point.

Her face changed, and when she grabbed Moori Kogoro's hand hard, all four of them heard a crunching sound.

Mori Kogoro's face also changed, "It hurts, it hurts... Take it easy, take it easy!"

Xiaolan snorted:
"Isn't it his old habit again! To actually talk nonsense with the owner of a nightclub in front of my mother, saying 'Thank you for taking care of me', isn't that a disguised admission that he always goes to that kind of place!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and snorted. Every time he met Fei Yingli, the uncle's mental age would plummet. He said angrily, "A healthy! Adult! Single male! Why can't you go to a nightclub!"

"Shut up, you married man!"

The father and daughter entered the house arguing, Conan stopped at the door, looked at Bai Shu with his pockets in his pocket, "It's so late, where are you going?"

"Late? The adults' nightlife has just begun!" Said, Bai Shu didn't give the child another chance to ask questions, and quickly slipped away.

His tone sounded too natural and confident, until the back of the white tree disappeared, and Conan couldn't figure out what was wrong:

"...You who go to bed at ten o'clock, how can you have a nightlife!"


The location marked on the door panel is quite far from here, but it is quite close to the restaurant where the Maori family gathers. I don’t know if Conan has contributed to it.

Bai Shu got off the tram, avoiding the monitoring all the way, and came to a single-family villa with a small courtyard, slipped over the wall to the window, and looked in from the window.

The scene in the house was messy, broken wine glasses and spilled red wine were scattered on the floor, the coffee table was knocked over, and beside the sofa, a person lay lifeless on the ground, and a hideous strangle mark could be seen on his neck.

The murderer left temporarily, probably preparing props to be used to clean up the scene.

Bai Shu put on his gloves, pushed open the unlocked window, and beckoned to Soul who was squatting in front of the corpse in a daze, "Come here, it's time to go."

Hun turned his head dully and glanced at him, his expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

Of course he remembered the person he had just met a few hours ago, and for a moment, he remembered the other person's reminder: cultural festival, amusement park, enjoy life...

Why didn't you listen to him carefully, instead, you ran out to drink with passers-by with ulterior motives!
Whether you play well or not is secondary, the key is that your life is at stake, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Gao Zhuang soul's heart was complicated and unspeakable, and tears fell out in an instant, crying like a three-hundred-pound ball. What's worse, he didn't dare to ignore the other party's greeting, so he could only snot and tear towards the window go.

Bai Shu understood his misery when he saw him, and when he struggled to climb up the window sill, he picked him up from a place where there was no tears and nose, and closed the window again, "I didn't have a good time today."

"...", Murakami felt an arrow in his heart.

But thinking about it carefully, he didn't really do nothing today.

"I listened to what you said, and I stopped by the manga exhibition, where I met someone who was very important to me." Murakami took a sneaky sycophant, while showing a look of reminiscence:

"She is the only daughter of my boss. Her mother passed away due to dystocia, and because of me, her parents died completely ten years ago... I didn't know that the situation in that scumbag boss's house was like this. In a moment of anger, he did this kind of murderous scandal."

Bai Shu glanced at him with a talent-seeking expression, "It's been so many years, do you still remember what his daughter looks like?"

"Of course, that was the only time I killed someone. I remember the anger of the victim's family clearly." Murakami sighed and covered his eyes with his chubby hands in remorse:

"When I saw her this afternoon, she was signing and selling comics at the comic exhibition. After recognizing me, she gave me a copy, saying that she hoped that I could be like the protagonist of that comic, no matter how difficult things are. , all came out of the shadows and started a new life.”

Murakami's eyes were wet again as he spoke, "How can there be such a good person in the world, she must be a fairy! It's a pity that the manga is in my coat pocket, and I haven't had time to read it yet."

Bai Shu paused at the foot, looked at the soul who was crazily hinting, and followed his longing gaze to look at the convenience store next to him.

Near the window, there is a row of cartoons.

"you want?"

Murakami lowered his head, pointing fingers shyly, "Y-I don't really want to..."

"Let's go then."

"I'm sorry I lied, but I really, really want to watch it, so please let me watch it again! I only had time to watch the first episode and there are still 6 episodes left! I will never forget your great kindness. I really beg you, I can give you all my savings!"

The man can bend and stretch, and Murakami fell to his knees, posing in the standard Dogezuzat posture.

These words made Bai Shu's heart flutter for a second.

But in the second second, he came to his senses with strong self-control, "...if I took your deposit, I will only be investigated as a suspect who killed you.

(End of this chapter)

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