Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 161 Jia Xu ran away?

Chapter 161 Jia Xu ran away?

Jia Xu calmly said: "I don't know what the general is planning to do when he comes to Wuguan?"

Luo Zheng grinned, "You don't have to ask about this, Jia Xu, this general just asks you, are you willing to work for me?"

Jia Xu said: "This, I have little talent and learning, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing to use it!"

"It's up to you!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Quickly order the servants to prepare the chariots and horses!"

Jia Xu is also a bachelor, knowing that his life is in the hands of others, he doesn't resist, and immediately goes out to call the housekeeper.

Xu Chu didn't leave every step, following behind Jia Xu, staring at him like a tiger.

Jia Xu could tell that this villain was definitely a first-class fierce man, not a general in the family.Just because I didn't have time to react at all, and I was taken down by this person, it shows that this person is strong in skill and quick in reaction.

If you dare not cooperate, you may be in danger of your life right now.

The carriage was quickly ready, Luo Zheng and Xu Chu 'accompanied Jia Xu to board the carriage, and threw the unconscious Jia An into the carriage, Jia Xu ordered, although the housekeeper was full of doubts, he didn't dare to ask more questions, his head was full of fog Shui drove the carriage straight to the east gate.

When we arrived at the east gate, the city gate guards were closing the gate.

Jia Xu came forward to negotiate in person, and the city gate guards were a little embarrassed.

The curfew is about to come. If you go out of the city at this time, you will definitely not be able to enter before the city opens at dawn.

Jia Xu said: "I follow the general's military order, I have to leave the city for urgent business, get out of the way!"

The city gate guards did not dare to stop them, so they had to step aside.

Under the escort of Luo Zheng and Xu Chu, Jia Xu boarded the carriage, and the steward immediately drove out of the city.

The carriage rushed eastward along the official road, and when it ran for a mile, it was completely dark.


Luo Zheng yelled, the housekeeper was taken aback, and quickly took the carriage.

But I wondered in my heart, why did this guy turn his back on the customer and give orders instead.

What is even more strange is why the master is silent.

Although there are thousands of questions in my heart, I dare not ask more questions.

The housekeeper also realized that something big might happen.

Luo Zheng glanced at Jia Xu, and grinned grinningly.

Jia Xu's heart skipped a beat, isn't this guy trying to kill him?

Luo Zheng didn't give him a chance to speak, and directly slashed his neck with a hand knife, knocking Jia Xu unconscious.

Xu Chu also lifted the curtain of the car, jumped out of the carriage with the butler in hand, and was knocked unconscious with a hand knife.

Luo Zheng opened the vegetable, threw Jia Xu, Jia An brothers and the housekeeper all in, took two war horses, and Xu Chu each rode one, without stopping for a moment, taking advantage of the night, along the official road to the east in the dark run wildly.

After running for tens of miles, he stopped and got into the vegetable garden.

Wuguan, Li Li's official residence.


A small school rushed into the inner hall and said to Li Li: "I just received a report from the guards in the city. Mr. Jia Xu claimed that he had an urgent military matter under the order of the general. The guards did not dare to stop him. Jia Xu even went out of the city. gone."

"Jia Xu?"

Li Li asked in confusion, "It's getting dark, why is Jia Xu going out of the city?"

The little school replied: "I don't know, Mr. Jia Xu has gone out of the east gate."

"East Gate?"

Li Li frowned and thought for a long time, then said, "Is there anyone accompanying you?"

The small principal replied: "Only two families will accompany us."

Li Li's expression changed in an instant, and he said: "Not good, Jia Xu's family is not in Wuguan, could it be that he abandoned his official position and fled?"


Xiaoxiao choked for a moment before saying, "Jia Xu is from Liangzhou, so it's impossible for him to seek refuge with the princes of the Kanto region?"

"This, too!"

Li Li thought for a while, but he didn't believe that Jia Xu would go to the enemy either.

Besides, no suspicious person has been found in contact with Jia Xu recently, Jia Xu has no reason to defect.

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure out why Jia Xu was going out of the city at night.

Li Li had no choice but to wave his hand and said, "Forget it, let's talk about it at dawn!"

The small principal agreed and quickly withdrew.

Unexpectedly, until noon the next day, Jia Xu still did not come back.

Li Li sent someone to look for it, and found Jia Xu's carriage by the official road one mile east of the city.

However, apart from the carriage, Jia Xu and the accompanying generals and coachmen were nowhere to be seen, not even the horses.

Li Li sent people to search for dozens of miles, but there was no trace, as if Jia Xu had just disappeared.

It is really strange that such a living person disappeared out of thin air like this.

Although Li Li was puzzled, he had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, Jia Xu is just an insignificant clerk, so let's go!
Yunwu, the inner courtyard of General Pingdi's mansion.

Gan Qian was absent-mindedly doing the work at hand, when she suddenly felt nauseated for no reason, she couldn't help but frowned.

The next moment, she quickly put down her work, got up and ran out the door.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Ren Kai next to him was startled, and hurriedly followed.

After going out, she saw Gan Qian crawling on the flowerbed in the yard and retching.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Ren Yan walked over hurriedly, patted Gan Qian on the back twice, and asked, "Do you want to ask the doctor to take a look?"

Gan Qian turned slightly pale, and said, "No need, I'm fine!"

Ren Yan wondered: "Then why did my sister suddenly..."

Thinking of something suddenly, she couldn't help but said happily: "Sister must be pregnant, right?"

Gan Qian blushed a little, and said with some uncertainty: "I don't know about this, it's just that I feel a little uncomfortable recently."

With a tender cry, Ren Yan immediately called her servant and maid, and helped Gan Qian inside very carefully.

The servants and maids passed on word of mouth, and soon got to know the news, all of whom were pleased with the master.

Ren Yan was still not at ease, and ordered her servant to invite a doctor to diagnose Gan Qian's pulse, and there was good news.

The inner courtyard of the General's Mansion burst into bursts of firecrackers immediately, and the maids came in and out, making it even more lively than New Year's Eve.

Ren Yan and Wu Zhen sent the servants around, and the backyard was very busy.

Mabo came out from a side room to take a look, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then shrank back.

Ten miles to the south of Shunyang, old man Zhang is driving a yellow ox with a whip, holding a plow and plowing a paddy field.

Cattle are mild in nature and strong in strength, making them the best companions of farmers.

The work in the crop field is not only labor-intensive, but also very trivial and difficult to do.

So no matter when, farmers are always the hardest.

Plowing is the most labor-intensive work in the crop field. If there are no animals to do it, it will not only be laborious but also time-consuming.

The old man Zhang's family are all long-term workers of Huang Dahu's family. These years, there have been constant wars and chaos, and life is very difficult.Especially during the period when the Yellow Turban Army started the proposal, it was like the end of the world, and I don’t know how many families were destroyed.

They can't even survive, and there are many people who sell their sons and daughters.

In that disaster, the old man Zhang lost the land on which he lived. In order to see a doctor for his two-year-old grandson, he had to sell more than ten acres of good land and became a long-term worker for the big family of Huang, farming jute seeds to earn money. mouth to eat.

Every time he thinks of these bitter things, old man Zhang can't help but let out a long sigh.

Not far away, two young men walked over here.

Old man Zhang glanced at them. Both of them were very young, only in their 20s.

One of them was of moderate build and handsome appearance, like a master, and felt more imposing than the county magistrate.

The one who took half a step behind was a bit majestic and majestic, as strong as a calf, with arms thicker than human thighs, and looked very vicious. Old man Zhang had never seen such a strong man in his life .

I don't know how strong it is compared to an ox, and whether it can be put on a rake and plow to plow the ground.

Zhang Caihan thought to himself, and couldn't help but glance, the two men had already approached.

"Old man, farming is very hard!"

The young man who looked like a master took the initiative to speak up, and his attitude was still kind.

The old man Zhang had to stop, smacked his chapped lips, and said: "Who says it's not, these days, it's not easy to grow a field. After a year of hard work, in the end, I can't even get enough rations. Hey, the days It's getting sadder."

These two people are none other than Luo Zheng and Xu Chu.

After collecting the war horses in a place where there was no one on the official road, I asked someone to inquire about some news.

Luo Zhengdao: "The people have no food to eat, don't the government here care?"

The old man Zhang said full of resentment: "What do you care, the various government taxes have become more and more heavy in recent years. I heard that General Yuan Shu is still in charge of our Nanyang, and the head tax is almost [-]%. There is no way out, hey!"

Luo Zheng was a little surprised, and said: "Is Nanyang still controlled by Yuan Shu?"

Old man Zhang shook his head and said, "How do we ordinary people know about these important national events, we just listen to them."

Luo Zheng nodded and started talking to the old man.

Xu Chu took over the whip and harrowed the plow from the old man, and drove the cattle to help the old man plow the land.

With a crack of the whip, the slow-moving scalper immediately sped up.

The old man Zhang was surprised, "This young man can also plow!"

Luo Zheng nodded and asked: "By the way, does the old man know who is the richest family around here?"

The old man Zhang said: "I don't know if it's far away, but the nearest one is Huang Mazi's house. Huang Mazi has made a fortune in recent years, and I heard that there are people in the government who take care of it. They have occupied a lot of good fields by lending usury, and the grain in Zhuangzi is almost gone. It's piled up."

Luo Zheng'oh' sounded, and asked: "How many lands are there in Jute?"

The old man Zhang said: "At least two or three thousand acres, it's still close. I heard that Huang Mazi has set up farms and houses in several nearby counties, and there are several thugs who help him collect rent. Ten!"

Luo Zheng asked again, "How far is Huang Mazi's Zhuangzi from here?"

Old man Zhang pointed to the southeast direction, "That's not it, you can see it from here."

Luo Zheng turned his head and glanced, and sure enough, he found that there was a Zhuangzi faintly a few miles to the southeast.

But the old man suddenly felt a thump in his heart, thinking that these two guys must be strong men who robbed houses, otherwise why would they come to inquire about Huang Mazi's Zhuangzi?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Old man Zhang couldn't help crying secretly, and he didn't dare to speak out loud.

Luo Zheng noticed the strange behavior of old man Zhang, and didn't know what he was afraid of, so he asked a few more words before getting up and leaving.

Xu Chu immediately handed the plow to old man Zhang, and followed Luo Zheng to leave quickly.

It wasn't until he watched the two go away that old man Zhang heaved a sigh of relief, but soon his expression changed again, he didn't even care about the plow, he quickly unloaded the plow, put on the ox cart, and flew like flying He drove the ox cart home.

(End of this chapter)

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