Chapter 167

At the east gate of Ye County, thousands of refugees crowded outside Ye City, refusing to leave.

This is the junction of Nanyang and Yuzhou. Since Yuan Shu raised his troops to attack Yangzhou in the early spring, the land of Huaisi has been raging with flames.

Regardless of the war, the people are the first to suffer.

Even many aristocratic families suffered a lot from it, and there were not a few people who moved out of the family.

Ye County is the junction of Nanyang and Yuzhou. Most of the refugees who escaped from Runan and fled to Nanyang are here.After resettling more than [-] refugees, County Magistrate Ye could no longer accommodate so many refugees. Fearing that these refugees would be desperate and attack the city, he had to order the city gates to be sealed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave the city gates without a warrant.

Fortunately, those aristocratic families will give some food to the victims, and the refugees will be safe for the time being.

It's not that these aristocratic families are so kind, but they have to do it.

Although the aristocratic families of this era are greedy, none of them are stupid.

With so many refugees flocking to Ye County, if there is really no way out, God knows what will happen to these refugees.Once these refugees rebel, the first to suffer will definitely be those aristocratic families.

The Yellow Turban Uprising during the Zhongping period has made the aristocratic families fully aware of the disaster of the rebellion of the common people.

And why the common people rebelled, these aristocratic families understand better than anyone else.

Therefore, the aristocratic families in Ye County had to take out some food to give these troubled people a bite to eat.

It has to be said that the endurance of ordinary people is extremely amazing.

As long as there are still people who stutter and are not starved to death, these refugees will not face the danger of being beheaded and rebelling.

To some extent, this also fully reflects how stupid the ruler is.

Recently, Nanyang has not been peaceful, and the powerful families in Ye County are also panicking.

When the Xiliang army entered Nanyang, not many people paid attention to it at first, they only thought that they would return to Wuguan after they plundered nearby as before.However, this time, as more and more cities were attacked, the powerful families in Nanyang panicked.

By the time Wancheng was attacked, the panic had reached its limit.

This is no longer a simple looting, it is clearly a war that has already been launched.

Especially in Ye County recently, Wubao and Zhuangzi with landlords and gentry have been breached one after another, which has completely caused a huge panic among the aristocratic families in Ye County, and many landlords and gentry have moved their families to other places.

In this way, county magistrate Ye was in a state of distress.

You must know that these landlords and squires not only hold most of the wealth, money and food in their hands, but also many of them are officials in the government. Once the family moves out, it will inevitably cause great pressure on the government.

In other words, the government of this era is actually the spokesperson of these powerful families to some extent.

Even the aristocratic and powerful families fled with their families, so what's the use of the government.

But in this way, Luo Zheng is cheaper.

Those aristocratic families who fled with their families were all temporary uprisings. Except for some gold and silver goods, the rest of the grain, rice, etc. could not be taken away at all. Luo Zhengbing raised a lot of food and grass without bloodshed.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the sun is like a fire.

Luo Zheng was mixed among the refugees and was watching the city of Ye County from a distance.

Xu Chu next to him cheered up and said, "Master, I don't think there are so many refugees in Ye County, maybe tens of thousands, and almost all of them are young and strong men, and there are not many old and weak women and children. Now there is no need to arrest people everywhere."

Luo Zheng didn't expect that there were so many refugees in Ye County, he nodded and said: "Yes, and these young and strong men are much easier to manage than those captured strong men, as long as you give them food, they won't make trouble .”

Xu Chu glanced at Ye County, and asked, "Master, do you want to find Ye County?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Ye County has already closed the city, how can we fight?"

Xu Chu said "hey" and said, "Forget it, but how should these refugees be removed?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Wait until nightfall, let's go, go and copy a few more Wubao!"

Xu Chu agreed and hurriedly followed.

After the sun went down, it got dark quickly.

The refugees were homeless, so they lit a fire outside the city, lay down on the ground with the fire, and looked up at the starry sky absentmindedly.

Fortunately, autumn has not yet passed, the weather is still extremely hot, and the night is not too difficult.

Otherwise, if it was winter, these naked, yellow-faced and muscular refugees would probably freeze to death overnight.

After the second watch, some refugees got up and went to pee in an empty place not far away.

Suddenly, the refugee was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was delusional.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, yes, there were indeed more than a dozen torches burning hundreds of steps away.

It could be faintly seen that there were many people around the torch, busy with something.

The refugees were a little confused. They didn't know how someone would set fire there in the middle of the night.

However, something seems to be off about the taste.

The refugee sucked his nose hard, and the next moment, his eyes widened immediately.

This is, the taste of meat.

Damn it, someone secretly eats meat in the middle of the night.

The refugee's eyes immediately became fierce, and he immediately pulled up his pants and strode over.

Those eyes were like the eyes of a hungry wolf when he saw a sheep.

No way, I'm really hungry these days.

Although those aristocratic families would take out some food to help the refugees, but when it was distributed to the heads, these refugees could only get half a bowl of mush every day. This amount of food would at most prevent people from starving to death, and they couldn't eat it at all.

Suddenly smelling the smell of meat, the refugees who were already hungry, their eyes were dizzy, their limbs were weak. Tigers are wolves.

The refugees quickly rushed to the front, and saw hundreds of people lighting torches and setting up ten iron pots larger than the door panels. Each big pot was full of meat, and the water was boiling. It was steaming.

Large pieces of fat floated up and down in the boiling water, and the strong meaty aroma drifted far away along the night wind.

The refugee's eyes turned green immediately, he swallowed desperately, and moved his eyes away from the iron pot, and then began to look at the several glaring men beside the iron pot, who he knew at a glance were not easy to mess with.

Seeing the sabers shining beside those men, the refugee's eyes shrank involuntarily.

However, the big pot full of meat made him reluctant to leave.

Swallowing his saliva, the refugee said with difficulty: "Brothers, can you give me a piece of meat?"

Xu Chu, who was sitting by the side of the cauldron, shook his head, and immediately a soldier fished out a fist-sized piece of fat from the cauldron and threw it to the refugees.

The strong man was overjoyed immediately, quickly took it, and stuffed it into his mouth without saying a word.

Then he covered his cheeks with both hands, chewing desperately.

Delicious, so fucking delicious.

In less than thirty breaths, a large piece of fat was swallowed into his stomach.

The strong man smacked his big mouth, greedily staring at the meat in the pot, his throat kept rolling, but he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

This group of people is not easy to mess with at first glance. Although meat is good, life is more important.

The strong man looked at Xu Chu with hope, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

It has been seen just now that this guy is the leader of this group.However, this guy is also a little too strong, his arms are almost thicker than human legs, and he is definitely not easy to mess with at first glance.

Xu Chu asked in a muffled voice, "Is it delicious?"

The strong man nodded again and again, not only was it delicious, it was so fucking delicious.

Xu Chu asked again, "Do you still want to eat?"

The strong man nodded like a chicken pecking rice, is this nonsense!

Xu Chu said: "Go with XX, and I will feed you every day from now on."

"real or fake?"

Hearing this, the brawny man immediately lifted his spirits, and his eyes glowed green again.

As long as you can eat enough every day and don't have to go hungry, let alone go with this group of people, even if you are a cow or a horse, you are willing.

Xu Chu said 'hmm', "I have a task for you, if you do well, I will take you in."

The strong man straightened his chest anxiously, and said repeatedly: "What mission?"

Xu Chu pointed, "Go, call those people over, and find a few more people to maintain order, and don't let people cause trouble."

"This one……"

The strong man looked at the meat in the ten cauldrons, hesitating.

Xu Chu shook his head, and a soldier immediately picked up a piece of meat weighing more than two catties, and threw it over.

The strong man was overjoyed immediately, and quickly took it and started to gobble it up, not caring about the meat burning his mouth.

In less than thirty breaths, this two-jin piece of meat was swallowed up.

The strong man smashed his mouth, patted his belly, wiped his hands with oil on his clothes, looked at Xu Chu again, hesitated, and then ran back immediately, and soon, countless refugees surrounded him with yelling. .

The tranquility of the night was broken, and this place was as lively as a vegetable market.

Those green eyes, like countless hungry wolves, made one's heart chill.

Xu Chu's face became serious, and he led hundreds of iron guards to guard around the cauldron. His face was ferocious and murderous, and his fierce eyes scanned the surrounding refugees fiercely. As long as anyone dared to make trouble, he would not show mercy.

The strong man who just ate meat found more than a dozen people, and tried his best to tell everyone not to mess around, everyone has meat to eat.

But the refugees who were already starving and dizzy couldn't listen. Seeing the large pieces of pork exuding a strong fragrance in the ten cauldrons, they almost lost their minds, swallowing their saliva and licking their mouths to Put it on the side of the cauldron.

Xu Chu yelled loudly like thunder, "Line up and come one by one, everyone will have meat to eat, and anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed!"

"Don't listen to him!"

A brawny man with a scar on his face shouted loudly: "Such a small amount of meat is not enough for so many people. Don't listen to him. Go ahead. There are so many of us, and we are afraid that he will be a bird. Whoever goes first There will be meat to eat."

The refugees around immediately started to move, their eyes were all red, and they rushed forward desperately.


Xu Chu's eyes froze, his face immediately turned ferocious, and he rushed over, like a chick, he picked up the scar-faced man who was leading the fuss, and then grabbed the scar-faced man's head with two palms like cattail leaf fans, Twist hard.

(End of this chapter)

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