Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 180 One More Vote

Chapter 180 One More Vote

In October of the second year of Chuping.

The great Han from Qiangyuan, and [-] troops from various Qiang tribes in the West Sea entered the bandits, intending to plunder Liangzhou.

Luo Zheng was not in Jincheng, and Xun Yu took the cavalry captain Zhao Yun as his general, Li Meng, Wang Fang, Zhang Heng and other deputy, led an army of more than [-] cavalry and marched westward to Linqiang to meet the enemy in the area of ​​Shuogu, and designed a big rout Qiang soldiers.

Zhao Yun cut and burned Dianling, the leader of the army, and the Qiang army was defeated, causing countless casualties.

When the handsome Wudang of the Participating Wolf Division and the handsome Litu of the Brother Neighboring Division fled back to the West Sea, only less than [-] of the more than [-] cavalrymen left when they set out for the expedition, and more than half of them were injured, which can be described as a heavy loss. .

The Shaodang tribe is the largest Qiang tribe in the West Sea area, relying on its strong strength to overwhelm all tribes.

Now Dianling has died in battle, and the Shaodang tribe has suffered heavy losses, and can no longer deter the Qiangs.

Wudang and Litu quickly divided up the population and territory of the Shaodang tribe, and then began to conquer each other.

In the past, when the Shaodang tribe was strong, it could still deter Shenlang and Gelin, the two most powerful tribes other than the Shaodang tribe.

Now that the Shaodang tribe is in decline, Wudang and his elder brother are no longer intimidated. This time the army sent troops to Liangzhou to grab the food and grass for the winter. In order for the tribe to survive, only by annexing the other party and grabbing enough cattle, sheep and food can the tribe survive. go down.

In this cold winter, a raging war ignited on the Qiang Plain.

There are striking similarities between Qiangyuan and Mobei's prairie, and tribal annexation battles occur almost every day.

In order for their own tribe to survive, annexing other tribes is the most common method used by the Qiang people.

The failure of sending troops to Liangzhou became the most favorable fuse for the war.

at the same time.

After entering November, the Central Plains region also ushered in the first heavy snow in the middle of winter.

Overnight, the earth was covered in silver makeup, and the birds and animals in the mountains and forests disappeared.

After waiting for a month with hunger and cold, Zhang Miao couldn't take it anymore and led his army back to Chenliu.

Even before leaving, he didn't say hello to Cao Cao.

With thousands of troops in the wild for a month, Zhang Miao was full of resentment. The little trust in Cao Cao's ability and wisdom also disappeared unconsciously because he didn't catch Luo Zheng.

When Cao Cao got the news, he could only look up to the sky and sigh.

Zhang Miao had a hard time this month, and so did Cao Cao.

Not to mention under tremendous pressure, the soldiers under his command also complained everywhere.

Even Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and other clan generals felt that Luo Zheng had escaped from Yu County long ago, and urged Cao Cao to retreat many times.

"My lord, retreat!"

Regardless of Cao Cao's gloomy face, Cao Ren bit the bullet and said: "It's been a month. If Luo Zheng was still in the city, he would have starved to death if he didn't eat or drink. Right now, the generals in the army are very angry. If they don't retreat, they may Great change and mutiny!"

Xiahou Dun also agreed: "What Zixiao said is very true, Meng De, retreat!"

Cao Cao's complexion changed several times, but he did not express his anger after all, but sighed, "Forget it, just follow what Zixiao said."

"My lord is wise!"

Only then did Cao Ren let out a long breath, and exchanged glances with Xiahou Dun and the others, all the clouds in his heart disappeared.

The weather is getting colder and colder, not to mention that the soldiers have endured to the extreme, even the generals like them are almost unable to stand it anymore. Cao Cao does not even have a piece of land of his own now, and all the food and supplies for the army depend on others. Eight thousand pieces of music did not even have a piece of winter clothes. If they did not retreat, the soldiers might really mutiny.

But fortunately, they can finally withdraw to the Yongqiu Camp.

Before dark, Cao Cao led [-] trilogy to leave Yu County and return to Yongqiu Daying Camp.

Bai Xuekaikai left only an empty city in Yu County.

Late at night, City Guard Camp.

A black shadow appeared in a barracks like a ghost, and after about a quarter of an hour, it sneaked up to the window. After waiting for another quarter of an hour, it gently opened the window and door, and jumped into the yard. .

The black shadow pressed against the wall, groping out lightly.

He walked out of the city guard camp without any surprises or dangers, and after a while of probing his head, he found out the city gate.

"Hey, it's finally out."

Luo Zheng sighed for a long time, without further ado, he pulled out his war horse, summoned Xu Chu, and Xu Chu rode together, and rushed all the way into the vast night, and ran for tens of miles before stopping to rest.

"Hey, I've been hiding for a whole month, I'm so fucking suffocated."

Xu Chu waved his arms resentfully, with a depressed expression on his face, he was really bored.

Luo Zheng's face was a bit ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Cao Ah dared to set up a net to ambush this general in Yu County. If you don't return the color, give Cao Ah a profound lesson, how can you solve my hatred in my heart."

Xu Chu cheered up, and hurriedly said, "My lord, are you going to attack Cao Cao?"

Luo Zheng said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry, there are [-] episodes of Cao Ama, and this general only brought a thousand cavalry. Even if he kills him, he can only deliver food to Cao Ama, and I will report this revenge later. Let's go, find someone first Let’s rest overnight and wait until dawn.”

After finishing speaking, he flattered his horse and left, Xu Chu hurriedly followed.

It was difficult to tell the direction in the dark night, and after running for more than ten miles, a Zhuangzi appeared in front of him.

"My lord, there are lights."

Xu Chu reined in his horse and said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound and immediately opened the vegetable garden.

Soon, all the thousand cavalry came out and quickly assembled in the snow.

Luo Zheng raised his whip and said sharply: "Did you see Zhuangzi in front?"


A thousand cavalry roared in unison, each with a hideous expression.

After hiding in the vegetable garden for a whole month, not only Luo Zheng was bored, but all the cavalry were also bored.

Luo Zheng said in a fierce voice: "Very good, level that Zhuangzi for the general, and don't let anyone go."


A thousand cavalry howled in response, and the crowd was excited.

Just when everyone was excited, Luo Zheng's thunderous shout suddenly tore through the night sky.

"Don't rape women, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't..."

Immediately, the thousand cavalry shuddered shrewdly, suppressing some imminent thoughts in their heads.

The thunderous hoofbeats broke the night sky, and Zhuangzi was soon shaken.

There was a sound of dog barking and screaming, and Zhuangzi immediately became a mess.

After half an hour, Zhuangzi quickly quieted down.

The wolf-like Xiliang soldiers drove the trembling Zhuang Ding to the cattle pen to guard them. Teams of soldiers were checking the grain and all available supplies. Several fat pigs were pulled out, slaughtered on the spot, and washed clean. Boiled down to the pot.

Inner courtyard, in a wide hall.

Luo Zheng sat on the top, with his feet on the table, his right elbow on his knees, and his head frowning in thought.

Being stuck in Yu County for a month, I don't know what's going on in Xiliang.

Originally, he planned to plunder Chenliu on the way, and then he planned to return to Liangzhou.

As a result, the delay was in vain for a month, and it was dragged into the depths of winter.

The most worrying thing right now is the situation in Liangzhou.I heard that in Dahan of the Qiang Plain in autumn, the various tribes of the Qiang tribes living near the West Sea are short of autumn grain. Will they send troops to invade Jincheng, and will Xun Yu stabilize the situation in Jincheng?

Although he was very anxious, there was really nothing he could do.

I can only wait until dawn, and then rush back to Liangzhou as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng discerned the direction and went on the road alone, with Xu Chu alone by his side.

After passing Gaoyang Pavilion all the way, and when passing Yongqiu, I stopped to look around.

Cao Cao's [-] plays are stationed ten miles west of Yongqiu, and it is easy to find out.

Luo Zhengqian went to the vicinity of Cao Cao's camp and guarded for a day, but he didn't find a chance to sneak into the camp.

"My lord, don't get in!"

Xu Chu scratched his scalp, a little unwilling.

Luo Zheng's face was gloomy, but he waved his hand as expected, "Go, don't wait any longer."

Although he wanted to kill Cao A more than anyone else to hide this disaster, he had no chance of sneaking into Cao Cao's camp at all.

Even if you are not reconciled, you can only wait for the next opportunity.

The most important thing right now is to rush back to Jincheng to preside over the overall situation as soon as possible.

Thinking about how he had been out for such a long time without hearing from him, Xun Yu should be very anxious.

Luo Zheng didn't hesitate any longer, and left quietly with Xu Chu, passing Yongqiu and rushing westward.

The official road was covered by heavy snow, and the horses could not pass, so they had to rely on two legs to drive, but they couldn't get up fast.

When it was getting dark, I had only walked more than 50 roads.

Fortunately, there were only two of them, and if they were on their way with a large army, it would be good if they could walk twenty or thirty miles.

After resting in the vegetable garden overnight, early the next morning, just as he was on the road, he saw a caravan with hundreds of people and more than 50 carts appearing on the official road ahead. It looked like a large caravan.

Xu Chu leaned forward and said, "My lord, do you want to grab it or not?"

Luo Zheng took a few glances from a distance and said: "The road is blocked by heavy snow, and there are still caravans on the road. But at this time, bandits are less active. Although the road is difficult to walk, it is safer for the caravan. There are not many caravans with hundreds of guards, even in the Central Plains, but I don’t know which powerful company it is, so I will send someone to inquire about it first.”

Xu Chu nodded again and again, gearing up for a while.

Luo Zheng immediately dodged and hid in a deep ditch beside the road, opened the vegetable garden and summoned a soldier who was more clever at first glance and gave a few words, the soldier nodded several times, and then rushed out of the ditch go out.

About half an hour later, the soldiers who went out to inquire did not come back until the caravan had left.

"Master, ask clearly."

The soldiers rushed to the front and said repeatedly: "That group is the caravan of the Mi family in Xuzhou, and the leader is the second master of the Mi family, who seems to be called Mi Fang. He went to Guanzhong to sell goods, and he has to hurry Going back to Xuzhou, that's why I ignored the heavy snow blocking the road."

"Moose's convoy?"

Luo Zheng thought about it, and asked: "But that rich family in Xuzhou?"

The soldiers hurriedly said: "It seems to be true. I heard those servants bragging that the food in the Mo family's warehouse is almost moldy, enough to feed a hundred thousand troops for three years, and the refined iron is almost piled up. Weapons and armor are even worse. countless."

"The refined iron is almost piled up into a mountain?"

When Luo Zheng heard this, his face immediately became greedy.

No matter how much food there is, it is not very attractive.

What is in the Central Plains is food, which can be grabbed anywhere.

However, refined iron is not easy to obtain. Now that the princes are divided, this thing is a strategic material. No prince can get it. Even if they rob it, they can't get much.

The refined iron is almost piled up into a mountain, so how much is there.

Luo Zheng's face was grim, and he immediately decided: "One last vote, grab it."

(End of this chapter)

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