Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 226 I forgot to write the title of the last chapter

Chapter 226 I forgot to write the title of the last chapter


There was a dead silence in the warehouse.

Two seconds later, Hattori Heiji rushed to Sakata Yusuke in shock, checking the motionless suspect, "You won't beat him to death!"

"Don't worry, I know a lot." Bai Shu threw the mop handle casually.

In the normal world, hitting the dangerous zone like the back of the head and the back of the neck is indeed easy to miss and kill someone.

However, firstly, the style of painting in this small world is different, and secondly, he didn't use much force, and what made people faint was not physical means, but fantasy means, so there is no need to worry about Sakata's life.

Hattori Heiji pulled Sakata Yusuke to check for a long time, and found that his breathing was stable and there was no bruise on the back of his neck, so he was relieved.

After taking out Sakata's handcuffs and handcuffing him, cutting off the possibility of the other party committing suicide, Hattori Heiji finally had time to think about other things.

"Hey, when did you know he was the murderer?" He squatted on the ground, staring up at the white tree, feeling a little inexplicably depressed. He thought he was the only one who saw it through, but this guy actually ambush him one step earlier storehouse……

"Hmm... how can I say this." Bai Shu turned the gun and tried to speak.

——I read the script?


——Four souls are surrounding me and crying about the murderer?
Not to mention.

... Fortunately, there is obviously a simpler and clearer reason here:

"When I saw the group photo of the driving school, I probably guessed it."

Shiraki clicked Hattori Heiji's pocket from the air, where there was a copy of the photo:

"Officer Sakata's hairstyle is exactly the same as that of the driving school accident coach, even the few strands of hair on the right side are the same. Anyone who sees it will think that they have some kind of relationship."

"..." seems to be right.

...So why is something as simple as "identify the murderer by the hairstyle" become so complicated now?

Hattori Heiji looked at Sakata, who was still lying dead on the ground, and then at Goji Sotaro, who appeared at the door just now, and was startled by the scene inside, and fell into deep thought.


A day later, when they parted at the Shinkansen ticket gate, the group also heard the follow-up from Hattori Heiji.

——The unlucky driving instructor 20 years ago was the father of Yusuke Sakata.Sakata was still very young at that time. He didn't believe that his strict father would suddenly drink and drive. In order to find out the truth, he determined to become a criminal policeman at a young age.

However, after so long, the detective became a policeman, but the truth has never been found out.

Just when Sakata had no choice but to suspend the investigation because he had no clue, he encountered Kiichiro Numabuchi by mistake during a search and arrest operation.

At that time, Kiichiro Numabuchi was tired and hungry, and he lost his mind. Under the influence of some kind of mysterious power, when he saw Yusuke Sakata, who looked like a driving school instructor, he thought it was the coach's ghost who came to the door, and said As soon as he was bald, he poured out everything that happened 20 years ago.

At that time, several students were dissatisfied with the harsh teaching of the coach and played a prank on the occasion of graduation.

They stuffed the coach into the driver's seat after getting drunk, drained the brake fluid, and they didn't know how to persuade the drunk coach to step on the accelerator. In short, the car flew uncontrollably, and a tragedy happened just like that.

On that day, Sakata finally figured out the truth about his father's death, but the truth came too late, and the statute of limitations had passed long ago.

In anger, Sakata decided to kill those students by himself, and then blamed Numabuchi Koichiro.

Now four students died tragically, Kiichiro Numabuchi was arrested and brought to justice, and Councilor Goji was ruined because of the exposure of the past. The enmity 20 years ago finally came to an end with a bloody be.


After returning from the trip, Xiaolan couldn't help being sad again when she learned the truth.

Then customarily—

"Hey, look, what is this!"

At noon the next day, Mori Kogoro went home early, and happily took out four tickets from his pocket.

Xiaolan didn't pay much attention to this, she tilted her head and glanced at it casually, she really didn't have any expectations for Kogoro Mori's entertainment.

On the contrary, Conan looked up from the mystery novel with interest.

He observed the mysterious appearance of Mori Kogoro, sorted out a bunch of information in his mind, and finally output the conclusion, "Miss Yoko's concert?"

"That's right! It's still a limited-edition ticket that can go directly to the backstage!"

Kogoro Moori cleared his throat triumphantly, like a local tyrant sharing land, he treasured and proudly stuffed a ticket into the hands of the other three.

"The concert is tonight. It's a good time to change my mood... Speaking of which, I just went out for a trip, and there were so many murders! I knew it would be bad to stay with that black boy!"

"...", Conan sighed, and mourned for Hattori Heiji for a second of silence.He knew in his heart that all this had nothing to do with Hattori, the main thing was...

"Look at what I'm doing." Bai Shu felt a ray of sight and raised his head from behind the magazine.

"It's okay." Conan thought to himself to believe in science, and lowered his head to turn a page of the mystery novel.


Three hours before the opening of the concert, Mori Kogoro took a few people out early.

He first drove to a well-known flower shop nearby, and spent half an hour carefully selecting a bouquet of flowers. Then, just in time for dinner, he took a few people to find a fast food restaurant and sat down by the window.

There are not many people in the store, and Kogoro Mori is also very free of himself.

After happily eating snacks, drinking drinks, brushing his teeth with the toothbrush that he brought with him, and adding some men's perfume by the way, he straightened his neckline and prepared to look in the mirror again.

Xiaolan's forehead twitched, and she grabbed her star-struck father without seeing, "It's time to line up, there must be a lot of people."

"It's okay, we are privileged people tonight, so we don't need to line up!" Kogoro Mori happily reached into the pocket of his suit, ready to show off the ticket signed by Yoko Okino again, but after touching it, his face suddenly turned blue up.


Mori Kogoro grabbed the front of the suit jacket with one hand, and kept reaching into the pocket with the other hand.

After looking carefully, he found that his pocket was torn, and his hand was stretched out from the bottom of the pocket. Of course, the ticket that was originally placed there had long since disappeared.

"Why did it break..." Mori Kogoro, with a haggard face struck by lightning, closed himself for a few seconds, and suddenly jumped up unwilling to give up, "I'll go to the bathroom to look for it!"

"Then I'll follow the place Mr. Maori has been to just now." Bai Shu also stood up worriedly.

He said so, but in fact he knew very well in his heart that the ticket could not be retrieved.

Because on the way here, when he saw Mori Kogoro's ticket slipping to the ground, Bai Shu stepped forward decisively and kicked it into the grid manhole cover on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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