Chapter 188
After three days of heavy snowfall, the weather finally cleared up.

The bright sunlight poured in through the windows, warming people's body and mind.

In the study room, there is a delicate fragrance.

Luo Zheng's hands are on his hands, and he is pacing slowly, thinking about the changes in the situation.

At this time, a soldier came to report, "My lord, Jia Xu brought it here."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Let him in."

"As ordered."

The soldiers left in response, and soon Jia Xu was brought in.

"I've seen the general!"

Jia Xu bowed his hands and saluted, then stood aside without saying a word.

After Luo Zheng turned back to the case, he sat down, staring at Jia Xu for a while, and then said: "Mr. Name, this general has heard it for a long time! In the past, when the Japanese general conquered the Kanto and returned to Luoyang, he also condemned him. People inquired about the whereabouts of the master, but they have been lingering for a while, and now they have finally 'invited' him to Liangzhou, and this general's wish has been forgotten!"

"The general's reputation is too high, and I dare not be ashamed!"

Jia Xu remained calm, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

I am just a small official. Although I have a poor reputation, there are as many famous people in the world as dogs. With this reputation, I can't get on the stage at all, and how can I get into the ears of princes like Luo Zheng.

But it seems that Luo Zheng doesn't seem to be joking, Jia Xu has some doubts in his heart.

It's just that what this guy said about "inviting" himself to Liangzhou is a bit of nonsense.

Is there such a 'please' person?Kidnapping is more or less the same.

Luo Zheng said again: "I heard that my husband's family members are all in Guzang. This general has ordered people to go to Guzang. I can't think of a few days before I can bring all of my husband's family to me. I don't know what your arrangement is for this general. objection?"

Jia Xu cupped her hands indifferently and said, "I have no objection."

Luo Zheng said in a loud voice: "It's good to have no objection, Mr. is a great talent in the world, and he is under the tent of Li Lina and other incompetent people. It can be said that it is a secret investment of the pearl! This general wants to revitalize the Han Dynasty, sir, I am willing to help this general to help the country .”

"Willing to serve the general!"

Jia Xu agreed without even thinking about it, it can be said that she has no morals.

Luo Zheng was also a little surprised, but then he laughed and said: "It's so good, Mr. really understands righteousness!"

Jia Xu smiled lightly, but didn't answer.

In troubled times, life is like nothing, and everyone in the world is trying their best to protect themselves.

Jia Xu was born in a poor family, well versed in the way of being wise and safe, and never cared about who he served, let alone talking nonsense about loyal ministers and two masters. His own life is the most important thing, and fame and ideals have a useless meaning.

Even my life is gone, why do I still need those things?

As long as he can survive, even if there is a torrential flood behind him, he will still be left with a bad reputation for thousands of years.

For the gentry in the late Han Dynasty who were deeply influenced by Confucianism, Jia Xu can be regarded as an alternative.

This kind of thinking and practice of saving one's life and not sacrificing one's reputation can be said to be without integrity.

Luo Zheng gave Jia Xu a deep look, got up and said: "Let's go, follow the general to participate in the military meeting."

Jia Xu answered yes, and followed Luo Zheng out of the study.

The end of the year is approaching, and all the civil and military personnel under Luo Zheng's command have gathered in the General's Mansion, preparing to participate in the year-end military meeting.

Even Gao Shun and Wu Xi, who were far away in Yuzhong and Wuwei, rushed back, and dozens of people gathered together.

When Luo Zheng walked into the meeting room, the civil and military personnel had already sat down in two rows according to their shifts, discussing something in a low voice.

Seeing Luo Zheng coming in, everyone hurriedly greeted him.

Luo Zheng strode forward, walked to the main seat and took a seat, and ordered his soldiers to set up a seat beside him, and ordered Jia Xu to take the seat.

Jia Xu was very surprised, and hurriedly declined: "I am only a wild man, how dare I take the top position, just accompany me in the last seat."

Luo Zheng said without doubt: "Don't talk too much, let you sit down."

Jia Xu had no choice but to bow his hands and enter Luo Zheng's side seat.

Only then did Luo Zheng look around at the civil and military personnel under the tent, pointing to Jia Xu and said in a loud voice: "This general will introduce to you first, this Jia Xu, Jia Wen and Nai Liangzhou famous scholars, from today onwards, will be the military advisors under this general's tent Sacrifice wine, accompany the army and give military advice!"

Xun Yu's eyes showed surprise, he had heard of the name Jia Xu, and he didn't expect the lord to be so fond of this person.

The rest of the crowd were even more puzzled, secretly wondering if Jia Xu was living in vain.

Jia Xu was also surprised, and she didn't know how many times she was surprised.

As a newcomer, I never expected to receive such courtesy and occupy such an important position when I first arrived.

Luo Zheng didn't give everyone a chance to ask questions. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, the military discussion has begun. Wen Ruo, first talk about the situation under the general's rule, so that everyone can have a bottom line in their hearts."

"I obey."

Xun Yu did his part, and said loudly: "Since the defeat of Lu Bu's Bingzhou army last year, the Lord has actively recuperated with the people in the two counties of Xiajincheng and Wuwei. At present, there are 12 households in the two counties, with a population of more than 20. The people on the list. The rest are dozens of Qiang and Hu tribes, with a population of nearly [-]. After successive battles, the current cavalry army under the command of the lord totals [-], of which [-] are cavalry, and [-] are those who followed the lord to conquer the Kanto Of the old troops in Xiliang, [-] were Yueshi Hu cavalry, and the remaining [-] were conscripted Qianghu cavalry; [-] infantry, of which the [-] army led by General Gao Shun was our elite army. The [-] infantry of the army are also veterans, who can be recruited to fight at any time as long as the armor is ready. There are also [-] field soldiers who are recruited from Luoyang by the Lord. Not only do they lack armor, but they have never been on the battlefield. That's how it is!"

Luo Zhengdao: "Let's talk about government affairs again, let everyone listen."

Xun Yu said: "My lord's land is vast and sparsely populated. There are about 16 acres of cultivated land above the middle level, but most of them are abandoned. The existing cultivated land is about 18 hectares, of which [-] hectares are official land, and the rest are owned by the people. There is land. In autumn, [-] hectares of golden rice produce a total of [-] shi, and the rest of the official land is wheat, which produces [-] shi of grain. Excluding all expenses, the government will get [-] shi of grain, which is barely enough to maintain the government. Expenditures and support for the field soldiers. Because the lord has repeatedly reduced and exempted the people's taxes, the taxes and food collected in the autumn can only feed more than [-] troops until the beginning of spring, which is not counted as the salaries of the soldiers. A large amount of money, food and materials were returned to solve our army's urgent needs. At present, there are about [-] shi of military rations available in the treasury, which is enough for [-] troops for a year. If you save a little, you can eat them for two years The money and silver can be used by at least [-] troops for three years, and the rest of the supplies can be used to equip the [-] troops. For the time being, our army has no shortage of money and food."

The spirits of all civil and military listeners were greatly lifted. With such a good situation, how could they not be excited.

If it weren't for Luo Zheng's adventure to go to the Central Plains to plunder, I'm afraid the [-] army would have to be disbanded after the spring.

Luo Zheng nodded, and said: "Talk about the surrounding situation!"

Cheng Ying cupped his hands and said, "My lord, in accordance with the strategy of long-distance and short-range attacks established by Lord Xun Yu, because Guo Si, Fan Chou and other old generals in Xiliang blamed Lv Bu for staying in the army, for fear of repeated intentions, the imperial court has cut off the supply of Lv Bu's military rations. Now Lv Bu's The [-] Bingzhou Army had little food for the winter, so it was no longer a concern. On Ma Teng's side, because Hanzhong Prefect Zhang Lubu Daozhugong ruled the Qiang and Hu people and did not break the covenant, so Ma Teng did not dare to attack easily again. There will be no worries in the four realms for the time being!"

Luo Zheng nodded again and again, and asked: "How about the five buckets of rice to teach those Qiang and Hu people?"

There was a smile on the corner of Xun Yu's mouth, and he said: "There are so many Qiang Hu who don't know how to teach, they only advocate force, and the folk customs of hundreds of years can be easily educated by a mere five-corner rice. Fortunately, the master secretly took care of them. Those five missionaries sent by Zhang Lu were not killed by the Qiang Hu people. If not, Zhang Lu would have reneged on the covenant long ago."

Luo Zheng said happily: "That's good, let those Qiang and Hu people settle down, and try not to cause trouble for this general. Zhang Lu is an ally that is still indispensable for the time being. Lu Bu, what's the recent movement of that guy?"

Cheng Ying replied: "A month ago, Lu Bu personally led [-] Bingzhou troops out of Lingwu Valley, from the desert to Shuofang, and plundered a group of Huns nomadic in Shuofang. No mutiny."

Luo Zheng nodded and asked, "How is the situation in the West Sea?"

Cheng Ying said: "Since the defeat of the Qiang tribes in the Western Sea a month ago, Dian Ling, the leader of the Shaodang tribe, was beheaded by General Zhao Yun, and they have fallen into civil strife. At present, the Gelin and Shenlang tribes have annexed dozens of surrounding areas. The small tribes are leading their armies to fight each other for the most fertile pastures in the West Sea occupied by the Burning Tribe, and they may not be able to invade again within two years."

Luo Zheng said in a long voice: "That's good, let's talk about our army's future strategy, what should we do next!"

Xun Yu suddenly said: "My lord, before discussing the strategy, Yu still has something to say."

Luo Zheng corrected his expression, and said with austere hands: "Wen Ruo, please tell me."

The rest of the people also turned their eyes over and pricked up their ears to listen.

Xun Yu said: "Although my lord has [-] troops, most of them are Qiang and Hu soldiers. Right now, my lord's rule is only Jincheng and Wuwei counties, so it's fine for now. The Lord's weakness will inevitably cause instability in the army under his command, and I hope that the Lord will try to solve it as soon as possible to get rid of this hidden danger."

Luo Zheng looked contemplative and asked, "Wen Ruo continues."

Xun Yu said: "Didn't my lord bring more than [-] young and strong men from the Central Plains? Why don't you recruit [-] young and strong men from them to practice the army formation. As the lord continues to use troops abroad, the army under his command will inevitably suffer casualties. Then we can gradually complete the blood exchange of the army, and finally reorganize an elite army completely dominated by Han people, waiting to enter the Guanzhong eastward in the future."

Luo Zheng said decisively: "Good, just follow Wen Ruo's opinion!"

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "My lord is wise!"

Luo Zheng looked at Gao Shun and said: "Boping is very good at training soldiers, so I will leave this matter to you. You can choose [-] young and strong men from more than [-] refugees to build a camp in Yuzhong. In response to military rations, the two train their troops to prepare for battle!"

Gao Shun said solemnly: "The final general obeys orders."

Luo Zheng said again: "The [-] cavalry will also be reorganized, and the [-] old troops can be the general's personal guards, and the rest will abolish the old, weak, sick and disabled and reorganize a [-]-strong army composed entirely of Qiang and Hu people. Cavalry, unite orders."

"As ordered."

Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang, Yan Xing and others hurriedly took orders.

(End of this chapter)

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