Chapter 162

This is a large village that occupies a large area, and there are hundreds of houses alone.

There is not only a threshing ground in the village, but also a warehouse to store grain. There are even watchtowers on the surrounding walls, as well as some simple fortifications, which can be used to resist bandits if they encounter bandits.

Zhuangzi covers an area of ​​seven or eight acres. In addition to Huang Mazi's family members, there are more than 50 people in Zhuang Ding.

These Zhuang Ding are all slaves beaten by Huang Mazi. In addition to collecting rent and resisting bandits, these slaves or thugs are also responsible for cleaning up some disobedient grassroots people for Huang Mazi. It can be said that there are many evil deeds .

At noon, Huang Mazi was admiring a bought sword in the inner courtyard.

Suddenly a large cloud floated in the sky and covered the sun.

Huang Mazi looked up subconsciously, and suddenly felt that the weather had changed.

Huge clouds covered the sun, but Huang Mazi felt that his heart was also covered by a dark cloud.

When I was inexplicably agitated, I heard faint thunder suddenly sounded in the distance.

I looked up at the sky. Although the sun was covered, the sky was still clear. Where did the thunder come from?

Huang Mazi was a little puzzled, put away the sword, and was about to go to the front yard to have a look.

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the inner courtyard, a servant ran over with a face full of panic.

"Master, something is wrong!"

When Jia Ding saw Jute Mazi, he immediately let out a howl.

Huang Mazi frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "Why panic, what happened?"

The servant panicked and said, "Suddenly many cavalry appeared in the northwest of Zhuangzi, and they were coming here."

Huang Mazi was startled, "Where are the cavalry, how many are there?"

The servant said repeatedly: "I don't know where it came from, but according to the villain's observation, there should be two thousand horses."


Huang Mazi didn't know that the servant's eyesight was too poor, so he regarded one thousand cavalry as two thousand. When he heard that two thousand cavalry were coming, he was taken aback and jumped up, "Quickly, close the gate, and everyone resists!"

"Yes, sir!"

The servant also jumped up and ran away.

Huang Mazi didn't care about being surprised, he slapped his forehead vigorously, and ran to the gate of Zhuangzi with a belly full of embarrassment.

Before reaching the door, I heard the sound of desolate horns soaring into the sky, and the air was instantly filled with a strong chill.

The thunderous sound of horseshoes seemed to be right next to my ears, and the earth trembled.

Although Huang Mazi was ignorant, he also knew that the sound of the horn was probably the horn of cavalry charging, and his heart sank.

Quickly boarded the inner wall of Zhuangzi, poked his head to look outside, and immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.

I saw a group of dark cavalry lined up dozens of steps away, blocking the gate of Zhuangzi. Those cavalrymen were all glaring and murderous, and they looked like they were used to seeing life and death, and they had beaten and rolled among the dead.

Although not two thousand, it is definitely more than one thousand.

Damn, where did this group of cavalry come from?
Huang Mazi's heart was pounding, his legs were a little weak, he was just a wealthy landlord, where had he seen this before.

This group of cavalrymen obviously had bad intentions. Under the reflection of the sun, the shiny saber shot out a cold light, as if directly shining on the apex of Jute's heart, making his heart feel cold and his teeth chattering.

Looking at Zhuang Ding around, his face was also pale, and his calves were trembling.

A group of idiots!
Huang Mazi cursed secretly, and finally realized that these guys were also unreliable.

Usually it’s okay to deal with ordinary people, but once they meet a real army, they will all wilt.

Obviously, it is impossible to expect these guys to guard Zhuangzi.

It is estimated that when this group of cavalry charges, these guys will be scared to pee.

However, there are no cavalry in Nanyang, where did this group of cavalry come from?
Huang Mazi's heart moved, and he quickly took a closer look, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Damn it, it's actually Xiliang cavalry.

This is the boundary of Nanyang, what are the Xiliang cavalry doing here?
Is there going to be another war?Impossible, I haven't heard any news.

"Where is the jute seed?"

At this moment, there was a loud thunderclap.

Everyone was taken aback, and a heart almost jumped out of their chests.

Huang Mazi's fat body twitched, his jaws slammed twice, he poked out half of his head, and said tremblingly: "The villain is Huang Mazi, this, I don't know this military master, what, what orders? "

Zhuang Ding beside him watched nervously, thinking of his ancestor's blessing in his heart.

"You are Jute?"

Luo Zheng held Ma Jiang in his hand and glanced at the wall.

"It's the villain!"

Huang Mazi nodded hurriedly, lest he slow down and annoy these damned cavalrymen.

Luo Zheng swung his horse's head and shouted: "The general passed by Shunyang, and I heard that you are rich and unkind. The grain in the warehouse is almost piled up, but the people are hungry and can't eat enough. Selling children and daughters, is there any This matter?"

Huang Mazi wiped his sweat desperately, and said repeatedly: "General Ming Jian, General Ming Jian, there is absolutely nothing like this."

Luo Zheng snorted heavily, and said: "Forget it, this general doesn't care if the people of Nanyang are hungry or not. However, this general has not much food left recently. You can open the warehouse and let this general get some food and grass."


Huang Mazi hesitated for a while, wondering if he wanted to refuse.

"Why, you won't?"

Luo Zheng's face suddenly sank, and there was a murderous flash in his eyes.


Immediately, the thousand cavalrymen raised their sabers high and roared in unison, like thunder.

The dust on the earthen wall was shaken and fell straight down, and the Zhuang Ding's faces turned pale with horror.

Huang Mazi's body and legs were weak, and he was about to collapse on the ground. He hurriedly stretched out his hands to climb the inner wall, and barely stood still, but his face was already horrified and pale, and he said incoherently: "The general has taken the food and grass, can you?" Let the villain's family go?"

Luo Zheng's face was cold, and he said word by word: "If you dare to say something, this general will break Zhuangzi, and he will not stay."

"Breaking Chuang Tzu, chickens and dogs will not stay."

A thousand cavalry behind them roared in unison, completely shattering the courage of Huang Mazi and Zhuang Ding.

"Open the door, open the door!"

Jute hissed loudly, and his spirit was about to collapse.

The Zhuang Ding could not talk nonsense, wiped off the sweat of the waterfall, ran down the city quickly, and pulled open the gate of Zhuangzi together.

Luo Zheng's middle corner burst into a sneer, and he drew his sword and pointed forward, "Go in, but those who resist will be killed!"

"Kill kill kill..."

Immediately, a thousand cavalry roared forward and rushed into Zhuangzi.

"It's over!"

Huang Mazi sighed, and collapsed to the ground with a pale face.

Yingchuan, Yangdi.

When Sun Jian came to Xi Ping's house again, Xi Ping was chasing flies with a chicken feather marble.

"I've seen Mr.!"

Sun Jian lowered his posture and bowed to Xi Ping, the courtesy can be described as extremely thoughtful.

Xi Ping was a little rude, waved a chicken feather marble, and asked: "Why did the general come here?"

Sun Jian said: "According to my master's plan, I took the initiative to ask Yuan Shu to resign, but Yuan Shu refused, so I invited him to Jiangdong. Unexpectedly, as my husband expected, Yuan Shu pretended to retain a few people, so I asked a certain to lead Wu Jun. Three thousand soldiers conquer Jiangdong."

Xi Ping smiled and said: "Yuan Shu is really stingy, he only gave you three thousand soldiers!"

Sun Jian said, "Three thousand troops are enough!"

Xiping nodded, but did not speak.

As long as we can get rid of Yuan Shu, although [-] soldiers and horses are a little less, they are enough.

Besides, Sun Jian was originally from Wujun, and his family business was in Wujun. As long as he arrived in Wujun, it would not be a problem to make a comeback.

Sun Jian had already made up his mind this time, without any further hesitation, he looked at Xi Ping with burning eyes, and said with a long bow: "Mr. certain!"

Xiping remained silent, this kind of decision cannot be made, and once it is made, there is no way to go back on it.

However, Sun Jian is indeed a rare hero in the world.

Although Xi Ping stays at home, he knows a lot about the general situation of the world and the heroes from all over the world. Based on his understanding of Sun Jian, this man really has the appearance of a hero. In the troubled times of the end of Han Dynasty, it may not be impossible to achieve great things .

If anyone in this world is worthy of his assistance, Sun Jian must be one of them.

As for Kuangfu Sheji and being loyal to the Han Dynasty, let him go to hell!

Xiping is not one of those scholar-bureaucrats who stick to the legacy of their ancestors, who have always been loyal to their own ideals, and have no idea of ​​helping the Han Dynasty at all, otherwise they would not have been idle at home with nothing to do.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

Seeing Sun Jian's sincerity, Xi Ping didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately gave a long bow and said, "Ping, see my lord!"

Sun Jian was immediately overjoyed, grabbed Xi Ping's hands and said with a long smile, "Sir, please get up quickly!"


Shunyang, county government office.

"My lord, something is wrong!"

The Shunyang county lieutenant looked terrified, and rushed into the hall, and said to the county magistrate who was flipping through the bamboo slips after the case: "Just now, the chief of Chen Boting came to report, and a Xiliang cavalry suddenly appeared to the west of Chen Boting. The squire Huang Wu Zhuangzi was attacked and destroyed!"


The county magistrate was startled at first, then shocked, and asked in bewilderment, "How could Xiliang cavalry appear in Shunyang?"

The county captain hurriedly turned around: "I don't know, the lower officials are also wondering about this matter. Shunyang is two hundred miles away from Wuguan. It stands to reason that even if the Xiliang army occasionally goes out to rob Wuguan, it will mostly be in Danshui and Nanyang. The township area was plundered. Shunyang is the hinterland of Nanyang, how could the Xiliang army come here. But Chen Boting's words are so convincing that the officials have to believe it!"

The county magistrate was startled and said, "It's broken. Could it be that the Xiliang army is going to attack Nanyang?"

The county lieutenant's face also changed, "If this is the case, then there will be big trouble."

The county magistrate frowned and thought for a long time, then asked: "Have you ever seen clearly how many Xiliang cavalry there are?"

County Wei Ning said: "It's not clear, that group of Xiliang cavalry suddenly appeared, and no people nearby saw it, and after breaking through the village of the squire Huang Wu, no one escaped, only the people in the neighboring village heard the sound of killing. , Reported to the government to know, Chief Chen Boting sent people to investigate, judged that Xiliang cavalry killed them, and the subordinate officials have already sent people to inquire!"

The county magistrate frowned when he heard this, "I didn't even see it with my own eyes, so how can I tell that the cavalry from Xiliang came here? Whether Chief Chen Boting made a mistake in his judgment is a very important matter and must be reported to the prefect. No!"


The county lieutenant also hesitated, not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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