Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 189 Strategic Plan

Chapter 189 Strategic Plan
Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Okay, let's talk about our army's future strategy, Wen Ruo said first."

Xun Yu cleared his throat and said loudly: "My lord, right now our army has enough food and supplies. There is no worry about money and food inside, and there is no danger of bandits and bandits outside. It is time to use troops to expand our borders and expand our borders outside. Now Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and other feudal lords may be occupying a prefecture, accumulating grain to become king, expanding their army, or using troops abroad to expand their territory. However, under the lord's rule, there are only two counties, Jincheng and Wuwei, with no more than a hundred thousand people and tens of thousands of soldiers. The world has changed, how to compete with the princes from all walks of life. Therefore, Yu thinks that the lord needs to pacify Liangzhou as soon as possible, and then try to move eastward, and get all the land in Guanzhong, so as to compete with the heroes of the world for a day."

Luo Zheng made a "hmm" and said: "Liangzhou is sparsely populated, and it really doesn't have the foundation for success. If you want to accumulate strength, you can only go eastward, occupy the fertile land in Guanzhong, and rely on the mouth of millions of people in Guanzhong. It's a matter. However, Dong Zhuo is grasping the righteousness of the court at present, and this general will not be tolerated by Dong Zhuo. If we want to pacify Liangzhou, we still need a convenient time."

Just as Xun Yu was about to speak, he saw Jia Xu who was sitting next to Luo Zheng's eyes move, so he bowed his hands to Jia Xu and said, "I've heard Mr. Jia Xu's name for a long time. I don't know what you have to say?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "Master Xun Yu has over-rewarded, and I have very little knowledge, so how can I have any good opinions!"


Xun Yu was quite embarrassed and couldn't get off the stage.

Luo Zheng looked at Jia Xu, and said in a deep voice: "Wenhe might as well talk about it!"

Jia Xu pondered, cupped his hands and said, "I obey."

After a pause, he said: "If the general wants to advance eastward, the biggest obstacle is Dong Zhuo'er. As long as Dong Zhuo dies, the Xiliang army will inevitably be torn apart. Niu Fu's generation is mediocre, how can they control the overall situation. By then Xiliang All the generals will turn to each other, when the Sili Guanzhong area will be in chaos, the general can take advantage of the situation and wipe out Ma Teng and Lu Bu with a thunderous force, so as to secure Liangzhou."

Luo Zheng took the case and said: "Okay, well said, the old thief Dong Zhuo is indeed the biggest obstacle for this general."

Xun Yu, Cheng Ying, Wu Yi, Zhao Yun, Gao Shun, Yan Xing, etc. all looked at Jia Xu with admiration. No wonder the lord attaches so much importance to this person. Now it seems that he is not an ordinary person, pointing out the crux of the problem where.

Luo Zheng looked around the crowd and said: "However, the old thief Dong Zhuo is young and vigorous, and he is afraid that he will die overnight. Can you have any way to make the old thief Dong Zhuo die as soon as possible, so that the general can calm down Liangzhou and drive the army eastward to clear the last obstacle ?”

Everyone fell silent immediately, Dong Zhuo is so easy to kill.

If it was so easy to kill, Dong Zhuo would not be alive now.

Luo Zheng waited for a long time, but no one spoke up, even the most resourceful Xun Yu was silent.

Frowning, he could only look at Jia Xu, "Does Wen He have a clever plan?"

Jia Xu murmured, "This..."

Luo Zheng saw that his face was difficult, and he immediately understood it, and put it down for the time being.

After discussing some other details, the military discussion was concluded.

"Wenhe, Wenruo, and Gongying stay, and the others disband."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and immediately got up and turned into the back hall.

Everyone hurriedly got up to see each other off, and only after Luo Zheng entered the back hall did they file out.

Jia Xu, Xun Yu, and Cheng Ying followed Luo Zheng and entered the back hall.

Side hall.

Luo Zheng took the seat, waited for the three of Xun Yu to take their seats, and after the personal soldiers brought out the tea ceremony, he turned to Jia Xu, "Wen He just had a hard time, but there is a way to make Dong Zhuo end his life early, but it's not easy to announce it." To the public?"

Jia Xu hesitated and said, "I do have a way, but it's hard to get into the general's eyes."

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed for a moment, and he said: "As long as the old thief Dong Zhuo can be killed, this general will not hesitate to use any means, say!"

Jia Xu cupped his hands and said, "If you want Dong Zhuo to die, there are only three methods. One is that the generals in Xiliang will rebel and bring trouble to Xiao Qiang; the other is to hide and assassinate; the third is to use poisonous schemes. The first two methods will not work, and the rest is It's been poisoned."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "How to use poison?"

Xun Yu and Cheng Ying also looked at Jia Xu, wanting to see what kind of scheme this person has to kill Dong Zhuo.

Jia Xu said: "No one else, use poisonous ears!"

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "Dong Zhuo's diet is in charge of special personnel, and there are confidantes who test the poison at every level. If Dong Zhuo can be poisoned to death with poison, the old thief will not live today, and Wang Yun would have done it long ago. People got killed."

Xun Yu and Cheng Ying also nodded slowly, this is the truth.

Who can be a hero, and who is a simple character.

If it was so easy to be poisoned, the princes of the world would have been poisoned to death so many times, how could they live to this day.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about Luo Zheng's diet, there are special people in charge, from the purchase of ingredients, to the kitchen, to cooking and other processes, there are people to check, after the meal is ready, there is a special person to test the poison, so as not to be recruited .

Dong Zhuo, as the uncrowned king, will only take stricter precautions in this regard.

Jia Xu said confidently: "The general only knows one thing, but not the other! The difficulty of poisoning lies in the ears of the poison itself. It is because all the poisons in the world have a peculiar smell, even if it is a hidden poisonous weed, there is a way to test it out. Moreover, people who eat poison will show symptoms in no more than a moment, so it is difficult to poison. However, if it is used properly, it may not be impossible to kill Dong Zhuo."

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he said: "Wenhe talk about it in detail!"

Xun Yu and Cheng Ying also pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

Jia Xu stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, then said: "The poisonous plan is just a small trick, and it is necessary to use a hidden assassination plan to attack and kill Dong Zhuo in one fell swoop. I have already thought of a plan, or it is still immature, and I will present it to you." General!"

Luo Zhengsu said with his hands: "Wenhe, please speak."

Jia Xu said: "If my expectations are correct, the general should have written letters with Wang Situ and others, right?"

Luo Zheng's eyes are fixed, and the tiger's eyes burst into light, staring at Jia Xu.

Xun Yu and Cheng Ying were also taken aback, and the way they looked at Jia Xu finally changed.

Jia Xu's face was indifferent, unmoved at all.

Luo Zheng stared at him for a while, and then the light in his eyes disappeared. After a moment of pondering, he said bluntly: "Wen He actually knew about the relationship between this general and Wang Yun, and he was really observant. In this case, why Not to report to Dong Zhuo?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "I'm just a small official, who speaks lightly, even if you tell the truth, how can you win people's trust?"

Luo Zheng was dumb, and asked after a while: "How did Wen He know that Wang Yun and others wanted to harm Dong Zhuo?"

Jia Xu said: "This is what the general himself said. Why do you ask me about it instead?"

Luo Zheng was stunned, and then remembered that Wang Yun had indeed said that Dong Zhuo was going to be killed, and he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. Jia Xu's reaction was extremely sharp, and he just accidentally said a word, so he guessed a lot of things , the sophistication of the mind is really comparable to others, and he said immediately: "Wen He wants to offer a plan, can it be related to Wang Yun and others?"

Jia Xu nodded and said: "At first, I didn't have much confidence, but if Wang Yun and others take care of them, and hundreds of dead men support me, I'm [-]% sure that things will be done. It's just that I need to go to Luoyang to make arrangements. Be safe!"

Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly froze, staring at Jia Xu, speechless for a long time.

Although Xun Yu had some guesses in his heart, he couldn't say it directly.

Cheng Ying couldn't help but sneered and said, "It's such a trick to get rid of the golden cicada's shell, don't you want to take the opportunity to escape?"

Jia Xu didn't even think of it as Ying, and said calmly: "How can you know the belly of a gentleman?"


Cheng Ying turned blue with anger, and was about to retort.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, told Chengying to be calm, stared at Jia Xu for a while, and then suddenly said: "Okay, this general will allow you to go to Luoyang to arrange it personally, and let Xu Chu bring the three hundred iron guards of this general Follow orders and do your best.”

"My lord, no!"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Ying jumped up and said loudly: "This person has not returned for a long time, and his mind is unclear. How can he entrust him with such a big responsibility. If he has malicious intentions and leaks this secret, isn't it to invite the Lord?" Disaster."

Xun Yu also said: "My lord, what Mr. Cheng Ying said is not without reason."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said decisively: "Wen Ruo and Gongying don't need to say more, this general has his own measure."

Jia Xu said indifferently: "The general is not afraid of going or not coming back?"

Luo Zheng also said bluntly: "This general is not suspicious of people, and he is not suspicious of employing people. Besides, this general can also see that the talented and superhuman generation like Wen and this trip, who can spare no effort to save their lives, will easily give away their loyalty. Dedicated to others. If this general does not show some open-mindedness, how can we make Wen He return to his heart and work hard for this general."

Jia Xu was surprised, staring at Luo Zheng for a long time without saying a word.

After a long while, he stood up, bowed down and said: "The general trusts you with his confidant, and I will live up to your expectations."

Luo Zheng got up and helped Jia Xu up, paused, and said: "Wen He doesn't have to be duplicity, this general will just say it, now your family is coming to Yunwu in a short time, and your life is in the hands of this general, this general I'm not afraid that you will never come back!"

Jia Xu was completely speechless, this is the real shameless person.

Although I was a little immoral, this guy was even more shameless to the limit.

However, isn't this right for my appetite?
The reason why Jia Xu refuses to give loyalty is because no one is worth his life.

Even if he is as strong as Dong Zhuo, he only gained power for a while, and after all, he lacks the ambition to achieve great things.

If you want to work hard, you need at least some heroic potential.

Otherwise, who would want to wander around and waste time with an incompetent person who is not talented enough to accomplish anything.

Jia Xu said with a long bow: "General, I dare not or sometimes forget the order. I will try my best to clear up the obstacles for the general. This matter should not be too late. I also ask the general to send and punish the accompanying people. I will start now."

Luo Zheng said happily: "Okay, quickly call Xu Chu over."

"As ordered."

There were soldiers outside the door who responded loudly and rushed to call Xu Chu.

Not long after, Xu Chu strode up to the hall, cupped his hands and said, "The final general will see the lord."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said solemnly: "Zhongkang doesn't need to be polite. I have an important task for you today. You can quickly summon the general's three hundred iron guards to escort Mr. Jia Xu to Luoyang and design to kill Dong Zhuo."


Xu Chu was taken aback, and said: "If someone is not here, who will protect the Lord's safety?"

Luo Zheng said coldly: "This general is in Yunwu, is there anyone else who can sneak into Yunwu to assassinate this general?"

"This, I will obey orders."

Xu Chu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took orders.

(End of this chapter)

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