Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 185 Arriving in Liangzhou

Chapter 185 Back to Liangzhou
In November of the second year of Chuping.

Qu County, Donghai County, Xuzhou was attacked by an unknown cavalry force. All wealthy households in the city were robbed. Not only money, food and materials were looted, but seven or eight out of ten people were taken away.

Even Xuzhou Biejia Mizhu, who happened to be back in Qu County on business, was also taken away, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Xuzhou Mu Taoqian urgently condemned the general Cao Bao to lead an army of [-] to seek thieves. However, when the army arrived in Qu County, the unknown cavalry who looted Qu County had long since disappeared. After careful questioning, Cao Bao found out that it was Xiliang cavalry who looted Qu County. .

Cao Bao was very surprised and quickly reported the news to Tao Qian.

After Tao Qian heard the news, he vomited three liters of blood and couldn't get sick.

It was freezing cold and snowing heavily.

After passing Long County, further west, the land became more desolate and the weather became colder.

Looking around as far as the eye can see, there is no end to the desolate Gobi and rolling mountains.

The cold wind of December blew on my face, which hurt like a knife cutting flesh.

Amidst the swirling snowflakes, two fast horses were galloping along the official road facing the biting cold wind.

"My lord, after crossing this mountain, Yuzhong is in front of you."

While galloping his horse, Xu Chu pointed to the mountains in front of him and said loudly.

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and didn't turn his head back, just urging the sweaty BMW under his crotch.

From Quxian County to Liangzhou, no less than thousands of miles, crossing the Central Plains along the way, passing through Luoyang, passing through Hangu, and passing through Guanzhong, it took half a month to arrive in Liangzhou. No fewer than ten horses.

As for the roads blocked due to heavy snow, there were even forty horses whose hooves were useless.

Fortunately, Jincheng was in sight, even if he lost dozens of war horses, everything would be worth it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Luo Zheng immediately took Xu Chu into the vegetable garden. After resting overnight, he went on the road again before dawn the next day. Not long after the sun rose, he passed Yuzhong and went straight to Yunwu.

Originally, Luo Zheng planned to take a break in Yuzhong, and listen to Gao Shun explain the details of the Qiang soldiers' invasion of the bandits.

However, the vegetable garden was crowded with more than 4 captured young and strong men, as well as piles of grain and various goods. It was already overcrowded.

Luo Zheng didn't dare to delay for a long time, so he had to hurry up and go straight to Yunwu.

Ten miles south of Yunwu, Xujiazhuang.

Xun Yu, wearing a fur jacket, hurried into the inner courtyard with more than a dozen minor officials.

"Meet Mr. Xun Yu?"

A member of the Xu clan rushed out to greet him, bowing their hands in salute.

Xun Yu waved his hand, not in the mood to be polite at all, and asked bluntly, "Xu An, the golden rice hasn't sprouted yet?"

Xu An's face turned serious, and while leading Xun Yu and the others to walk in, he replied: "Not yet, the villain has tried many methods, and even brought the soil from the field where golden rice was planted. Things still can't bud."

Xun Yu flicked his sleeves, "Let's go and have a look first!"

Xu An nodded, and quickly led everyone to a row of side rooms.

Pushing the door and entering a wing room in the middle, I saw that there was nothing in the room, except for a small vegetable field on the ground, with fire boxes at the four corners, and the flames soared high, making the room as warm as spring. Not even a hint of chill.

As soon as everyone entered the room, they felt like they were about to sweat.

Xun Yu looked at the empty vegetable field and asked, "Is it too cold for sprouts to grow?"

Xu An shook his head and said: "Mr. didn't know something, and this villain also thought of it, so I dug out the ground and built a fire kiln with green bricks, and put two feet of fertile soil on it to heat up the ground. But this golden rice still doesn't bud."

Xun Yu frowned tightly, and went to check the other rooms one by one.

The results were frustrating, none of the golden rice seeds that were planted germinated.

Xun Yu looked sad and paced back and forth in the yard irritably.

The members of the Xu clan who gathered around were also talking about it, discussing something in a low voice from the professional perspective of farmers.

At this moment, a small school suddenly rushed in with a happy face, and shouted: "Mr. Xun Yu, you are so happy!"

Xun Yu said 'Oh' and asked, "Where does the joy come from?"

The little school waved his arms vigorously, and said excitedly: "Just received the report from the fast horse, the lord has already returned."

"The lord is back?"

Xun Yu's face brightened immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "Where are you now?"

The little school replied, "I've reached forty miles to the east of the city."

Xun Yu didn't care about Jinmi's affairs for the time being, and immediately said in a loud voice: "I invite Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals, as well as the officials and subordinates of the general's mansion, to go to the east of the city to meet the lord with me next time. There will be no mistakes."

"As ordered."

The little school quickly took orders, and Pegasus left.

After half an hour.

Xun Yu, Cheng Ying, Wu Yi, Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other advisers and generals, as well as more than [-] officials and officials from General Pingdi's mansion, came out five miles east of Yunwu Gate to welcome Luo Zheng's return.

The civil servants are headed by Xun Yu, and the generals are headed by Zhao Yun.

The two groups of people stood in two rows, standing on the left and right sides of the official road, looking eagerly.

Not long after, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, followed by smoke and dust.


Wang Fang couldn't help but yelled, and everyone was refreshed.

Soon, hundreds of cavalry rushed within a hundred paces and began to slow down their horses.

Luo Zheng was wearing a black cloak, with a bloody sweaty horse under his crotch. Although he was still majestic and majestic, his eyebrows were exhausted. He stood up and stopped his forward momentum.

"See your lord!"

All the civil and military soldiers hurried forward and fell to the ground with long bows.

Luo Zheng slowly exhaled a breath of heat, raised his hand on the horse's back, and said: "If Wen is exempt from courtesy, everyone is exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, my lord."

Everyone bowed to thank again, and then straightened up.

Xun Yu asked: "My lord, has the journey to the Central Plains been safe?"

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "The journey is safe, and Lao Wenruo is worried."

After a pause, without waiting for Xun Yu to ask any more questions, he said first, "Let go of other matters first. Zilong, Li Meng, and Wang Fang, return to the city quickly to gather the army to stand by. Wen Ruo, Cheng Ying, and Wu Yi also lead their subordinates The officials went to the barracks to resettle the refugees."

Xun Yu asked in amazement, "How can there be refugees under the Lord's rule?"

The rest of the civil and military forces were also puzzled. Jincheng and Wuwei Counties were under the overall management of Xun Yu. Since the autumn harvest and the harvest of the autumn crops, although the people were not rich, at least they had not starved to death. How could there be refugees.

In terms of governance, Xun Yu can be said to have demonstrated extremely outstanding abilities.

This is only the first year, and when the autumn grain goes to the fields next year, I believe the life of the people will be even better.

Right now, the two counties are in peace, and there are no bandits blocking the road, so where are the refugees.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Go and prepare quickly, don't ask too much first."

"As ordered."

Everyone didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they hurried back to the city and went to prepare separately.

Luo did not enter the city, but directly took Xu Chu and hundreds of cavalry to a Wubao outside the city.

Half an hour later, when Zhao Yun, Li Meng, and Wang Fang arrived with more than ten thousand cavalry, they saw countless refugees pouring out of Zhuangzi, densely packed like ants, and I don't know how many there were.

Hundreds of fierce Xiliang cavalry were galloping back and forth on their horses, brandishing their sabers and yelling loudly, trying their best to drive these refugees who had poured out of Zhuangzi to one side and stand still. The scene was chaotic for a while.

Xun Yu and a group of officials and subordinates who came afterward were also stunned, wondering where there are so many people in this village.

As if it appeared out of nowhere, how could it not surprise everyone.

A small school from Xiliang came galloping on horseback and shouted loudly: "My lord has an order, please General Zhao Yun to maintain order, and kill any refugees who take advantage of the chaos; Mr. Xun Yu is responsible for resettling the refugees, and there must be no mistakes .”

Xun Yu, Zhao Yun and others did not dare to be careless and acted immediately.

Zhao Yun divided the more than ten thousand cavalry into ten teams, each with a thousand men, and guarded the refugees who came out separately.

Xun Yu and Wu Yi led a group of officials from the General's Mansion, and with the assistance of Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals, they resettled the refugees into the village houses that had been built earlier, set up households by households, and distributed rations. Very busy.

As early as when Luo Zheng left Yunwu, Xun Yu was asked to build enough houses for tens of thousands of people.

Xun Yu has always been suspicious, and it is only now that he understands what these houses are used for.

The only one who is confused is not sure where the lord got so many refugees.

And how to bring these refugees back to Yunwu is really strange.

After more than an hour, more than 1 refugees were finally released.

However, after the last group of people came out, Xun Yu was instantly dumbstruck and speechless.

The last group of people who came out was thousands of people, all of them were gentry captives from all over the Central Plains, with their families and families. The first few people who came out were very familiar with Xun Yu, but they were old friends Zhong Yao and Shi Tao. Waiting for others, and family members.

And when a little woman was helped out by Xiliang soldiers, Xun Yu's face became even more ugly.

If there were not tens of thousands of refugees waiting to be resettled, Xun Yu would definitely rush in and ask them face to face.

After all the captives were released, the next step was to move food and various supplies.

Luo Zheng rushed back to Yunwu, and didn't even return to the General's Mansion, so he went directly to the warehouse used to store grain in the north of the city.

Five thousand field soldiers brought over from Luoyang were dispatched, rushed into the vegetable garden, climbed onto the ten-foot-high grain stacks, brought down bags of grain, and rushed quickly with the troubles out.

The inner courtyard of General Pingdi's Mansion.

Gan Qian was walking back and forth on the ground, clutching her protruding belly.

Ren Yan and Wu Zhen stabbed and sewed off some baby clothes, bellybands and the like.

While doing their work, the two women chatted and laughed in a low voice from time to time.

On Gan Qianyu's face was the unique brilliance of motherhood, with a look of happiness and satisfaction.

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

A maid rushed in, overjoyed and said: "Ma'am, good news!"

Gan Qian stopped and said 'Oh', "What good news?"

The maid hurriedly said: "Just now Mrs. Chen went out to buy green beans. When she saw an army gathering on the street, she inquired about it. It turned out that the general has returned. Mr. Xun Yu and General Zhao Yun have all gone outside the city."

"Husband is back?"

The three women were overjoyed at the same time, Ren Yan and Wu Zhen both hurriedly put down their work.

(End of this chapter)

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