Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 186 There's a problem with the corn

Chapter 186 There's a problem with the corn
The north wind howled, the sky was gloomy, and night fell soon.

Luo Zheng opened his eyes in a daze, and when he was completely awake, he suddenly turned over and sat up, and shouted: "Come here."

A personal soldier entered in response, stood under the tent and said, "What do you want, my lord?"

Luo Zheng lifted the quilt and collapsed, and asked: "How long has this general been sleeping?"

The soldier replied: "My lord, it has been eight hours."

"Eight hours?"

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "It took so long to ask Wen Ruo to come see me."

"As ordered."

The soldier agreed and ran out immediately.

Luo Zheng stretched his waist, and then he put on his shoes and collapsed.

After moving all the food and various supplies in the vegetable garden yesterday, he didn't sleep for three days and two nights. Before Luo Zheng had time to return to the General's Mansion, he fell down in the barracks of the military camp and fell asleep at that time.

I don't want to sleep for eight hours in one sleep. Since I came to the end of Han Dynasty, I have never slept for such a long time.

Not long after, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

Xun Yu pushed the door open and entered, cupped his hands and said, "I have seen my lord."

Luo Zheng yawned, waved his hands and said: "Wen Ruo is not polite, come, sit down and talk!"

A soldier came in with a soft couch and placed him under Luo Zheng.

Xun Yu lifted his robe, knelt and sat up, and before Luo Zheng could ask a question, he sighed again and again: "My lord, how could you forcibly capture Zhong Yao, Shi Tao, etc., and even Guo Jia's old mother to Jincheng? !"

Luo Zheng said calmly: "Zhong Yao, Shi Tao and others don't know how to flatter and refuse to come to Liangzhou. This general has no choice but to forcibly capture these stubborn people to Jincheng, and then try to make them return to their hearts. used by the general."

Xun Yu said disapprovingly: "Such bandit behavior will only make people feel disgusted, how can they make people feel at ease."

Luo Zheng said with a wicked smile: "Although Wen Ruo has the talent to assist the government, he doesn't know people's hearts. You need to know that the prosperity of the world is for profit, and it is human nature to pursue fame and fortune. Don't look at these scholar-bureaucrats talking about righteousness all day But the bottom line is that since these scholar-bureaucrats came out to become officials, they are not for fame and fortune. As long as they are not that kind of single-minded brains, this general has a lot of ways to make these people obey obediently and willingly work for this general. If not, don't worry about it!"

Xun Yu said helplessly: "But, how can my lord capture Guo Jia's old mother to Jincheng?"

Luo Zhengdao: "There is no other way. When this general arrived in Yingchuan, Guo Jia had already gone to Hebei to vote for Yuan Shao, leaving only an old mother at home. This general simply brought his old mother to Jincheng and summoned her by letter. "

Xun Yu caressed his forehead and said, "My lord is wrong, how can you blackmail Guo Fengxiao with mere tricks!"

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he said, "What's the difference between Wen Ruo's words?"

Xun Yu said: "If Guo Jia doesn't come to Jincheng, what should my lord do?"


Luo Zheng was dumb for a moment, quite speechless.

Xun Yu sighed again and again: "Guo Jia is very good at perceiving people's hearts, how can he be easily blackmailed by others, he must have expected that even if he doesn't come to Liangzhou, the lord will never hate his mother. It's going to be bad."

"This one……"

Luo Zheng patted his forehead and said embarrassingly: "It is true that the general has not thought about it, can Wen Ruo have a clever remedy?"

Xun Yu shook his head and said, "There is no other way, we can only talk about it later."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and asked about resettling refugees and counting supplies.

Xun Yu cheered up, and said: "My lord, I went to the Central Plains this time, and the harvest is really amazing. Not only did I bring back more than [-] young and strong men, but the money, food and various supplies are enough to alleviate the embarrassment of our army's inability to make ends meet. Five of them In addition to repaying the Qianghu tribe with more than [-] stones of grain and fodder, the remaining food is enough for [-] troops to feed for two years. Even if the need for relief of the common people, resettlement of refugees and other food reserves are removed, it is enough for [-] troops to feed for a year. The army will no longer be in danger of food and grass!"

Luo Zheng asked: "How are the more than 4 refugees resettled?"

Xun Yu said: "My lord has already ordered me to build enough houses and enough food and grass. It is not troublesome to settle the refugees. It's just that these refugees have nothing to do. If they are idle for a long time, troubles will inevitably arise. I invite Zhao Yun The generals Li Meng and Li Meng organized these refugees into the camp, temporarily controlled by military law, let these refugees build bridges and pave roads, or organize the refugees to dredge the river, and exchange labor for the rations they need. next step."

Luo Zheng nodded again and again: "If Wen Ruo arranged it properly, then the general can rest assured."

Xun Yu said again: "As for the more than [-] catties of fine iron that my lord brought back, in addition to being able to equip tens of thousands of troops with weapons and armor, part of it can also be cast into some agricultural tools to improve the labor of the people under my lord's rule. Productivity."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "This will be arranged by Wen Ruo."

Xun Yu replied yes, and said: "There are still a huge amount of silver grain, cloth, salt and other materials. If used properly, it will be enough for all the people under the lord's rule to have enough food and clothing for one year. The plan for our army to recuperate and recuperate for several years can be completed ahead of schedule. At most, after autumn, when the granary is full, the lord will be able to use troops abroad.”

Luo Zhengjie said: "Okay, Wen Ruo will take care of these things."

Xun Yu gladly accepted the order, and then his face became solemn, and he bowed his hands solemnly and said, "Besides, there is one very important matter right now, and I don't know how to solve it, and the lord still needs to decide it himself."

Luo Zheng also straightened his face and said: "Wen Ruo, please say!"

Xun Yu said: "After my lord left Jincheng, Yu ordered someone to try planting golden rice, but found that the golden jade harvested in autumn could not sprout at all. Yu tried many methods, but nothing worked."

Luo Zheng was stunned, his face turned dignified, and said: "Wen Ruo talks about it in detail."

Xun Yu said: "Farming and mulberry is a major issue of the country, the livelihood of the people, so don't be careless. Like people planting in spring, they must carefully select the grain seeds to ensure the germination rate. And some crops can only be planted once, and cannot be planted. For seeding. The golden rice seeds planted before were all provided by the Lord. I am not sure whether the golden rice harvested in autumn can be used as seeds, so I had to order someone to try planting. Who wants to try several methods, but it can’t sprout at all If the golden rice cannot be planted, the master Dongbu's plan will inevitably be affected."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Will it be caused by the weather being too cold?"

Xun Yu shook his head and said: "I ordered people to plant seeds indoors. Even the soil used was brought back from the most fertile and high-quality fields, and a new fire was built to heat it up. Even a fire kiln was dug underground, but it was not enough to make the gold grow. Rice sprouts."

Luo Zheng's brows frown for a moment, which is a bit troublesome.

If corn cannot be grown on a large scale, how can the tens of thousands of troops under his command be supported by the hundreds of thousands of people in the two counties of Jincheng and Wuwei alone.After all, the output of wheat and millet is too low. A family of five can only plant [-] mu of land at most. How much land can a hundred thousand people plant? Use troops abroad.

Internal affairs are the foundation of the military, as the saying goes, one hair can affect the whole body.

If rice and corn cannot be planted on a large scale, the chain reaction will definitely cause a series of serious consequences.

Although Luo Zheng robbed a lot of money, food and materials from the Central Plains, it was only a short-term plan, not a long-term plan.

Xun Yu asked: "My lord discovered the golden rice. I don't know my lord, but can I know its planting habits?"

Luo Zheng frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly thought that all the corn planted this year came from the vegetable garden.If there is a problem, it must be related to the vegetable garden, otherwise how could the corn seeds not germinate.

Needless to say, the magic of the vegetable garden is not surprising even if it is somewhat different from the outside.

Luo Zheng frowned and thought hard, what went wrong.

The most likely problem is naturally the growth environment.

However, the vegetable garden is so big, it must not be planted much.

Another possible problem is the extremely fertile soil in the vegetable garden.

Luo Zheng turned a few thoughts, got up and said: "Wen Ruo wait a moment, this general will come as soon as he goes."

After finishing speaking, he turned to the back hall, opened the virtual door and entered the vegetable garden.

After a short time, I took a large pot of black soil from the vegetable garden and came out.

"Use this soil to try planting!"

Luo Zhengdao: "If it doesn't work, the general will try another method."

Xun Yu looked at the black and blue basin of soil, nodded his head, and asked the Jin sergeant to move in without asking any further questions.

Luo Zheng also called Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals, and asked about the process of defeating the Qiang soldiers.

Zhao Yun and the others went through everything in detail, and told how to plan, set up an ambush, arrange the troops, and how to kill and burn the general Dianling in the army, and finally defeated the Qiang soldiers, all of them looked excited.

Luo Zheng listened with joy in his eyes, and patted Zhao Yun's shoulder heavily, praising: "Zilong is brave and resourceful, and can take on important responsibilities in times of crisis. This general is really pleased. There are also Li Meng, Wang Fang, etc. That’s right, I didn’t embarrass General Ben.”

Li Meng and Wang Fang couldn't hide their excitement, and quickly surrendered their hands.

Xun Yu suddenly remembered something and said, "My lord, there is another happy event, which I almost forgot to mention."

Luo Zheng'oh' said, "What's the matter?"

Xun Yu said: "The eldest lady is already happy."

"Gan Qian has it?"

Luo Zheng was stunned for a while, and he had mixed feelings for a while, but he didn't know what to say.

The mood is so complicated and difficult to understand, it's like knocking over a five-flavored bottle.

In the previous life, I didn't even get married, and I didn't even have a family. I didn't expect that in the troubled times at the end of the Han Dynasty, not only survived tenaciously, but also became a prince, and now he is about to become a father. I really don't know how to describe that feeling.

Some are excited, some are moved, and more are relieved.

A king who has no heirs is really a way to bring disaster!

Gan Qian has been with her for more than a year, but there is still no movement in her belly.

Ren Yan and Zhenbao have not been short of time with themselves, and it should have been long ago.

But until he left Yunwu and went to the Central Plains, there was no movement.

Although Luo Zheng never mentions this matter, he has hidden worries in his heart, and knows that several women are also secretly anxious, but it is useless to be anxious about this kind of thing, he can only spend more time and waste some physical strength and hard work.

I don't want to hear the good news from Gan Qian just after returning to Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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