Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 106 Gao Shun

Chapter 106 Gao Shun
In February of the second year of Chuping.

Luo Zheng's surprise attack defeated Yunwu, Han Sui was captured alive, and all [-] troops under his command surrendered.

The news spread, shaking in all directions.

Han Sui has occupied Xiliang for several years, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Now that it was wiped out in the First World War, how could the surrounding forces, large and small, not be surprised.

Ma Teng immediately strengthened his defenses. Several major city passes strictly checked the people entering the city, and even hung the pictures of Luo Zheng and his generals at the gate of the city to prevent them from being attacked by Luo Zheng's army.

It is really that Han Sui's defeat is too strange to be guarded against.

Six thousand troops sneaked into Yunwu silently, and came to a center to bloom.

Don't say that Han Sui can't guard against it, it's impossible for anyone else to be able to guard against it.

Ma Teng didn't want to follow in Han Sui's footsteps, and was suddenly rushed into the mansion by thousands of troops in his sleep.

Yunwu, the big account of the Chinese army.

Luo Zheng frowned, pacing up and down in the tent with his hands behind his back.

Xun Yu stood aside, also with a sad face on his face, and said: "General, at present our army has absorbed Han Sui's army of more than [-], and the total strength has exceeded [-]. The daily need for food and grass is huge. We need to find a way as soon as possible, otherwise the army may be lost. The danger of mutiny!"

Luo Zheng paused, and asked in a deep voice: "How long can our army survive?"

Xun Yu said: "Originally our army's food, grass, cattle and sheep were enough for [-] troops to last until after the autumn, but after the recruitment of Han Sui's army, our army has reached [-] troops. After defeating Yunwu, we also gained some food and grass, but it was far from enough for the more than [-] troops to eat until after autumn, and at most they could only eat for two months."

Luo Zheng rubbed his eyebrows, very headache.

The so-called clever woman can hardly cook without rice, and without food, what can she do to support the army.

In fact, food and grass are also the most important factors affecting the strength of princes, not one of them.

Since Luo Zheng arrived in Liangzhou, the biggest trouble has always been the problem of food and grass.

In order to raise military rations so that the soldiers under his command can fill their stomachs, it can be said that they have exhausted their minds and tried their best.

Originally, when there were only 2 troops under his command, the grain, cattle and sheep seized by force could still eat autumn grain.But now Han Sui's more than [-] troops have been incorporated, and the number of troops under his command has reached [-]. That little food, grass, cattle and sheep are far from enough.

Although after the Baicaotan alliance, they obtained a batch of grain, cattle and sheep from the various tribes of the Qiang and Hu, but it was still a drop in the bucket, not enough for the [-] troops to eat the autumn grain.

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "How much food and grass did you get after defeating Yunwu?"

Xun Yu said: "The general does not know that there are only less than 500 million surnames in Jincheng. Most of Han Sui's army rations are supplied by the surrounding Qianghu tribes. Yunwu's treasury only has ten days' food for [-] troops."

Luo Zheng stroked his forehead later, and said: "Then what should I do, the people can't eat enough, where can I go to collect food?"

Xun Yu sighed, with his ability, he also felt powerless against the corrupt situation in Liangzhou.

If there are hundreds of thousands of people in Jincheng, then everything is easy to talk about.

However, Liangzhou had a small population, and Jincheng County had less than 50 people, but it was simply impossible to raise an army of more than [-].Not to mention that Liangzhou has been in constant war and chaos, and the people have been overwhelmed.Even in the prosperous age of Baitai, less than [-] people could not support an army of more than [-], even if it was doubled tenfold, [-] would not be enough.

Xun Yu is very good at internal affairs, if he can wait until the autumn grain lands, there is still a way to think about it.

But the remaining food, grass, cattle and sheep can't eat the autumn queen at all, so there are not many ways to think about it.

Xun Yu pondered for a while, and said: "As far as I know, Han Sui promised to lure the Shaodang and Gongtang Er Qiang to send troops to attack Lingju with great profits. Got something!"

Luo Zheng cheered up, and said: "If what Wen Ruo said is true, this general also has this intention."

Xun Yu said: "There is another problem. Most of the general's army is Qiang people, and the Han people account for less than one-third. Such a situation where the ministers are strong and the ruler is weak is really a huge hidden danger. The general needs to try to change this situation as soon as possible. situation."

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "I don't know, but there are too few Han people in Liangzhou. Even if this general wants to recruit troops, there are not many young and strong Han people to recruit. Today, most of the [-] troops are The Qiang and Hu people, and Han Sui's descended army accounted for more than half of them, so they don't have much loyalty. Once foreign enemies invade at this time, it's fine if they don't mutiny before the battle."

Xun Yu also turned serious, and said: "More than that, the [-] Qiang and Hu people accounted for the majority, the general must be cautious in dealing with the Qiang and Hu people, otherwise it will easily cause the Qiang soldiers to mutiny. "

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Wen Ruo is right, if it weren't for this, the general would have led the army to crush those Qianghu tribes who refused to obey the general's order, and there would be no danger of food and grass. However, although the Qianghu people can't They robbed again, but the Burning Department and the Gong Tang Department openly resisted the imperial government's decree, which gave the general an excuse to send troops."

Xun Yu said: "General, you can donate more people and goods from the Shaodang and Gongtang tribes to the meritorious Qiang and Hu soldiers under your command, so as not to cause dissatisfaction among the Qiang soldiers under your command. Yaodang and Gongtang are the majority, and they may be raised Some grain."

Luo Zheng said decisively: "Just do it!"

Xun Yu said again: "The foundation of Jincheng is weak, and it is not enough to support tens of thousands of troops. For the long-term plan, Yu thought that the generals could set up camps and fields for the troops under his command, and one would reclaim wasteland, cultivate it during farming, and raise food for the army, so as to reduce the burden on the people; The two practice battle formations during the slack season to guard and rule the land, leaving only a few thousand fine cavalry as a mobile force."

Luo Zheng said decisively: "According to Wen Ruo's words, [-] old troops are used as a mobile force, and [-] Northern Army elite guard Yunwu, and the rest of the army are all arranged to raise troops in the fields, build a large camp for farming, and let Wu Xi go to raise troops in the fields."

Xun Yu asked, "Who will lead the elite of the five thousand Northern Army?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Who can take on the important task of the Northern Army general?"

Xun Yu thought for a while, and said, "I heard that Gao Shun, the former army commander, was both wise and brave. When Han Sui attacked Ling's residence at night, General Wu Xi called all the generals for a banquet. Gao Shun led hundreds of elite soldiers to block Han Sui's attack. Eight thousand cavalry."

"Gao Shun?"

Luo Zheng was stunned. Isn't this guy a general of Lu Bu? How did he become a general of the Northern Army?
Xun Yu nodded and said, "I think this person can take on important responsibilities."

Luo Zheng's thoughts turned, and he immediately said: "Quickly call Gao Shun to come."

Xun Yu agreed, and immediately ordered someone to call Gao Shun.

After half an hour, Gao Shun hurried over.

"See General!"

Gao Shun stepped into the tent, bowing his hands to Luo Zheng solemnly.

"Free gift!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and looked carefully.

I saw that Gao Shunsheng had a hulking back, although he was not as mighty as Xu Chu, but he was also full of courage, and his face was upright, unsmiling, quite majestic, and his every move was the demeanor of an iron-blooded soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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