Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 166 Scratching the ground 3 feet

Chapter 166
Five hundred cavalry rushed to kill, and the narrow city gate immediately screamed and cried. The city gate guards at the south gate dispersed after more than a dozen officials led Chen Ji out of the city. , went to their own lives, and there was no one to resist.

Luo Zheng quickly rushed out of the city and drove back all the landlords and squires who had escaped hundreds of steps.

The landlords and gentry who had not had time to escape outside the city were all blocked in the city.

When Luo Zheng saw the situation, he immediately dispatched two groups of cavalry, each with 150 men, to rush to the east and west gates.

Chen Ji escaped, presumably the defenders of the east and west gates would not continue to wait for death.

It was almost dawn, and the shouts of killing in the city finally gradually died down.

The camp in the north of the city was broken, and more than half of the defenders in the city escaped outside the city, and a small part hid in the homes of the common people. Only a small part died in the battle. It was not until the sun rose that the remaining rebels were cleared out.

Luo Zheng dispatched [-] cavalry to patrol along the street, suppressing all resistance with bloody means, but anyone who dared to go to the street without authorization will be killed indiscriminately, in order to prevent the private soldiers and slaves of the landlords and squires from gathering to rebel.

Once the peace of the prosperous age is broken, all that remains is cruelty and blood.

The people of Wancheng can say that, after all, the world has been in turmoil for these years, and the flames of war in Nanyang seem to have never been broken. First, there was the Yellow Turban Uprising, and then when the Guandong princes were begging for Dong, the [-] Xiliang cavalry raged. Now the Xiliang cavalry has entered again. Wancheng, Baisheng in Wancheng has long been numb to the war, and did not panic, but closed the door and waited for the unknown fate at home.

Those landlords and squires felt like weeping. They thought that Wancheng was a well-known fortified city. Hiding in Wancheng was much stronger and safer than those low Zhuangziwu castles. Thinking that Wancheng was also attacked.

If I had known this before, I would have escaped Nanyang with my family cleanly. Who would come to Wancheng.

It's too late to say anything now, so I can only pray secretly that the Xiliang army can show kindness and let them go.

In the west of the city, a huge grain storehouse was opened by Xiliang soldiers.

Luo Zheng only glanced at it, and immediately lifted up his spirits, and slammed Jie and said: "Okay, great, there are so many grains, I'm afraid there are [-] stones. Nanyang is worthy of being the first county of the Han Dynasty. Although it has been war-torn several times, But the ability to recover is astonishing, just a few short years have passed, and there is so much food in the warehouses in Wancheng, no wonder Yuan Shu is so rich."

Xu Chu also said excitedly: "My lord, with so much food, plus the food raised by raiding and destroying several cities these days, there may be 15 shi, save some food, enough to feed the army for a year. "

Luo Zheng gave a heavy 'hmm' and waved his hand, "Move!"

Caizili's door opened quickly, overlapping with the warehouse's door.

Hundreds of civilians rushed out, dazed at first, and then, under the supervision of several glaring Xiliang soldiers, they quickly picked up bags of grain and rushed into the vegetable garden. west side.

Most of these civilian husbands are the refugees that Luo Zheng has taken in from Nanyang these years, and they are all young and strong men.

Yuzhou has been fighting since the beginning of spring. The Jianghuai land and the war are unbearable. Many families fled to Nanyang and Jiangxia to seek refuge. The government did not take them in, and they naturally became refugees.

The refugees were miserable. They had no food, and the old, weak, women and children either starved to death or died of illness during their escape.

Those who could escape to the hinterland of Nanyang were all young and strong men, and none of them were old, weak, sick or disabled.

In addition to the displaced persons, there are also some private soldiers and slaves captured from landlords and gentry, as well as captives captured after the destruction of cities. Nearly a thousand people have been accommodated in the vegetable garden. Just feeding these people is enough. Get a lot of food.

After waiting for a whole morning, tens of thousands of shi of grain were all moved into the vegetable garden.

After counting, there are a total of [-] grains.

When Luo Xu returned to the prefect's mansion to rest, Xu Chu had already brought hundreds of large boxes with him.

Wancheng is not like a small county like Shunyang. Not only are there more landlords and squires here, but their families are also richer. The amount of gold and silver treasures they have looted is far beyond what other small counties can match.Especially in recent years, a large number of landlords and gentry have flooded into Wancheng, without exception, they brought all the goods they could bring, and they failed to escape after breaking the slope, and were blocked by Xiliang cavalry, Xu Chu naturally You are not polite, and took two hundred cavalry to copy all these gold and silver treasures.

Luo Zheng had been numb for a long time, opened the vegetable garden, and the soldiers immediately moved hundreds of large boxes into it.

Xu Chu came up and asked, "My lord, I heard that the grain in the warehouses of the Zhang family, Wang family, Deng family, Yin family, and Wen family is almost piled up. If we copy these houses, we can raise at least 30 shi." Army rations."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "This general can't leave Jincheng for too long, and I have to go to Yingchuan and Chenliu, so I won't take a long way to the south of Nanyang. However, isn't the Wen family in Wancheng? Why haven't we seen Wen?" family?"

Xu Chudao: "The last general just found out that although the Wen family is a big family in Wancheng, most of them are not in the city. Instead, they have built many Zhuangzi and Wubao in various places, living scattered, and most of the money and food are in Wubao. "

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Then grab it all the way, grab a few more Zhuangzi, and you can always get some food and grass."

Xu Chu answered yes, and asked again: "My lord has gone to Yingchuan, but you want to return to Guanzhong from Luoyang?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Let's talk about it at that time. Xiliang is short of iron. The general tried his best and couldn't build enough weapons for tens of thousands of troops. Nanyang is rich in refined iron. Since it is here, how can we not get more gold and iron!"

Xu Chu said: "The final general will do it!"

Luo Zheng said again: "Don't be fine iron, but also cloth, salt, silk and hemp, etc., as long as there are things that can be used, I will get more for the general, and the cleaner the rich and powerful families, the better , but remember not to rob people.”

"As ordered."

Xu Chu responded with a bang, and immediately led his troops to search the house.

After working until the afternoon, the huge prefect's mansion was almost piled up with all kinds of supplies.

The iron pans, iron nails, iron chains, etc. of Xu Chu's family, as long as they were made of fine iron, they were all searched without missing anything, and they ransacked a wealthy family in Wancheng. .

There is no way, Liangzhou is too poor.

Except for wool fur goods, etc., there is no shortage of other things.

Luo Zheng did not hesitate to sell iron, and he was unable to equip all the troops under his command with standard weapons.

Many Qianghu soldiers either use wooden spears, or the horse-chopping knives are made of copper, which is not hard enough. If you cut a few people, your mouth will collapse. This is for Luo Zheng, who wants to take the route of elite soldiers. Said, undoubtedly very dissatisfied.

After dark, the cavalry from Xiliang quietly sent news from Wancheng.

However, it was not until the next morning that people discovered that the Xiliang army had left at some point.

Overnight, this bustling city quickly fell into depression.

Bowang, Simon.

Hundreds of people stood at the gate of the city, shouting and shouting excitedly.

Although successive cities were attacked by the Xiliang army, the landlords and gentry had no choice.Even though they knew that it might not be safe even if they hid in the city, because even the strong Wancheng was destroyed, but driven by panic, those landowners who were greedy for life and fear of death flocked to the city without hesitation, hoping that Gao Da The city can bring yourself a little sense of security.

However, when these landlords and squires arrived, they found that the four gates of Bowang had been completely closed.

The guards at the top of the city had already said loudly that in order to prevent the Xiliang army from sneaking into the city, the county magistrate personally ordered the four gates of Bowang to be completely closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave, and the landlords and gentry were allowed to go back to their homes.

The squires were naturally not happy, and they sternly protested, but it was of no use.

The county magistrate of Bowang was determined not to open the city gate.

Because even Wancheng was destroyed by the elusive Xiliang army. At this time, if you don’t close the city gate completely, you will be courting death. among slaves.

"Hey, I can't get in now."

Behind the crowd, Xu Chuzheng waved his arms fiercely, with a look of unwillingness.

Luo Zheng's face was gloomy, seeing that he had no chance to enter the city, he immediately said: "Go, leave here first."

Xu Chu hurriedly followed, and the two quickly moved away from Bowang Ximen.

It wasn't until they walked two miles away that they could no longer see any figures before stopping.

Xu Chu hurriedly asked, "Master, what should we do now?"

Luo Zheng said fiercely: "Since the city can't go on, then continue to plunder the manors of those landlords and squires, all the way from Nanyang to Yingchuan, the accumulation of small things will make a lot, and it will not be a problem to raise tens of thousands of shi for military rations. "

Xu Chu said, "There are a lot of people in Nanyang, do you want to arrest more people?"

Luo Zhengdao: "It's enough to take in some refugees, don't harm the people. The general can only lead a limited number of people. If he only catches strong men, he will inevitably tear up countless families. How can the remaining old, young, women and children survive."

Xu Chu bowed his head in response, but wondered where the lord took everyone.

Obviously think you know a lot of things, but you just can't remember them.

This feeling makes people crazy, and I can't help but want to go crazy.

Xu Chu pulled his hair violently, wanting to ask, but he didn't dare to ask.

At this moment, a fast horse came from afar.

"My lord, something is wrong!"

The scout cavalry who was going to explore the road rushed forward, got off their horses, and panted with one knee on the ground: "The villain found two thousand cavalry ten miles east of Bowang. You can go to Bowang when it is fragrant."

"Two thousand cavalry?"

Luo Zheng's face suddenly condensed, "Have you ever seen the banner, whose cavalry is it?"

The scout soldier replied: "There is a word 'Ji' on the general flag. I don't know who is leading the army, but from the armor, it should be the cavalry under Yuan Shu's command."

Xu Chu was puzzled and said, "Why did Yuan Shu send cavalry to Nanyang?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Nonsense, it must be that Chen Ji has reported the news to Yuan Shu. Most of the two thousand cavalry were sent by Yuan Shu to destroy this general. Hehe, Yuan Shu's idiot is hard to become a big weapon after all, so I won't give it to you." He bled!"

(End of this chapter)

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