Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 173 Meeting with Cao A concealed

Chapter 173 Meeting with Cao A concealed
"Cao Agui!"

Luo Zheng cried out in shock, his face full of disbelief.

In other words, I always feel that there is something wrong with Yu County being haunted.

Now everything is clear, it turned out that Cao A was the one who hid it from this guy.

Ten steps away, among a group of refugees, one heard the reputation, who else could it be if it wasn't Cao Cao.

Although Cao Aman is extremely desolate, but the calm demeanor does not look like a homeless refugee. Fighting among the refugees is like Luo Zheng, standing out from the crowd, as long as someone with a little vision can see it different.

Cao Cao's small eyes were full of surprise, and he looked at Luo Zheng a few times, and he always felt a little familiar.

It's just that I can't remember where I saw it.

"No, let's go!"

Luo Zheng thought of it for a moment, and his expression changed.

Without saying a word, he greeted Xu Chu and ran away, heading straight for the east gate of Yu County.

The refugees outside the city were most likely disguised by Cao Aman's army. If they ran into the wild, they would have no time to open the vegetable garden and hide in. Only when they fled to Yu County, would they have the opportunity to use the terrain to throw off the pursuers.

Luo Zheng thought of this for a moment, so without thinking about it, he ran directly to the east gate of Yu County.

It is not far from the east gate of Yuxian County, only dozens of steps away.

"Who is this person?"

Cao Man frowned and thought for a long time, but he didn't remember who that person was.

What is even more puzzling is why this person ran away without saying a word when he met him.

Moreover, the direction of running is a bit weird.

He went straight to Yu County, could it be...

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Cao A's mind, and he instantly remembered who this person was.

In Cao Cao's memory, there was only one person who had called him by his nickname 'Cao A Man' in person.

At this moment, Xiahoudun who rushed over not far away also yelled, "Meng De, that fellow is Xu Chu!"

Cao Cao was shocked, and he recognized it without Xiahou Dun's reminder. Luo Zheng and Xu Chu had already run dozens of steps away, and there were still more than [-] steps away from the city gate. He immediately stopped shouting, "" Hurry up and catch this fellow!"

Amidst the dust, large pits emerged from the ground.

Ninety percent of the thousands of refugees gathered near the east gate changed from sheep to wolves in an instant. They quickly brought out the weapons and armor hidden in the pit, quickly put on the armor, and then began to move closer to the middle.

The rest of the real refugees were already stunned, and scattered in all directions the next moment.

The area near the east gate was full of noise and chaos for a while, with screams everywhere.

"The thief should escape!"

Xiahoudun shouted loudly, and chased after him immediately with hundreds of refugees carrying hundreds of Tibetan soldiers.

Luo Zheng, who was running wildly, heard the sound of drinking, and knew that his identity had been exposed.

"Cao Agui!"

Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, his face was gloomy and terrible.

Seeing that he was less than twenty steps away from the east gate, he couldn't help but put in more effort and run wildly.

Xu Chu had already thrown off the cloth bag on his back, took out the big knife inside and held it in his hand, he took a big step and followed Luo Zheng steadily, and occasionally looked back, there was a terrifying gleam in the tiger's eyes radiant.


The city gate was wide open, and there was no one in the doorway.

Not even a ghost can be seen on the street, and there is an inexplicable and strange atmosphere.

Without saying a word, Luo Zheng plunged into the city.

Cao Man's reaction was a few breaths slower, and Xiahou Dun was more than 30 steps behind.

Luo Zheng rushed into the city gate, didn't stop for half a step, and rushed directly into the city guard camp near the city gate, then kicked open a wing room and rushed in, then without saying a word, immediately closed his eyes and concentrated, calling for the vegetable garden .

Xu Chu rushed in half a step behind, and closed the door with his backhand.

"Search for me!"

Xiahou Dun quickly arrived with hundreds of soldiers disguised as refugees, and even saw Luo Zheng and Xu Chu rushing into the barracks on the left. Where would he hesitate, he immediately shouted, "Search for me!"

Hundreds of soldiers shouted and rushed into the city guard barracks on the left.

In the dim wing room, a door to the void quietly emerged.

Xu Chu was startled, feeling somewhat familiar.

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Go in!"

Xu Chu shook his head, gritted his teeth and slammed into it.

Luo Zheng also followed in, and the gate of the void disappeared instantly.

At this moment, with a bang, the door of the wing room was kicked open.

Two soldiers wearing cloth strips rushed in with their knives in hand, searched around for a while, and then looked at each other, "No one!"

Not long after, Cao Cao also arrived with more than a thousand soldiers and took hold of the east gate of Yu County.


Xiahou Dun hurriedly went up to meet him and cupped his hands.

Cao Cao waved his hand and asked in a deep voice, "Where is Luo Zheng, have you ever caught him?"

Xiahou Dun's eyes showed excitement, he pointed to the barracks on the left, and said, "I fled inside, and I'm searching for it."

Cao Cao also cheered up, and then said grimly: "Okay, great. This man killed my father and my family. This feud is irreconcilable. I wish I could cut him into pieces. Now it has finally fallen into my hands."

Xiahou Dun asked confusedly: "Then, Luo Zheng's son is not in Jincheng, why did he come to the Central Plains?"

Cao Cao looked thoughtful, and said: "This matter is really puzzling. Luo Zheng and Dong Zhuo turned against each other. They didn't sit in Jincheng, but ran to the Central Plains with Xu Chu. Such a weird thing has never happened before. I don't know how to run together. What are you doing here!"

Xia Houdun asked: "Would it be Luo Zheng'er who robbed Nanyang and Yingchuan by Xiliang cavalry?"

Cao Cao's face turned pale, and he said in a concentrated voice: "I'm afraid it's really possible!"

Xiahou Dun said in a deep voice: "However, if it was really Luo Zheng'er who did it, how could Luo Zheng'er only bring Xu Chu to Yu County pretending to be a refugee? It's too risky. Where are his thousand cavalry hiding? where?"

Cao Cao frowned, for a moment he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

At this moment, a small school suddenly ran out from the city guard camp on the left.

"My lord, Luo Zheng and Xu Chu are not in the city guard camp."

The little school's expression changed, and he rushed to the front and shouted.


Xiahou Dun was stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage and said: "A certain person saw Luo Zheng and Xu Chu enter the city guard camp with his own eyes, how could he not be in the city guard camp? Could it be that you didn't do your best to search and arrest, it is simply unreasonable."

When Cao Cao heard this, he also stared at the little school with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

Since Yuan Rang saw it with his own eyes, there was nothing wrong with it.

The little principal said anxiously: "General Yuan Rang, the villain's words are true, how dare you not try your best? The brothers are about to demolish all the houses in the Chengwei Camp, but they can't find Luo Zheng and Xu Chu. If General Yuan Rang If you don’t believe me, you might as well go and see for yourself.”

"Luo Zheng is not a gopher, can he still dig a hole and run away?"

Xiahou Dun gave the little school a hard look, and strode forward, ready to go in and search for it himself.

Cao Cao waved his hand and followed with dozens of soldiers.

The city guard camp is not big, covering an area of ​​only about one mu, with about twenty miles of houses.

At this moment, hundreds of soldiers were jumping up and down, some of them went to the house to uncover the tiles, and some of them were digging the ground to find holes.

Luo Zheng and Xu Chu could not be found, and hundreds of soldiers almost turned the city guard camp upside down.However, even so, it was impossible to find where Luo Zheng and Xu Chu were hiding, and there were soldiers standing on the roof and looking around under the awning.

Xiahou Dun frowned, and led people to search for it himself, but found nothing.

Cao Cao also frowned and asked, "Did Yuan Rang ever get it wrong?"

Xiahou Dun's forehead was sweating, and he hurriedly said loudly: "I am not blind, there is more than thirty steps away, so there is no reason to misread it. Luo Zhengpifu and Xu Chu must have entered the barracks here, but I don't know if they have escaped from the city guard. In the barracks, I went elsewhere."

Cao Cao still believed in Xiahou Dun very much, and the distance was only more than thirty steps. With Xiahou Dun's eyesight, there was no reason for him to miss him. He immediately said decisively: "There is no need to continue pretending to be a filial piety, Miaocai, and Zilian. Quickly assemble a large army to guard the south, north, and west gates, and at the same time clear out the idlers, and don't even let a mouse out of the city."

"As ordered."

Long ago, some personal soldiers led the generals and ran quickly.

Cao Cao said again: "The people who quickly punished Master Zhang Miao and said that the Xiliang cavalry that caused disasters in Nanyang and Yingchuan was most likely Luo Zheng's army. Now that Luo Zheng has entered the city alone, I intend to lead the army to besiege , Search and arrest them, in order to prevent Luo Zheng's thousand Xiliang cavalry from raiding out, please Master Zhang Miao stay still, scold the princes more, and pay close attention to the surrounding area to prevent being attacked."


The officer on duty agreed, and the envoy was sent to Zhang Miao's camp quickly.

Soon, the [-] troops disguised as refugees guarding outside the city all took off their disguises, dug a pit, moved out their armor, and quickly assembled an array to disperse all the real refugees, and immediately seized the four gates. .

After only half an hour, soldiers kept reporting.

Cao Cao asked in a deep voice, "Has anyone ever left the city?"

The summoner replied: "My lord, no one from each sect has left the city."

Cao Cao nodded, waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Search for me, I want to capture Luo Zhengpi alive."

"As ordered!"

More than a thousand soldiers quickly dispersed and searched along the street, courtyard and house.

In the vegetable garden, in front of the wooden house to the north.

Luo Zheng sat on the grand teacher's chair, with a sneer on his face.

That guy Cao Aun is really a treacherous ghost, and he has set up a net in Yu County to wait for him.

If he hadn't had enough means to save his life, he might have lost his wings this time.

However, I also blame myself for being careless.

He even forgot that Cao Aman was in Chenliu, otherwise, how could he be so careless? As early as when he heard that the gentry officials in Yu County and the people in the city had fled, he should have realized that there was a problem, and he would definitely not have stepped into Cao Aman's place trap.

Fortunately, I have a way to save my life. If it were someone else, I would definitely fall into it.

Another sunny day, the sun slowly rising from the east.

In the county government office of Yu County, Cao Cao was pacing up and down the hall restlessly, with a very gloomy expression on his face.

It has been three days, and Luo Zheng and Xu Chu have not yet been arrested.

Since Luo Zheng and Xu Chu fled into Yu County, the four gates have never been out.Not to mention people, even if even a mouse was not released, Luo Zheng and Xu Chu never found it. Where is this guy hiding?

Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and others personally led troops to search the city, but they found nothing.

When Cao Cao was restless, some soldiers rushed in.

(End of this chapter)

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