Chapter 174
The soldiers rushed to the hall, cupped their hands hurriedly and said, "My lord, Master Zhang Miao is here."

"Oh, I will go to meet him in person!"

Cao Cao's expression turned pale, he hurried out of the hall and greeted him.

At the gate of the county government.

Zhang Miao was dressed in armor, and just as he got off his horse, Cao Cao rushed out to meet him.


Cao Cao cupped his hands.

Zhang Miao bowed his hand and asked, "Meng De, have you ever caught Luo Zheng'er?"

Cao Cao's expression changed, he held onto Zhang Miao's arm and said, "Let's talk about this after we go in."

Zhang Miao understood, so he didn't ask any more questions, and walked side by side with Cao Cao, and came to the county government to sit down.

A soldier had already served a tea ceremony, and then withdrew.

Zhang Miao couldn't wait to ask: "A few days ago, Meng De condemned people to report that Luo Zheng's boy hid in the city. The thousand Xiliang cavalry is very likely to be the cavalry under Luo Zheng's command. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Cao Cao said solemnly: "This matter should be true. It is absolutely true that Luo Zheng's hiding in the county town is absolutely true. Although Luo Zheng's guy concealed his true colors, his close-knit titan Xu Chu can't be wrong, so there is a reason for this infer."

Zhang Miao's eyes were fixed, "Luo Zheng didn't sit in Jincheng, how could he come to the Central Plains?"

Meng De rubbed his brows and said: "This action is really puzzling, but since Luo Zhengping came to the Central Plains, he must be the one who looted Nanyang and Yingchuan. Looking at the style of this Xiliang cavalry, it is also different Luo Zheng is no different from everyone."

Zhang Miao was puzzled and said: "Luo Zheng only took General Xu Chu to hide in Yu County, and Meng De's army besieged the city, how could they not be searched?"

Cao Cao was a little embarrassed, and said: "Meng Zhuo is in a hurry, and Luo Zhengpifu fled into Yu County. Cao Cao saw it with his own eyes, so he can't be wrong. The reason why he hasn't been searched yet is because he doesn't know where he is hiding."

Zhang Miao did not doubt that he was there. Since Cao Cao saw it with his own eyes, there was nothing wrong with him. He nodded and said, "People in the city often dig underground kilns and other hiding places. Meng De has to search carefully."

Cao Cao also nodded and said: "Meng Zhuo's words are reasonable. Because there is a secret way of escape in the defense city, Cao Cao has sent scouts to scour the area for dozens of miles. And Luo Zheng's son came to Yu County for the first time, even if there is a secret way of escape Might not be able to find it either.”

Zhang Miao asked: "How sure is Meng De that the cavalry from Xiliang, who have caused many disasters, are really Luo Zheng's subordinates?"

Cao Cao said: "This, Cao Cao is only a guess, and he is not [-]% sure. However, Luo Zheng has sneaked into the Central Plains, if the Xiliang cavalry is not Luo Zheng's subordinate, then this matter is too coincidental!"

Zhang Miao frowned and said, "Where are these damn Xiliang cavalry hiding? "

Cao Cao comforted: "Meng Zhuo doesn't need to be impatient. If that Xiliang cavalry is really Luo Zheng's subordinate, as long as we trap Luo Zheng's son in Yu County, this Xiliang cavalry will not be able to hide for long. Sooner or later, this Xiliang cavalry will show up."

Zhang Miao nodded, "Since Meng De is so confident, I feel relieved."

Cao Cao was not very optimistic in his heart. For three days, Luo Zheng hadn't been searched yet.

Where is this guy hiding? If he doesn't come out, he won't be able to spend it anymore.

After sending Zhang Miao away, Cao Cao immediately ordered to search and arrest Zhang Miao at all costs.

In the east of the city, in the city guard barracks, in a wing room.

The gate of the void opened, and Luo Zheng stepped out of the vegetable garden.

As soon as I stepped on the ground, I was a little surprised.

I saw that a big hole had been dug on the ground of the house, and there was almost no place to stay.

Before he could stand still, he heard the sound of footsteps outside, and was shocked again.

Without saying a word, he quickly turned back and entered the vegetable garden.

At night, Luo Zheng came out of the vegetable garden again.

I sneaked to the window and saw that the torches were brightly lit on the top of the city, and I didn't know how many soldiers there were, and the surrounding area was illuminated by the torches, and the search soldiers would pass by almost every minute.

With such tight defenses, even if a thousand cavalry were summoned, it would be difficult to get out of the city.

"What a man, Cao Aman, it's really insidious."

Luo Zheng cursed secretly, and had to hide in the vegetable garden again.

Liangzhou, Jincheng.

This year's winter came very early. After entering October, the first winter snow came soon.

At the same time, a cold current invaded from the north, and the land in the northwest became cold and foggy within a few days.

Yunwu, Pingxi General's Office.

Zhao Yun strode into the inner hall, bowed his hands to Xun Yu and said, "I've seen you sir."

Xun Yu got up to greet him, bowed his hands and saluted, saying: "General Zhao Yun, you don't need to be too polite."

Zhao Yun took his seat sideways and asked, "I don't know if you have something important to do, sir?"

Xun Yu's expression turned serious, and he said, "General Zhao Yun didn't know something, and just now the Qiang Order came to report that the various tribes of the Qiang people from all over Xiliang are meeting for an alliance, and the armies of various tribes are also gathering in the West Sea, and it is very possible to send troops. Liangzhou."


Zhao Yun was taken aback, and said in a concentrated voice: "Is the news true?"

Xun Yu nodded and said, "Forgive me for not being fake."

Zhao Yun frowned and said, "Now that winter is coming early, how could the Qiang people send troops at this time?"

Xun Yu said: "The general doesn't know that this year is eight hundred miles away from Dahan in Qiangyuan. The autumn grains of the Qiang tribes have not been harvested, and winter has come earlier. It can be expected that this year's winter will be much colder and longer than last year's." The Qiang people are the most sensitive to the climate, and once they encounter such a situation, they must prepare more winter grain to ensure that the grain can survive the winter."

Zhao Yundao: "Sir, are you saying that the purpose of the Qiang people's sending troops is to plunder food and grass?"

Xun Yu nodded, and said, "It's probably close to ten, it should be so."

Zhao Yun was silent, the lord is not here now, the Qiang people sent troops at this time, it was really the right time.

Xun Yu's expression turned serious, and he said: "My lord is not going to the Central Plains today, and there is no news. The situation in Jincheng is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, the city will be destroyed. If Qiang soldiers invade in large numbers, I don't know if the general will attack the enemy." Of the policy?"

Zhao Yun muttered, "How many Qiang soldiers are there?"

Xun Yu said: "Except for the largest Shaodang tribe, there are still Gelin Qiang, Shenlang Qiang, Han Qiang and other tribes gathering troops. It is conservatively estimated that there are no fewer than [-] troops, and it should be between [-] and [-]. .”

Zhao Yun's pupils shrank, and he remained silent for a long time.

Xun Yu sighed: "General Gao Shun's [-] troops will guard Yuzhong to resist the powerful enemies of Ma Teng and Lu Bu. Besides, our army can only mobilize [-] cavalry and [-] infantry at the moment. General Do you have the confidence to retreat from the enemy?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while, and said: "After repelling all the invading soldiers in the summer, in order to prevent the Qiang soldiers from the West Sea from reappearing again, my lord once sent someone to check the terrain in the area of ​​Shuogu, and drew a topographic map. The general has also carefully observed that the terrain of the valley is dangerous, and the Huangshui River passes through the valley to the east. If the Qiang soldiers cross the Huangshui, they can only cross the valley. Our army may rely on this danger to resist the Qiang soldiers."

Xun Yu nodded and said, "General, please elaborate."

Zhao Yun ordered the soldiers to fetch a military topographic map, hung it on the screen, pointed to the area around the writing valley and said, "Look, sir, the terrain around the writing valley is dangerous. Valley, cross the Huangshui River and march westward. Our army only needs to set up two camps on the south bank of the Huangshui River, and firmly guard the Shuogu Mountain Pass on the south bank of the Huangshui River, before we can deal a head-on blow to the Qiang soldiers."

Xun Yu asked, "It's a big taboo for military strategists to camp against the water. Why don't you camp on the north bank?"

Zhao Yun said in a loud voice: "Mr., the question is good. The water volume of Huangshui is not as high as that of the river. Now it is the dry season in winter. The Qiang soldiers are several times larger than our army. We only need to cut off the river from the upper reaches to pass through the Huangshui. And the north bank The terrain on the south bank is wider than that on the south bank, and once the danger of the Huangshui is gone, it will be difficult for our army to defend; on the south bank, the mountain pass is narrow, and our army only needs to defend according to the danger to stop the Qiang soldiers."

Xun Yu said: "Although the valley is dangerous, it is only a few miles away. The Qiang army is several times larger than our army. If we divide our troops to cross the river, what should we do?"

Zhao Yundao: "It only needs to plant an ambush, and then set up a suspicious formation, using both false and real, and the Qiang soldiers will not dare to move rashly!"

Xun Yu pondered for a moment, then said decisively: "Be good, follow the general's plan. The West Sea is only a hundred miles away from the Shu Valley. In order to guard against the situation at the border, the general should quickly recruit the army, and be sure to arrive at the West Sea before the Qiang tribe sends troops. Valley."

Zhao Yun clasped his hands furiously and said, "Don't worry sir, I'll take care of it."

Xun Yu clasped his hands in a bow, got up and saw them off.

After Zhao Yun left, he immediately ordered people to transport grain, grass, luggage and other supplies.

Yu County.

Cao Cao's face was covered with frost, and his anxiety was hard to calm down.

It's been half a month, a full half a month.

Luo Zheng seemed to be hiding in a mouse hole, without a trace.

Cao Cao almost dug all of Yu County, and ordered the army to conduct a carpet-like search. Even some rat nests hiding in the ground were dug out, but Luo Zheng and Xu Chu were still not captured.

The two big living people disappeared like this, and people can't help but wonder if Luo Zheng hid in the mouse hole.

Zhang Miao has entered the city three times, expressing doubts about whether Luo Zheng entered the city.

If Cao Cao hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Miao would have withdrawn his troops long ago, so why would he have spent half a month here.

Amid the hurried footsteps, Cao Ren strode in.

Cao Cao took a few steps to meet him, and asked in a loud voice, "Zixiao, can you find him?"

Cao Ren shook his head, his expression was not very good and he said: "I haven't found it yet."

Cao Cao sighed and remained silent.

Cao Ren made a 'hmm' sound, and said in great annoyance: "Where did Luo Zheng hide? Our army has searched all the places where people can hide, and the surviving people in the city have also been gathered and checked several times. , and no one can see him. This guy is really good at hiding, and the city of Yu County is so big, has this guy already escaped from the city?"

Cao Cao said decisively: "Luo Zheng must still be in the city, it is impossible to escape from the city."

Cao Ren said, "But, why didn't the Xiliang cavalry who looted all over the place show up for half a month?"

Cao Cao was silent, this matter was really strange, and with his wisdom, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

It stands to reason that Luo Zheng was blocked in Yu County, and the Xiliang cavalry should have appeared long ago.

However, contrary to expectations, there has been no news from the Xiliang cavalry for a long time, which can't help but make people feel puzzled.

Zhang Miao waited for fifteen days without even seeing the Xiliang soldiers, so his patience gradually lost.

Cao Cao even had some doubts whether the Xiliang cavalry who looted all over the place were the cavalry under Luo Zheng's command.If it is the cavalry under Luo Zheng's command, now that Luo Zheng is blocked in Yu County, why hasn't he come to rescue him.

Even if you don't know the news of Luo Zheng being trapped, you should come out to inquire about the news, how can there be no trace at all.

(End of this chapter)

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