Chapter 163
In the manor, the inner courtyard patio.

Luo Zhengda sat on a bench with a golden knife, and dozens of soldiers around him were busy in full swing.

In the earthen stove in front of him, the firewood was burning vigorously, and a large iron pot was steaming, and the smell of meat was wafting.

Xu Chu looked at the pot for a long time, and suddenly fished out a fat chicken leg from it, and handed it to Luo Zheng, "My lord, it's cooked!"

Luo Zheng took a few breaths and scolded: "It's so fucking hot."

A soldier had already grabbed a fan made of thin bamboo from the side, and fanned it quickly.

Xu Chu slapped the soldier, "You have some eyesight, kid."

The soldier laughed, very pleased with himself.

Luo Zheng took a few breaths, took a bite of the belt meat, and asked: "Is the grain count finished?"

Xu Chu hurriedly said: "The counting has been completed, and there are more than 800 shi of grain in total."

Lawton frowned at the time, "So few!"

A small school next to him replied: "Master, this is just a small village, and Huang Sanmazi is also a small landlord. I heard that there are several wealthy families in Nanyang who are prosperous, and the grain in the warehouse is piled up. That is the real fertilizer." sheep."

Luo Zheng said 'oh', and asked with interest: "Which wealthy families are there in Nanyang?"

The small principal replied: "I heard that the Deng family, Wang family, Zhang family, and Wen family are all well-known wealthy families in Nanyang."

Luo Zheng frowned, "Tell me more in detail, what is the name of this ****."

Xiaoxiao scratched his head, "This, the specific villain is not too clear."

Xu Chu slapped the schoolboy with his big palm fan, and cursed, "Then what's the use of you, get out!"

The little principal let out a yelp, pissed off, and scurried away to the side.

Luo Zheng threw the chicken bones aside casually, and said in a deep voice: "Send someone who is clever to inquire, and see where are the rich and powerful families in Nanyang who really have food in storage. Only relying on such a small landlord, how long will it be possible? Raise enough food."

"As ordered."

Xu Chu quickly agreed and went down to make arrangements.

Next to him, Du Bo asked, "My lord, what should I do with Jute?"


Luo Zheng asked: "Have you asked, how many evil things have you done?"

Du Bo replied: "There are many evil deeds. That fellow not only forcibly seized the property of the common people, but also forcibly married the daughters of the common people. Some of the common people's girls were beautiful, and those who were forced by the fellow had to sell their daughters to him as concubines. Not as good as pigs and dogs."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, "Sure enough, there are many evil deeds, so dig a hole and bury it alive!"

"As ordered."

Du Bo hurriedly bowed his hand and went to bury Jute himself alive.

Luo Zheng was a little dazed. After coming to this era for a long time, he has become indifferent to human life.

In the previous life, I didn't even dare to kill a chicken.

But now, if you use your words, you may kill countless people.

Even if he lay sleeping in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, he would not frown.

Luo Zheng doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but in order to survive, in order to achieve the goal in his heart, he can only continue to walk unswervingly until the day he dies, so that he has not lived in vain.

Not long after, a soldier came to report, "My lord, I found out clearly."

Luo Zheng's spirit lifted, and he said in a deep voice: "What's the useless talk, talk about it."

The soldiers didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and hurriedly said loudly: "The villain asked the people in Zhuangzi, the Wen family of the Wang family in Nanyang is in Wancheng, the Yin family is in Xinye, the Deng family is in Deng County, the Zhang family is in Caiyang, and the Wang family is in Huyang!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Take the map!"

Xu Chu hurriedly took out the topographic map and shook it away in front of him.

Luo Zheng stared at the map for a long time, and suddenly cursed: "Fuck, why are they all in the south of Nanyang? None of these big clans are in the north of Nanyang. Go and ask the big clans that have a lot of food in the north of Wancheng."

"As ordered."

The soldiers hurriedly agreed, and ran to torture Jute again.

When the sun was about to set, more than 800 shi of grain had been carried away.

In the distance of Zhuangzi, from time to time, there were people looking into his head, looking in this direction, but they dared not approach.

After dark, a thousand Xiliang cavalry disappeared without a sound.

Luo Zheng and Xu Chu quietly left Zhuangzi through the back door, and quickly rushed into the night.

After running for more than ten miles, he plunged into a dense forest, and then got into the vegetable garden to sleep.

It wasn't until an hour after the Xiliang cavalry disappeared, those Zhuang Ding and the female family members who had escaped with no evil after being severely interrogated did not dare to come out and fled immediately after discovering that the Xiliang cavalry had left Zhuangzi.

Late at night, Shunyang County Government.

The county lieutenant rushed into the inner hall, cupped his hands to the county magistrate, and said, "My lord, I have already found out!"

The county magistrate was pacing back irritably, when he heard the words, he immediately lifted his spirits and said, "What's going on?"

The county captain hurriedly said: "After dark, some Zhuang Ding escaped. It has been confirmed that the attackers were indeed Xiliang cavalry, and the number of them was about a thousand. The squire Huang Wu was buried alive by Xiliang soldiers, and dozens of Zhuang Ding were killed. , the food in Zhuangzi was plundered by captives."

The county magistrate was shocked and remained silent for a long time.

Although there have been speculations for a long time, when it is really confirmed, I still can't calm down.

How could the damn Xiliang soldiers come to the hinterland of Nanyang to rob the prisoners on their own land?

Seeing that the magistrate was in a daze, the county magistrate hurriedly said, "My lord, what should we do now?"

The county magistrate came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said: "What else can I do? Of course, I have to report to the county magistrate. The damned Xiliang soldiers have no less than a thousand horses. There are only [-] soldiers in this county, and most of them are recruited by the townspeople. The opponent of the cool cavalry."

The county lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that the county magistrate would let him lead troops to suppress the bandits, which would be troublesome.

Hearing that the county magistrate wanted to report to the county government, he naturally nodded and praised, "My lord is wise."

The county magistrate's face was gloomy, and he said irritably: "Although Xiliang soldiers occasionally go out to Wuguan to plunder Nanyang, they only grab some food and grass in Xixian County, Danshui and Nanxiang, and have never been to the hinterland of Nanyang. Come to Shunyang to plunder?"

The county lieutenant murmured, "Well, I'm afraid the Xiliang army came to Shunyang because the Danshui counties had no food to rob."

The county magistrate frowned and thought for a long time before sighing, "Nine out of ten I'm afraid this is the case."

The next morning, when the sun was rising.

Luo Zheng broke through a dock again, this time without delay, and left immediately after moving the food.

However, there were a thousand cavalry when they came, but there were only a dozen or so when they left.

After hearing the news, the people who came to watch and the guards who spied the news were a little puzzled, thinking that the Xiliang cavalry was still in the village and did not dare to get too close. They didn't know that the Xiliang cavalry had left until someone escaped from the village.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

No one thinks that they will be dazzled, and the cavalry from Xiliang obviously came out with only a dozen or so cavalry.

However, the facts are indisputable.

A few servants went to the Zhuangzi to check in person, and they found that the Xiliang cavalry had disappeared.

The guards were astonished and could not understand what was going on.

In desperation, he had no choice but to report what he saw with his own eyes to the county government.

Within one day, three Wubao were captured successively, the grain and grass were robbed, and the squire was killed.

Shunyang was so anxious that he didn't know how to deal with it.

The powerful gentry under the rule also panicked and protested sternly, asking the Shunyang Order to clear up the bandits in the territory as soon as possible.

While reporting to the county government, the Shunyang Order dispatched officers to look for the Xiliang cavalry.However, this group of Xiliang cavalry seems to have shadows, no one has seen it before, and only when they attack the powerful Wubao, they will suddenly appear like ghosts, and when they finish grabbing the food, they will appear like ghosts Disappeared without a trace.

Even though the guards hid in the dark, their eyes widened without blinking, they never saw the Xiliang cavalry leaving.

However, when those who were not killed in Wubao escaped, the Xiliang cavalry had disappeared.

The guards watching the sentry were going crazy. It happened once, twice, but still like this three times. This makes people wonder if they encountered ghosts in broad daylight, otherwise how could the Xiliang cavalry disappear out of thin air.

Except for the dozen or so cavalry who rushed out, no other Xiliang cavalry was seen leaving.

The people who escaped from Wubao all swear that this group of Xiliang cavalry has no fewer than a thousand cavalry.

What the hell is going on.

The guards who followed him wanted to scold their mothers, and they almost collapsed.

There are also guards who have thought about keeping an eye on the ten or so Xiliang cavalry who left from Wubao, but every time they traced them to the dense forest or the mountain depression, those ten or so Xiliang cavalry would disappear inexplicably, and they could no longer be tracked down. .

Some guards didn't believe in evil, and followed behind at a close distance, wanting to see where these Xiliang cavalry were hiding.

However, the sky didn't obey people's wishes, but was beheaded by Xiliang cavalry.

Shunyang's anxious mouth was bubbling, but the officers were suspicious, secretly frightened, and no longer pursued him.

In just five days, more than a dozen Wubao and Zhuangzi in Shunyang were attacked and destroyed, and the rich and powerful were completely panicked.

After the protest was invalid, they had to help the old and the young to flee to Shunyang City to avoid disaster. As for the food in the warehouse, they couldn't even take care of their lives, so they still cared about the food, so they could only take the gold and silver they could take away Treasure, let's avoid this disaster first.

Wancheng, the official residence of the Nanyang prefect.

Chen Ji paced up and down the hall irritably, his brows almost twisted into Sichuan characters.

Just when he was helpless, hurried footsteps finally sounded outside the door.

The county lieutenant strode in, cupped his hands and said, "My lord!"

Chen Ji waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Just now, the order of Shunyang ordered the horse to report that a cavalry force of more than a thousand from Xiliang went out of Wuguan and entered the territory of Shunyang to plunder grain and fodder. There are already villages in Shunyang that were destroyed More than ten seats."

The county lieutenant was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said angrily: "This group of damned Xiliang thieves are really thieves!"

Chen Ji said irritably: "Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, talk about what to do!"

The county lieutenant said furiously: "Your Majesty is willing to lead [-] infantry into battle to defeat this damn Xiliang cavalry!"

Chen Ji said coldly: "This Xiliang cavalry is haunted by ghosts. Our army is all infantry. If they don't fight with them, our army will not be able to catch up with them even if they run off. The guards, seeing that the cavalry in Xiliang are in trouble, and the defense of Wancheng is not enough, how can we send soldiers and horses to chase the cavalry in Xiliang."


The county lieutenant was silent, a little embarrassed.

Chen Ji sighed: "Forget it, it seems that I can only report to the lord, please send a cavalry."


Thanks to the book friend 'Doctor Afushi' for the reward, which is recorded in the notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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