Chapter 178
As soon as the Qiang soldiers retreated, Zhao Yun came to the rear.

Li Meng and Wang Fang also rushed over one after another, gathered together to discuss.

At this time, it was evening, the sun was about to set, and the sunset glow would dye half of the sky red.

"General Zhao Yun, it's time to block the river and gather water."

Li Meng said: "The two groups of Qiang soldiers have been attacked by our army, and the Qiang soldiers should not dare to divide their troops to cross the river."

Wang Fang also nodded quickly, "Yes, although the last general repelled the two frontal attacks of the Qiang soldiers, our army only has [-] infantry after all, and our troops are far inferior to the Qiang soldiers. Half a month."

Zhao Yun nodded and said loudly: "Half a month is enough. Although Huangshui has entered the dry season, the amount of water is much smaller than that of Zhishui. Half a month should be able to gather enough water to give the Qiang soldiers an unforgettable experience. Lesson learned."

Wang Fang excitedly said: "The last general will make arrangements for this."

After finishing speaking, before Zhao Yun nodded, he quickly ran away.

Soon, a small school rushed to the lower reaches of the mountain pass with [-] infantry.

If any Qiang soldiers climbed up the steep mountain wall, they would find that ten rows of densely packed wooden piles had been smashed into the river below the mountain pass.

There is a distance of more than two feet between the two outermost rows of wooden piles.

When the school gave an order, the five hundred pawns threw off their arms immediately, carried thousands of sandbags that had been stacked on both sides of the mountain pass, and threw them into the water. The waist-high river barely washed the sandbags a few times. Got stuck with a stake.

At the same time, near the mountain passes on both sides of the Huangshui River, [-] soldiers each were raising the embankment.

The favorable terrain of the valley created very favorable conditions for the Xiliang army to block the river and build a dam, especially the two sides of the mountain below the mountain pass are almost vertical. The river is blocked.

And because it is the dry season, the deepest part of the river below the mountain pass is less than the shoulder, so it is very convenient to build a dam.

As long as a few rows of wooden piles are dropped and filled with sandbags, a strong embankment can be built in the shortest time.

As for the sides of the mountain pass, it is only necessary to heighten and thicken the original dikes.

In just one night, a sandstone dam with the longest point less than [-] feet high, [-] feet high, and more than [-] feet thick was built under the mountain pass, completely cutting off the river course, and the water level also rose a lot overnight.

Yunwu, General Pingxi's Office.

Xun Yu looked worried, and kept pacing up and down the hall.

Right now, all the Qiang tribes in the West Sea are marching into the bandits, and the lord happens not to be in Liangzhou, so the situation can be described as very critical.However, it's nothing more than Qiang soldiers entering the bandits. There was news a few days ago that Ma Teng's army in Long County was also gathering.

At this time, it is not difficult to guess what Ma Teng wants to do with his army.

Now Yunwu only has [-] cavalry left, if Ma Teng mobilizes his troops to attack again, it will be difficult to resist.

Although there are still [-] soldiers stationed in the fields, they are too embarrassing to use them.

These [-] field soldiers were the [-] peasants recruited by Luo Zheng when he left Luoyang. Although they had practiced the army formation during the slack season, they had never been on the battlefield, and they were short of soldiers, and they were mainly engaged in labor production.

Although the [-] infantry that Zhao Yun took away were also field soldiers, they were all veterans of the same color. They existed as a reserve force. language.

Xun Yu couldn't help worrying that the lord entrusted himself with all the military affairs and government affairs under his rule before leaving.If Ma Teng really raised his troops to attack, it would be difficult to defend Yunwu with only [-] cavalry and [-] field soldiers who had never been on the battlefield.

What's more terrible is that once Ma Teng comes to attack, it will inevitably affect the battle in the rear.

If Zhao Yun knew that the situation in Yunwu was in crisis, he would definitely lead his army back to Yunwu immediately.

In this way, the situation will inevitably collapse to the point of being out of control.

Just when Xun Yu was heartbroken, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

Cheng Ying strode in, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Master Xun Yu."

Xun Yu bowed his hand and asked, "Is there any news from Hanzhong?"

Cheng Ying cheered up and said: "There is news, Zhang Lu has dispatched troops, ordered his brother Zhang Wei to lead [-] troops out of Xiegu to settle in Sanguan, and the troops forced Wudu. Ma Teng has ordered General Pang De to lead [-] troops to Wudu. It seems that they don't plan to send troops."

"Okay, Zhang Lu finally kept his promise and did not violate the covenant."

Only then did Xun Yu heave a sigh of relief, and put his heart back in his stomach.

As long as Zhang Luken, the prefect of Hanzhong, sent troops to support him, Ma Teng didn't have to worry anymore.

Unless Ma Teng dared to risk being raided by Zhang Lu, he would never raise his troops to attack Jincheng.

Xun Yu asked again, "What happened to Lu Bu's army?"

Cheng Ying replied: "Since the imperial court cut off the military rations for Lv Bu a month ago, it is lucky that Lv Bu's [-] Bingzhou army did not mutiny. There is no strength left to attack Liangzhou. According to the news from the elaboration, the Bingzhou army There was no intention of rallying."

Xun Yu nodded and said, "That's good. Right now, the Qiangs from the Western Sea are invading, and everything in Jincheng is in chaos. It's all up to you to worry about it."

Cheng Ying cupped his hands and said, "For the next job, Sir Xun Yu, why should you be polite?"

Xun Yu said: "That's it. I'll go and see how the preparations for the army's supplies and supplies are going. The soldiers of the three armies braved the severe cold to fight to the death in front of the enemy. I have to keep the stomachs of the soldiers full and make them wear clothes." Only when it’s warmed up can we have the strength to kill the enemy.”

Cheng Ying's face was solemn, with respect in his eyes, and he handed him off.

Write Valley, Yamaguchi.

The sound of drums shook the sky, and the sound of killing shocked the wild.

Two thousand Qiang soldiers held up their shields and braved the rain of arrows like locusts, rushing forward desperately.

Since the entire army of [-] cavalry was wiped out, Dian Ling changed his strategy, and no longer dared to send the only [-] cavalry in his hand to die. After discussing with the generals, they divided the tens of thousands of troops into ten teams, and launched an overwhelming attack against the Xiliang army in the mountain pass in turn.

Although the casualties were heavy, the leaders of these Qiang tribes couldn't care less.

The weather is getting colder and colder. According to news from the rear, a lot of cattle and sheep have been frozen.

Many newborn calves were frozen to death before they survived three days.

If we don't defeat this damned Han army and rush into Liangzhou to grab enough food for the winter, even if we return to the West Sea, we won't be able to feed the old and weak women and children who are waiting in the camp for the army to return with food and cattle and sheep. .

There is not enough food, and I don't know how many people in my tribe will starve to death after this winter.

Dian Ling and a group of tribal heroes didn't want their people to starve to death, so they had no choice but to grab food.

There is no other choice but to fight to the death.

The Qiang people are indeed brave and good at fighting. Even if they know they must die, they will charge without fear.

Yet this fearless charge, while admirable, was decidedly foolish.

The Qiang people were ignorant. Although they had learned a little bit of the art of war of the Han people, they were only superficial and lacked the essence. Their tactical coordination was still rough. Facing the Xiliang army's archers, they really lacked effective tactical coordination and protection.

Except for the soldiers to use their lives to block the locust-like arrow rain, there was no way to suppress the longbowmen of the Xiliang Army.

In just five days, there were no less than [-] Qiang soldiers who fell at the mountain pass, and only a small number of them died in battle. Most of them were wounded soldiers who were shot and unable to fight anymore. In Qiangyuan, where there is no means of treatment, even if these wounded soldiers return to their hometowns, no more than half of them will survive.

The remaining half, who can still go to the battlefield in this life, will definitely not exceed [-]%.

However, those who can become the leader of the tribe are not stupid after all.

After paying [-] casualties, Litu, the leader of Gelin tribe, finally thought of a solution.

That is to mobilize all the sword and shield soldiers to charge the formation to reduce the casualties caused by the archers of the Xiliang Army to the Qiang soldiers.

The archers lacked the necessary protection, so they could only go up to deliver food to the Xiliang army.

Although the sword and shield soldiers cannot attack from a long distance, their defense ability is much higher than that of the archers, and they can also effectively defend against the shooting of the archers of the Xiliang Army. As long as they can rush to the front of the Xiliang Army, the victory will belong to their own side.

Litu's proposal was agreed by all the heroes without hindrance, and all the sword and shield soldiers were immediately summoned.

Amidst the terrifying shouts of killing, the Qiang soldiers holding their shields bravely charged the Xiliang army without fear of death.

Although there were shields to block the powerful arrows, there were still Qiang soldiers falling down screaming miserably.

However, compared with the unprotected living rats, the casualties of the [-] army, all composed of sword and shield soldiers, were much smaller.

After paying the price of hundreds of casualties, more than two thousand sword and shield soldiers rushed to the front of the Xiliang army.

"Warriors who are in charge of the fire department, let me kill you!"

"Warriors of the brother neighbors, kill these sons of bitches of the Han army."

"Kill kill kill, avenge the dead brothers..."

Suddenly, more than two thousand Qiang soldiers erupted like landslides and ground cracks, shouting and killing.

The Qiang soldiers who rushed to the front of the Xiliang army's formation had red eyes, brandished their wooden knives and bamboo spears vigorously, and rushed towards the heavy infantry lined up behind the antlers of the fence. reason.

At this moment, all the Qiang soldiers forgot about death, put aside their fear, and moved forward bravely.

In front of the Xiliang army.

"These idiots."

Wang Fang sneered and shouted abruptly, "Pikemen are out!"

Amidst the sound of uniform footsteps, a thousand pikemen immediately stepped out and passed the front row of heavy infantry.

The densely packed spears formed a forest of death. The sharp spear blades reflected the cold light and shone on the faces of all the soldiers. The faces of a thousand spearmen gradually became ferocious, and their eyes quickly turned red.

"There is an order, kill!"

In front of the spearmen's formation, the commanding small school slammed the iron spear with one stroke, and gave a loud shout.

A thousand spearmen immediately stepped forward, raising their spears and stabbing them flat.

"Ah ah ah..."

Amidst the miserable howls, the Qiang soldiers who were huddled into a pile and swung their knives vigorously, about to cut off the antlers of the fence and rush to kill them, immediately fell down in pieces, and were either dead or maimed under the thrusts of the cold spears.

The fixed antlers that were stuck obliquely on the ground did not move at all, firmly blocking the Qiang soldiers behind.

No matter how hard the Qiang soldiers tried to chop the wooden stakes as thick as thighs, they would still be difficult to break.

Even if some brave Qiang soldiers crawled through the gaps, or jumped over the fence, they would be pierced by no less than ten spears in the first time, and they would be nailed to death in midair or on the ground.

And the archers on the wooden building were not idle either, the locust-like rain of arrows poured down again, fiercely shooting at the heads of more than two thousand Qiang soldiers who gradually crowded into a pile, and the Qiang soldiers kept howling Fall down and let the blood flow.

(End of this chapter)

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