Chapter 168
I'm really sorry, I'm very sorry, I accidentally clicked to unban it, and repost it.



Just as the shrill screams sounded, they stopped abruptly.

With a crackling sound, the head of the scar-faced man was twisted off, blood spattered at the fracture of the neck, and hideous bone spurs protruded from the fracture. A little trembling.

The refugees who were rushing forward were all frightened, their feet seemed to have taken root, and they could no longer move.

Especially looking at the gods of Xu Chu, it was as if they were looking at an evil ghost crawling out of the [-]th floor of hell.

Xu Chu's face was ferocious, his eyes showed terrifying murderous intent, and he shouted: "Line up and come one by one!"

The refugees immediately lined up chaotically, not daring to push forward.

Those who bullied the weak were immediately pulled out and beaten to the back, severely intimidated.

"You guys, come here!"

Xu Chu pointed casually and called the strong man who had eaten meat and a dozen refugees over.

The refugees swallowed their saliva, stretched their necks, and couldn't take their eyes off the steaming meat in the pot for a moment.

The strong man and a dozen refugees stood by the pot. Each of them ate a piece of meat first, then gritted their teeth, while greedily watching the dwindling amount of cooked meat in the pot, swallowed desperately, and distributed cooked meat to the refugees in line. Meat.

The refugees who received the meat immediately ran aside, grabbing the delicious cooked meat and gobbling it up.

Although there are a lot of ten pots of meat, how can they be shared by tens of thousands of people?

The meat was divided quickly, and the dozen or so refugees who divided the meat were almost mad with distress.

With so much meat, I only ate one piece, and even the scum was gone.

If it wasn't for those killers standing beside them with knives in their hands, they would definitely eat their fill first.

Ninety percent of the people didn't get the meat, and immediately became angry.

Those who got the meat just tasted it, they were not full at all, and all of them stared with green eyes.

Xu Chu stood up and asked loudly, "Do you want to have a full stomach?"

"miss you!"

Tens of thousands of refugees roared in unison, almost breaking the night sky.

Even Yecheng, which was a mile away, was alarmed. The soldiers rubbed their eyes and looked into the distance in surprise.

Xu Chu said: "Do you want to continue to starve?"

"In no mood!"

Tens of thousands of refugees yelled again, their eyes were red.

Xu Chu roared: "Well, if you don't want to go hungry, come with me!"

Some soldiers brought the horses over, Xu Chu got on the horses and galloped away with hundreds of cavalry.

Tens of thousands of refugees were in an uproar immediately. Seeing that there was really meat to eat, they didn't care about the difficulty of walking at night. Almost all of them followed hundreds of cavalry, rushing towards the northwest direction in the dark all over the mountains and plains in a chaotic manner.

Without these top ten pots of meat, these refugees would never be so easily agitated.

With these ten pots of meat, let a small number of refugees taste the taste of meat, and they are not afraid that these refugees will not believe it.

After half an hour.

Xu Chu led hundreds of cavalry and led tens of thousands of refugees to a dock.

From afar, the refugees saw countless torches burning in Wubao.

However, when he got closer, he found that the gate of Wubao was pitch-black, with no light at all.

The door is open, but there are some tricks in the dark, which makes people feel hairy.

Xu Chu and hundreds of cavalry stepped aside and shouted: "If you want meat, go in, there are."

The refugees hesitated, very hesitant, staring at the inside of the dock in doubt, not daring to go in.

It's too dark, it's really dark.

The refugees have already adapted to the darkness, no matter how dark it is, they can still see something.

Inside the gate of Kewubao, it was so strangely dark that you couldn't see anything.

The refugees were frightened, and they were so shoved that they dared not go in.

Xu Chu's expression froze, and he immediately let out a long cry.

Soon, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes not far away, as well as the long neighing and shouting of war horses.

The refugees turned around in a hurry, and saw a cavalry ghostly appearing in the dark night not far away. There were not many people in the darkness, but they could only vaguely see that it was the cavalry, roaring and killing them here. .

"No, run away!"

Some refugees were shocked and ran away.

However, at this moment, a cavalry soldier came to the left and right sides.

The refugees didn't even notice that there were cavalry ambushing here, and they immediately exploded. Seeing that there were cavalry killing them from behind and on the left and right sides, they couldn't care less about other things. rush away.

At this time, even if there are evil spirits in Wubao, they can't care about it.

The refugees crowded, shouted, and rushed to the gate of Wubao, and rushed in.

In panic, no one noticed that although those cavalry shouted fiercely, they didn't kill anyone at all.

In just half a stick of incense, tens of thousands of refugees rushed into the dock.

However, Wubao was still peaceful, and there was no refugee at all.

Luo Zheng soon appeared outside the gate of Wubao, followed by dozens of soldiers behind him.

"Is it all here?"

Luo Zheng raised the rein and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Chu hurriedly replied: "All are here. These refugees are probably going crazy from hunger. According to the master's method, Mo will cook ten pots of meat and distribute them to the refugees. After encouraging them, all these refugees will follow Mo to follow."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, turned his horse's head, and entered Wubao.

Xu Chu hurriedly led hundreds of cavalry, and rushed up to follow them.

In the vegetable garden, a fireball the size of a millstone hung in the sky, as if it was very close to the ground.

Tens of thousands of refugees all looked like hell, they were stunned and dumbfounded, and those who were timid were so frightened that they shitted.

Hundreds of Xiliang soldiers with swollen faces and fierce eyes shouted and shouted, as if they were driving cattle, they drove all these refugees to the south of the vegetable garden, and then loudly announced a series of rules, no running around, no size anywhere whatever.

Thousands of strong men who have adapted to the life in the vegetable garden also gathered around to watch the play.

To the north of the vegetable garden, in front of a wooden house.

Jia Xu and Jia An stood at the door with unbelievable shock in their eyes.

Wancheng, the official office of the Nanyang prefect.

Ji Ling was pacing up and down in the hall restlessly, his brows almost twisted into the word Chuan.

"Damn Xiliang thief, where did he hide?"

Ji Ling cursed in a low voice while pacing back and forth like a bastard.

It happened that two thousand cavalry rushed to Wancheng aggressively, but who knew it was all in vain.

Not only was Wancheng destroyed, but the damn Xiliang cavalry seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Ji Ling has sent dozens of scouts to scout the horses. Except for the continuous raids on the Zhuangzi and Wubao of the landlords and squires, he has not even seen the shadow of the Xiliang cavalry. send.

There were hurried footsteps outside, and Xiaoxiao scout rushed in quickly.

Ji Ling didn't wait for Xiao Hou to salute, and asked loudly: "How is it? Have you found any news?"

The scout Xiaoxiao clasped his hands and said: "General, there is news from Bowang that many gentry and landowners' Zhuangzi and Wubao were looted two days ago. It's just that our army's scouts have never found any traces of the Xiliang army."

"big eater!"

Ji Ling roared, "You can't even see the shadow of the Western Army, so what's the use of your scout battalion?"

Xiaoxiao scout's face flushed, but he couldn't tell the difference.

Since becoming a scout, he has never been so aggrieved.

Not even a trace of the Xiliang cavalry was found, which really made people feel a little annoyed.

I really don't know where those damned Xiliang cavalry are hiding. Could it be that they are hiding in the mouse hole, or else dozens of scouts scouting the horses can't even find a shadow. Such a strange thing has never happened before.

Every time I heard that Zhuangzi was attacked, but by the time they rushed over, the Xiliang cavalry had already disappeared.

Ren scout broke his leg while scouting the horse, but he couldn't find the shadow of Xiliang army.

Ji Ji's face was heavy, he yelled at Xiaoxiao Hou for a while, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Here's an order, the army will kill Ye County."

"As ordered."

Some of the soldiers had already taken orders and rushed out quickly.

Qiao County, Yuan Shu's official residence.

Counselor Jin Yan rushed into the inner hall, cupped his hands to Yuan Shu and said, "My lord, urgent report from Wancheng!"


Yuan Shu muttered for a while, then said casually, "What's the matter in Wancheng?"

Jin Shang's face was serious, and he said: "General Ji Ling ordered the horse to report that the Xiliang cavalry sneaked into Wancheng without knowing how, and took advantage of the unprepared defenders of Wancheng to attack Wancheng at night. The rich households and gentry in the city were looted Almost an empty city."


Yuan Shu stood up abruptly, and gasped, "Wancheng is lost too?"

Jin Shang nodded and said: "However, the Xiliang army did not occupy Wancheng. When General Ji Ling led the army to arrive, all the Xiliang cavalry had fled away and disappeared. General Ji Ling sent dozens of scouts Scouting horses, looking for traces of the Xiliang Army."

Yuan Shu's complexion changed several times, and then he slapped the table with a 'slap', and said angrily: "Old thief Dong Zhuo, it's nothing more than plundering Nanyang with his troops, but he dared to go further and attack Wancheng this time, old thief Dong Zhuo What is this for?"

Jin Shang thought for a while and said, "My lord, I don't think Dong Zhuo wants to attack my lord!"

Yuan Shu said: "How do you see it?"

Jin Shangdao: "After the Xiliang army broke through Wancheng, they did not occupy Wancheng. If Dong Zhuo intends to send troops to Nanyang, this Xiliang cavalry will definitely hold on to Wancheng after it captures Wancheng, rather than abandoning Wancheng decisively. The crowd fled far away."

Yuan Shu made a 'huh' sound, nodded and said, "It makes sense, but since Dong Zhuo had no intention of sending troops to Nanyang, how could the Xiliang army go to the hinterland of Nanyang to burn, kill, loot, and even dare to attack Wancheng? Could it be Dong Zhuo's old thief? Do you think this general can't be bullied?"


Jin Shang was dumbfounded, and didn't know what the Xiliang cavalry wanted to do.

Yuan Shu said with a bad face again: "Where is Ji Ling, what does he do for food? This general gave him all the only [-] cavalry. Why can't there be any trace of Xiliang cavalry?"

Jin Shangdao: "Your lord, I don't know. This Xiliang cavalry appears like a ghost. Except for the family members of landlords and squires who were lucky enough not to be killed, no one has ever seen this Xiliang cavalry appear. You have to wonder if the cavalry from Xiliang really plundered Nanyang. However, General Ji Ling has sent dozens of scouts to scout the horses, so there should be news in the near future."

Only then did Yuan Shu nod his head, "Order Ji Ling to destroy this damn Xiliang cavalry."

"As ordered."

Jin Shang cupped his hands and quickly backed out.

(End of this chapter)

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