Chapter 225

The hut was only that big, and the moment Conan moved his eyes away from the screen of the phone, Kiichiro Numabuchi had already rushed to him with great strides, stabbing at him with great inertia.

Otaki Goro and several other policemen chased after them in horror, but when the incident happened suddenly, they all knew in their hearts that they would not be able to catch up. eyeballed.

At this moment, the light at the door dimmed, and a burly bird swooped in with a high profile, suddenly intervening between the two of them.

It opened its long and curved beak, let out a mighty long cry, took advantage of Kiichiro Numabuchi's stupefied time, turned around and swung Conan down head-on.

It flapped its wings and hung in the air for a while, and Kiichiro Numabuchi's kitchen knife passed between Conan and it, piercing the air.

It was this moment of delay that made Numabuchi Kiichiro's attack plan completely in vain.

Otaki Goro yelled angrily, picked him up and threw him to the ground hard, and the others rushed up and removed the dangerous kitchen knife.

In the confusion, Conan got up from the ground in a daze, and rubbed his blushing face.

It took him two or three seconds to sort out what happened just now. He looked up at the bird that was flying up to the beam and combing its feathers leisurely. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly. He didn't know whether to thank it or beat it.

This thing is nearly thirty centimeters long and has a strange color scheme. It can only be seen from the sharp claws and hooked beak that it is a bird of prey.

The knowledge of identifying wild birds learned in Hawaii didn't come in handy, and Conan couldn't recognize what it was at all.

He was about to call the Animal Protection Society, but before he finished dialing the number, the bird looked down at him, flapped its wings, and flew away from the window.



In the hall of Councilor Goji's house, a group of policemen formed a circle, watching Hattori Heiji's sudden distraction, wondering why he was so motivated just now, and why he was suddenly discouraged again.

"Ah? Oh..." Hattori Heiji came back to his senses, and tugged on the brim of his hat with a dry smile.At the same time, his eyes quickly wandered around the living room, but he didn't see the person he was looking for.

Seeing that the Tanaka police department gradually became suspicious, Hattori Heiji looked away and returned to his usual carefree look.

He pushed aside the people who stood in front of him, "I'm going to the bathroom."


He went straight out of the hall and into the corridor, but instead of actually going to the toilet, he turned a corner and headed straight for the back door.

The back door was closed tightly, but upon closer inspection, one could find an imperceptible trace of water on the insole.

Hattori Heiji stared down for a few seconds, sighed, and pushed the door out.

Through the fine rain curtain, a warehouse can be seen standing in the corner about ten meters away.

He ran quickly against the rain and opened the heavy warehouse door.

A trace of damp and musty smell came over his face, Hattori Heiji raised his hand and waved it in front of his face, and walked in with a frown.

There were high-wattage lights on the roof of the warehouse, but they didn't work.The windows here are very small, and it is a little scary in the dark.

Hattori Heiji didn't go any further, he checked his pockets, looked at the half figure looming behind the support pillar, and suddenly said:
"No matter how long you wait, Goji Soustaro won't come, Mr. Sakata."

As soon as the words fell, the people hiding in the shadows seemed to be drenched head-on with a bucket of water.

——Obviously the brightness in the warehouse has not changed, and his position has not changed, but the black shadow on his body has silently melted away, revealing his original appearance.

Simple glasses, flat-headed suit, and the same simple and honest smile on his face as before.Sakata Yusuke came out from behind the pillar, touched the back of his head for some unknown reason:

"I wasn't waiting for the Township Councilor. I just saw this warehouse through the window when I went to the bathroom. I was curious and wanted to come in and have a look."

"...You are the murderer of these cases."

Hattori Heiji ignored this lame excuse, and said to himself:

"The first was the body that fell from the building. To control its fall and get my attention, you need to call a passerby at the right time and ask him to go to the roof to open the door...and you happened to not be with us at that time.

"Of course, this may also be a coincidence. After all, Fujiwara also left at that time. But later, in the case of Okaki Sumie, everything you did was too coincidental."

Hattori Heiji recalled what happened at that time:
"First of all, in order to kill Okaki Sumie at a specific time, you used two messages and a corpse falling from a building, scaring her so much that she could only hide at home and limit her actions.

"After that, when you went to the house of Councilor Hyang Si, you deliberately mentioned her and called her. After hearing her panicked voice, we jumped out of the car in a hurry.

"Then you also parked your car on the side of the road, ran to a nearby fork, and used another car that was parked there earlier to go to Xidu apartment. During this time, you used your identity as a policeman to trick her into letting her go to a nearby public toilet... ...And just like that, you killed her before we got there.

"In the end, you can use us to create an 'alibi' as long as you show up in your car at the right time, and the two cars you rented are identical in appearance and interior decoration, and it is difficult for us to see the problem under the hustle and bustle. "

"Deliberately let me continue to go deep into the case, and occasionally give tips, in order to use me to get close to the township councillor. After sneaking into his house, you can make an anonymous call and tell him that if he doesn't want to expose the scandal 20 years ago, just one People go to the warehouse or something."

Sakata looked at him with a complicated expression, feeling turbulent in his heart.

He obviously did all these things in an extremely secretive manner, but now, he has exposed them one by one as if he was witnessed by Hattori Heiji.

Originally wearing a police uniform and stealthily killing people had caused his conscience torment. Now, his psychological defenses have collapsed.

Sakata Yusuke stood blankly for a while, and finally choked out a sentence, "... When did you find out?"

"Start by noticing the slightly different angles of the rearview mirrors of the two cars. Also, if you look closely, you look a lot like the coach in the photo."

Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji pulled the brim of his hat and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what happened 20 years ago, but you'd better turn yourself in, it's still too late."

"Sorry, Heiji." Sakata smiled regretfully, and then pulled out a gun with lightning speed.

Hattori Heiji tensed up instantly, but unexpectedly, the muzzle of the gun did not point at him, but was raised upwards, aiming at Sakata's own temple.

Sakata sighed, with tears in his eyes, and slammed down the flag, "It's too late!"

"No, calm down!"

Seeing him click open the insurance, Hattori Heiji broke out in a cold sweat, and rushed towards him.

However, it is a pity that the speed of a person cannot catch up with the speed of the finger that pulls the trigger.

...but a combination of a stick and some sort of mystical creature is totally fine.

—— Hattori Heiji watched helplessly as a person stood behind Sakata, raising his stick and dropping it neatly.

After a muffled bang, Sakata raised his gun, stared blankly, and threw himself forward.

Before he fell completely, the person who hit the sap quickly grabbed his arm, pulled the pistol out of his hand, and put the safety on again.Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and let go of his hand, Ren Bantian fell down with a slap on his face.

Bai Shu held the mop pole he picked up along the way with one hand, and hooked the gun with a lot of sweat in the other hand, pondered for a moment, and asked uncertainly:

"Hey, this shouldn't count as assaulting the police."

 Thank you to the hall master who awakened from the dream of "Recalling the Past"~
(End of this chapter)

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