Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 105 Suspicion

Chapter 105 Suspicion
Ma Teng turned his head to look at his eldest son, Ma Chao, with a smile in his eyes, and his mood improved.

Ma Chao is only sixteen years old, but he has already been born extremely heroic and extraordinary. He is not only rich in strategy, but also has excellent martial arts skills.

Ma Teng patted Ma Chao's head and said, "My son, don't worry, spring plowing is coming soon, so it's not suitable to use foreign troops."


Ma Chao said extremely unwillingly: "Then our army can only watch helplessly as Luo Zhengping takes over Jincheng?"

Ma Teng sighed: "There is no other way. Our army has fought against Han Sui for several years, and the soldiers are exhausted, and the money and food consumption is heavy. Before the autumn rations come, there is no extra food and grass to support the army."

Pang De also sighed, and said: "My lord is right. Right now, the army is short of food, and the soldiers can only eat half full. Sometimes soldiers have disputes over the army food. It is really inappropriate to use troops abroad."


Ma Chao waved his right arm heavily, extremely unwilling.

Luoyang North Palace, Jiade Hall.

Dong Zhuo was discussing important matters with his confidants, civil and military, when suddenly a soldier rushed in.

"My lord, urgent report from Xiliang!"

The soldier yelled, rushed over and delivered an urgent report.

"Xiliang urgent report?"

Dong Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly took the battle report and took it apart, scanning the ten lines at a glance.

Li Ru, Niu Wei, Duan Yao, Xu Rong, Guo Si, Li Jue, Fan Chou and other confidantes Wenwu were also heart-beating. They didn't know what happened in Xiliang, and they all had a bad premonition in their hearts. Looking at Dong Zhuo burningly.

Dong Zhuo let out a long sigh of relief after reading the battle report.

Li Ru hurriedly asked: "My lord, is there any change in Xiliang?"

Dong Zhuo's complexion was different, and he nodded lightly and said: "Exactly, Luo Zheng sent an urgent report with [-] miles to expedite the dispatch, saying that he sent troops to attack Yunwu half a month ago, and Han Sui and his [-] troops were all captured. , Jincheng County can be pacified within ten days."


All the civil and military officials were shocked when they heard the words, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Li Runing said: "Han Sui has [-] troops under his command, and they are elites who are good at fighting. Even if Luo Zheng conquered Xiliang and recruited [-] Qiang and Hu soldiers, it would not be enough to defeat Yunwu. Dare to ask the lord, allow me How was it broken?"

Dong Zhuo frowned and said, "The battle report said it was a surprise attack that defeated Yunwu, but the details were not detailed."


Li Ru stroked the willow beard with his hand, and remained silent, but his heart was secretly awe-inspiring.

I thought that bringing Luo Zheng'er to Liangzhou would definitely not be accommodated by the two warlords Ma Teng and Han Sui.

If he finds another opportunity to provoke him, even if Luo Zheng'er can gain a firm foothold in Liangzhou, it will be difficult for him to do anything.

Unexpectedly, it was just the beginning of spring, and this guy sent troops to wipe out Han Sui in a flash.

Li Ru couldn't help but began to doubt whether his original strategy was correct. Now that Han Sui was destroyed, Luo Zhengxiaoer not only captured Han Sui's [-] troops, but also occupied Jincheng. If he was allowed to destroy Ma Teng again, it would be a lot of fun.

This guy is so good at fighting, it is really beyond everyone's expectations.

If Luo Zheng'er is allowed to unify Liangzhou, Dong Zhuo may not be able to give orders at that time.

Li Ru absolutely did not want to see such a situation happen, and immediately began to think about countermeasures.

Niu Fu, Duan Yan, Xu Rong, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, Guo Si, Li Jue and other generals were also shocked. Regardless of whether they had a grudge with Luo Zheng or not, the ability of this guy to lead troops to fight really made these generals With admiration.

Thinking about it differently, if you changed yourself, it is absolutely impossible to destroy Han Sui in one fell swoop when you first arrive in Liangzhou.

Not to mention killing Han Sui, whether he can gain a firm foothold in Liangzhou is a problem.

Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment, and said: "Luo Zheng defeated Han Sui and made meritorious service to the court. How do you think you should reward him?"

All the generals, looking at me, were a little uncertain about Dong Zhuo's thoughts, so they didn't say a word.

Li Ru looked at Dong Zhuo, cupped his hands and said, "Not rewarding those who have meritorious service is not enough to motivate the three armies. Ru thought that General Luo Zheng made such great achievements, and the Lord needs to be rewarded heavily to motivate the soldiers of the three armies to kill the enemy."

When the generals saw Li Ru speak up, they had no choice but to second their proposals.

Only a few generals in command, such as Niu Fu and Li Jue, remained silent.

Dong Zhuo said happily, "What Wen You said is very much to my liking."

After discussing the details of the specific rewards, the military discussion ended.

When the generals retreated, Li Ru was left behind.

Dong Zhuo had a strange expression on his face, and he said meaningfully: "Luo Zheng, who is good at fighting, is really the talent of a general!"

Li Ru immediately grasped Dong Zhuo's thoughts keenly. He knew that the sudden change in the situation in Xiliang made Dong Zhuo faintly suspicious of Luo Zheng. All the Qiang and Hu tribes recruited all the soldiers of the Qiang and Hu tribes, and with a weak force, they wiped out Han Sui who had been entrenched in Xiliang for several years with a thunderous force.

No one can guarantee that this guy can kill Ma Teng again in one go.

Such a dangerous person, it is impossible for anyone to rest assured.

Li Ru's heart moved, and he said: "General Luo Zheng is good at fighting, he is indeed a great general. Now that Han Sui is about to be destroyed, the situation in Liangzhou is nothing to worry about, but Bingzhou is not strong, and he refuses to accept Wanghua. Why don't you use Luo Zheng The general went out of the town and merged with the prefecture to teach and subdue Wang Hua."

Dong Zhuo looked pleased, and said: "Wen You's plan is very good, but there is still Ma Teng in Liangzhou, who can suppress Qiang Hu?"

Li Rudao: "General Duan Yan has both wisdom and courage, and he can suppress Qianghu."

Dong Zhuo thought about it for a while, then said decisively: "Good, just follow Wen You's words."

In the early morning of the next day, all officials stood up, and the emperor came to court.

Dong Zhuo played the Son of Heaven in the court, talking about Liangzhou's affairs, and pleading for Luo Zheng's credit.

The emperor, Longyan Dayue, praised the Qiang Zhonglang General Luo Zheng for his courage and strategy, and made great contributions to the court.

Dong Zhuo invited the emperor again, and ordered Luo Zheng to be named General Pingdi and increase the number of households in the city.

The Son of Heaven refused to refuse anything, and before Dong Zhuo finished speaking, he kept nodding his head to approve his performance.

All the officials looked sideways, with strange expressions on their faces.

Dong Zhuo once again asked Luo Zheng to be the governor of Bingzhou and leave the town of Bingzhou; Duan Yan was the general of the Qiang Zhonglang to leave the town of Xiqiang.

The emperor was ready to play together, and immediately drew up the imperial decree, stamped it with a golden seal, and sent it to Xiliang quickly.

Situ House.

After the early court ended, Wang Yun had just returned to the mansion when he invited Huang Wan over.

The two sat relative to each other, and after the servant brought the tea ceremony, Wang Yun waved everyone away.

Huang Wan took a sip of tea before asking, "I don't know if my master is calling, so what's the important thing to discuss?"

Wang Yun murmured, "I don't know what Ziyan thinks about the early court affairs?"

Huang Wan said: "Zi Shi is saying that Dong Zhuozou asked Luo Zheng to go out of town and prefecture?"

Wang Yun nodded, "That's exactly what happened."

Huang Wan thought for a while, and said: "Luo Zheng first arrived in Liangzhou, less than half a year ago, he successively subdued the Qiang and Hu tribes, and defeated Han Sui in one fell swoop, in fact, he is no different from a tiger or wolf. If he is left outside, it is like a tiger returning to the forest. People can make it."

Wang Yun's eyes were fixed, and he said deeply: "What Ziyan said is very true, and I didn't expect that Luo Zheng would lead the army and fight like a fellow. If he is willing to serve the court and wipe out treachery, How difficult is it to revitalize the Emperor Gang?"

Huang Wan said: "Zi Shi means..."

Wang Yundao: "In my opinion, this person is not a generation willing to be inferior to others. He has subdued the Qiang Hu and defeated Han Sui. He has just established a firm foothold in Liangzhou. He will not be willing to be manipulated by Dong Zhuo again, so he will hand over his military power easily. If he can With this person as foreign aid, our chances of eradicating the old thief Dong Zhuo will be much greater, I intend to condemn my confidants to Liangzhou, what does Ziyan think?"

Huang Wan said awe-inspiringly: "Although this plan is clever, I'm afraid it will leak."

Wang Yun nodded and said, "That's why I asked Ziyan to go to the manor to discuss."

(End of this chapter)

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