Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 179 Zhao Yun Divine Power

Chapter 179 Zhao Yun Divine Power
Writing at the valley pass, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the blood flowed like a river.

Tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers were divided into three teams to attack the Xiliang army in the mountain pass without fear of death.

Even though the ground was already soaked in blood, even though there were piles of corpses piled up in the dead mountain path, he did not take half a step back.

All the leaders of the Qiang people were red-eyed and paid such a heavy price. If they didn't kill all the damned Han army, if they didn't grab enough food and grass, how would they face those old and weak people when they returned to the West Sea? women and children.

What made the Qiang leaders vomit blood even more was the damn terrain.

There are steep mountain walls on both sides, but the outside is better, and the soldiers can still climb up.

However, near the inner side of the mountain road, the mountain wall is almost perpendicular to the ground, and it is impossible to go down at all.

A Qiang soldier wanted to climb up the mountain wall and throw stones to attack from above. However, he was halfway up the mountain when he was smashed by the boulders and rolling logs. It is obvious that the Xiliang army has long been aware of this. be on guard.

After nearly ten days of bloody battle, the casualties of the Qiang soldiers had long since passed.

Fortunately, they finally broke through the first line of defense of the Xiliang Army and destroyed those damn wooden buildings.

Without the suppression of the archers, Dian Ling immediately mobilized a team of attacking archers to suppress it, causing a large number of casualties to the [-] Xiliang infantry stationed in the mountain pass, and the first line of defense suddenly became precarious.

"Rush over and kill these sons of bitches."

The Qiang soldiers were in the rear, Dian Ling's eyes were red, and angry roars could be heard far and near.

"Kill kill kill..."

Thousands of Qiang soldiers marched forward bravely, fighting desperately.

The solid fence and antlers have been pulled out in the bloody battle of nearly ten days. There are not many thousand spearmen left, and they can no longer line up to meet the enemy. Five hundred heavy infantry are also attacking bravely by the Qiang soldiers rapidly decreased below.

"The first team, fight to the death and never retreat."

In front of the Xiliang army formation, Wang Fang hacked to death two Qiang soldiers with one knife, and howled sharply.

"Fight to the death!"

The remaining [-] hoplites yelled sharply, gave up defense completely, and exchanged injuries for lives.

"I leave it to you here, don't embarrass me."

Wang Fang slapped a Dubo on the shoulder heavily, and left quickly.

"Don't worry, General!"

Du Bo's face was ferocious, and he shouted: "Brothers all come out with their heads up to make a living, and none of them is afraid of death. When the lord comes back, don't forget to tell the lord that the brothers didn't embarrass him, and the wife, children, and mother will give up." It’s fine to eat, so as not to starve to death. And when Qingming comes, don’t forget to burn some paper money on the graves of the brothers who died in battle.”

"Don't worry, I will remember it, and I must tell the lord."

Wang Fang left quickly without looking back.

"Brothers, follow me!"

The small school roared, and led the remaining two hundred or so heavy armored infantry, and fought hard to kill them.

In the narrow mountain pass, hot blood was sprayed, and stumps were thrown away.

More than two hundred Xiliang infantry didn't care about the knives and guns that were cut on their bodies. They just swung their knives and killed the enemy vigorously, and no one retreated. , The offensive was frustrated.

Taking advantage of this effort, Wang Fang quickly retreated deeper into the mountain pass with the remaining [-] bows and arrows.

The south bank of Huangshui.

When the defense line of the Xiliang Army in the mountain pass was in danger, Zhao Yun had led [-] cavalry to cross the Huangshui River quietly, and went around to a dense forest more than ten miles behind the Qiang army camp. confluence.

Zhang Heng came up to meet him, cupped his hands and said, "I have seen General Zhao Yun."

Zhao Yun immediately bowed his hands and saluted, saying: "General Zhang Heng doesn't need to be too polite, will the soldiers suffer?"

Zhang Heng said furiously: "Don't worry, general, the brothers have not suffered much. It's nothing to be frozen for a few days. Seeing that the brothers in the mountain pass are bleeding and fighting for their lives, everyone is hiding here to enjoy the blessings. The general is almost unable to hold back .”

Zhao Yun nodded and said: "Tell the soldiers, there is no need to hide anymore, and immediately gather for an assault!"

"As ordered."

Zhang Heng accepted the command with his hands in his hands, and then left quickly to gather the army.

Not long after, [-] cavalry quickly completed their formation in the wilderness outside the dense forest.

When more than [-] heavy infantrymen were all killed in battle, thousands of Qiang soldiers rushed forward and quickly pursued them.

At this moment, the Qiang soldiers rushing to the front suddenly saw the Xiliang soldiers who had retreated dozens of steps away to climb up the mountain wall desperately along hundreds of ropes. The scene was as spectacular as hundreds of A rope full of grasshoppers.

The mountain walls on both sides were densely covered with Xiliang soldiers, and they kept coming back and shaking.

This feeling, this feeling, really has an indescribable weirdness.

"What is the Han army going to do?"

The Qiang soldiers who rushed to the front all stopped their work and asked in puzzlement.

"The devil knows!"

A Qiang soldier cursed and looked at the Xiliang army camp more than ten paces away in surprise.

The Xiliang army camp was set up at the innermost part of the mountain pass, close to the south bank of the Huangshui River, so that people could not see the scene behind.

At this moment, a huge boom sounded suddenly, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The Qiang soldiers were startled for a moment, then their expressions changed drastically.

"not good!"

A Qiang soldier's face changed wildly, and he roared sharply, "Damn the Han army dug the river embankment."


Some Qiang soldiers scolded: "In the dry season now, even if the embankment is demolished, the water in the river will not come up.!"

There was chaos in the mountain pass, and no one knew what happened.

The Qiang soldiers were in the rear.

When Dian Ling and a group of Qiang leaders heard this voice, their expressions changed wildly immediately.

"Quick, withdraw troops, quick!"

Dian Ling didn't wait for the others to react, so he yelled loudly.

Wu Dang, Li Tu and the others turned pale in an instant, and without a word, they rode away.

At this moment, Huangshui, which had been gathered for nearly ten days, rushed out of the excavated embankment like a water dragon that had escaped from its predicament. With just one wave, it washed away the Xiliang River behind the embankment. Army camp.

The Qiang soldiers in the mountain pass saw this scene and didn't need to say anything.

"Ah, run!"

The Qiang soldiers exploded in an instant, became a mess, threw away their weapons one after another, and ran back desperately.

However, thousands of people are crowded on the narrow mountain road, and there is no way they can run over it.

Amidst the shrill screams, thousands of Qiang soldiers had no strength to resist in front of this huge natural power. They followed the Xiliang army camp and were quickly engulfed by the raging flood, and none of them escaped. Lose.

The flood wave continued unabated, wrapped in broken wood and boulders, and soon rushed out of the mountain pass and scattered in all directions.

"Quick, get out!"

Outside the mountain pass, there were endless roars one after another.

Fortunately, this section of the mountain road is not long, only less than one mile away. The leaders such as Dianling, Wudang, and Litu who came over at the first time all rushed out of the mountain pass before the flood hit, and rushed for several miles like bereaved dogs. camp outside.

After the surging flood rushed out of the opening, its power was greatly reduced immediately, and it was no longer the same as before.

Just as Zhao Yun and others expected, Huangshui is now the dry season, and the terrain outside the mountain pass is flat. Even if the amount of water gathered for nearly ten days is not enough to drown tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers, they will spread out after rushing out of the mountain pass. In the plain outside the mountain pass, in the end, only thousands of Qiang soldiers crowded inside the mountain pass were wiped out, and the rest of the Qiang soldiers all escaped.

However, although the flood that rushed out of the mountain pass was no longer powerful, it turned the outside of the mountain pass into a swamp.

Although the Qiang soldiers outside the mountain pass escaped, they could no longer camp here.

After Dian Ling and others fled back to the camp, they immediately summoned the army and ordered the camp to rise up, preparing to move the camp to Gaowai.

However, at this moment, a thunderous sound of hooves suddenly sounded from the side and rear.

"Where did the cavalry come from?"

Dian Ling was startled for a moment, then his expression changed wildly.

"No, it's the cavalry of the Han army."

Some Qiang soldiers couldn't help but screamed loudly.

"Quick, line up to meet the enemy!"

Wu Tu could no longer calm down, and his mournful roar went straight to the sky.

However, instead of helping, it only added to the panic.

The unsuspecting Qiang soldiers panicked when they saw countless cavalry charging towards them all over the mountains and plains.

At this time, not to mention forming an array to meet the enemy, it is already very rare to run without dropping the weapon.

"Quick, retreat to the camp!"

Seeing that it was too late to form an array to meet the enemy, Dian Ling immediately roared, patted his horse and left.

Wudang and Litu panicked and didn't choose a path, they went to the left and the right, patted their horses on both sides and fled.

At this moment, [-] cavalry had already rolled in, like a group of wolves descending the mountain, they ruthlessly charged into the panicked Qiang soldiers without any resistance at all. Wan just broke out of the camp, and the unprepared Qiang soldiers were defeated and fled all over the mountains and plains, crying, fearing that they would lose two legs.

"General, the one on the white horse!"

In the chaos, a soldier pointed at Dian Ling who was galloping towards the camp a hundred paces away and shouted.

Zhao Yun looked up in shock, and saw Dian Ling on the chaotic battlefield at a glance.

There is no way, riding a white horse is too eye-catching, and it is impossible not to see it.


Zhao Yun's thoughts flashed, and as soon as he urged the horse, he chased after him.

It is very rare for a white horse like this to be completely white without a trace of variegation.

Sometimes, a mount is not only a status symbol, but also a person's status.

The Qiang people who can ride this kind of white horse are definitely not low in status, and nine out of ten are the handsome men of the Qiang tribe.

Zhao Yun didn't hesitate, and immediately chased after him.

If you can kill a tribal hero, it is definitely more valuable than killing a hundred soldiers.

Dian Ling was urging his horse to run wildly when he heard a mournful howl behind him.

Looking back in shock, I saw a Han general in silver armor and silver armor chasing him up on horseback. The Qiang people who stopped in front of the Han general were like weak babies, and they were swept away Open, either dead or injured, can't help being shocked.


Dian Ling was almost frightened by Zhao Yun's imposing power, and hurriedly urged the horse to gallop.

Zhao Yun shook the reins of the horse, clamped his legs under the horse's crotch, and chased after him.

Unexpectedly, the steed Dianling rode was incomparably superb, instead of catching up, it tended to be pulled further and further away.

Seeing that there were less than a hundred steps left to the camp of the Qiang soldiers, Zhao Yun couldn't help being anxious. He straightened up from the horse's back, roared, summoned up all his strength, and threw the iron spear in his hand forcefully.

"Master, be careful!"

A Qiang soldier's expression changed drastically, and he roared wildly.

Dian Ling turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a silver glow rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

However, before he could see what it was, he was pierced through the stomach by the iron spear passing through the air.

Dian Ling even heard the sound of his own flesh being cut open by a sharp knife, and all the strength in his body disappeared like a tide.

The iron spear quickly passed through Dianling, leaving a bloody hole in Dianling's chest, and then fully penetrated the bodies of five Qiang soldiers, and finally nailed to death a frightened horse running wildly. on the ground.

It wasn't until this time that Dian Ling's majestic corpse fell from the horse.

"The handsome is dead!"

The exclamations of the Qiang soldiers soon resounded across the battlefield, causing even greater chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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