Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 190 The Corn Finally Sprouts

Chapter 190 The Corn Finally Sprouts

General Pingdi's mansion, side hall.

Xun Yu and Cheng Ying looked at Jia Xu's back and remained silent.

Luo Zheng sighed: "Wen Ruo thinks, how likely is Jia Xu's trip to be successful?"

Xun Yu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, Dong Zhuo has a large number of personal guards when he goes in and out, and there are no less than 3000 personal guards alone. How can he be so easy to kill. However, the situation in Luoyang is complicated, no more than other princes. Wang Yun, Huang Wan and others are plotting secretly, as long as the timing is right, there may not be no chance of killing Dong Zhuo."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "If it wasn't for this, this general would not let Jia Xu go to Luoyang. I just hope that Jia Xu will not disappoint this general. Otherwise, Dong Zhuo will not die, and this general will only be trapped in a corner."

Cheng Ying couldn't help but said: "My lord, isn't he afraid that Jia Xu will never come back?"

Luo Zheng smiled and said: "Gongying is too worried. Although Jia Xu is a man who has no integrity for his life and is disgraceful, it is just a way of life to protect himself in troubled times, not because of his cold nature and disregard for relatives. Now his family is in the hands of this general, and he will never return. Besides, this person has been in the Xiliang army for a long time, but he has not been reused. What good will it do to betray this general by relying on Dong Zhuo? Jia Xu is a Smart people will never do stupid things, Gongying can relax as much as possible."

Cheng Ying remained silent, so he stopped talking.

Luo Zheng said again: "Take the time to find out the deployment of Ma Teng and Lu Bu's troops, and pay close attention to the deployment of troops in the two places. After the spring, no matter whether Dong Zhuo dies or not, our army must pacify Liangzhou as soon as possible. Right now [-] The great chaos in the Liqiang Plain, this is the best opportunity, otherwise it will be difficult to think about it after Ma Teng and Lu Bu recover after a few years of recuperation."

Cheng Ying cupped his hands and said, "My lord, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Luo Zhengdao: "It's not enough just to figure out the deployment of Ma Teng and Lu Bu's troops, but also to provoke more disputes between Ma Teng and Lu Bu. Didn't Wen Ruo set up a strategy of long-distance and short-term attack? This general wants to use Ma Teng first, and Lu Bu can do it If you take advantage of it, you can make friends with a low profile, and even help Lu Bu with some military supplies. As long as you can provoke a dispute between Ma Teng and Lu Bu, you can use any means. It is best to let Ma Teng and Lu Bu fight first. The general can reap the benefits."

Cheng Ying cupped his hands and said, "I obey."

Xun Yu continued, "My lord's words are very true. Lv Bu can indeed take advantage of them. However, Lv Bu is a tiger and a wolf. It is not impossible to help him with some military rations, but it should not be too much. As long as the [-] Bingzhou army under his command does not starve Death is enough. Otherwise, if Lu Bu has no worries about food and grass, and then turns around and raises troops to attack the lord, it will be a bad thing."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Yes, for the specific details, Wen Ruo first agrees with Gongying on the details, and then reports to the general."

Xun Yu agreed, and said, "If you use Ma Teng first, you can contact Zhang Lu, the prefect of Hanzhong, to send troops."

Luo Zhengdao: "What Wen Ruo said is very much in line with the general's intentions. Zhang Lu, an ally, can't do it without some effort. However, it is probably useless to expect Zhang Lu to send troops to help the battle. At most, it will drag Ma Teng's hind legs and involve Ma Teng's part It's just military strength."

Xun Yu said: "As long as part of Ma Teng's troops can be involved, the pressure on our army will be relieved."

Luo Zhengdao: "How to arrange the specific arrangements, Wen Ruo can handle it."

Xun Yu responded, and said: "If you want to go down to the three counties of Longxi, Hanyang, and Wudu, you need cavalry alone. Our army has more cavalry and fewer elite infantry. After repeated fierce battles, our army now has only more than ten thousand infantry. In the face of a difficult attack, I am afraid that he will be powerless. Although General Gao Shun is quite capable of training troops, in just a few months, [-] soldiers stationed in the fields may not be able to be of great use."

Luo Zheng rubbed his eyebrows and said: "I can't be in a hurry, I can only wait for Liangzhou to be calmed down and then train slowly."

Xun Yu nodded. An elite soldier is not trained in a day, and it is true that there is no rush.

At this moment, some soldiers came to report that the Xunfu family outside the mansion would ask for an urgent matter.

Xun Yu went out, and soon rushed in with a happy face.

"My lord, good news!"

Xun Yu looked excited, and said loudly: "The golden rice has finally sprouted."


Luo Zheng also lifted his spirits, and said excitedly: "Okay, great, go and have a look."

Xun Yu hurriedly turned sideways to make way, Luo Zheng strode out of the side hall, and even Cheng Ying followed.

Exit General Pingdi’s Mansion and turn left, next to the first house on the left of General’s Mansion is Xun Mansion.

Luo Zheng strode forward, and some soldiers had already stepped forward and knocked on the gate of Xun Mansion.

Seeing the situation, the concierge was too busy to salute, so he quickly stepped aside.

Xun Yu quickly walked to the front at this time, leading Luo Zheng and Cheng Ying to a wing in the west courtyard.

Several braziers were lit in the house, and the firewood was burning vigorously.

In a large wooden basin in the middle of the room, a few green shoots broke through the mountain, which is gratifying to look at.

Although only a sharp corner is exposed, it is enough to explain the problem.

"Okay, as long as it can germinate!"

Luo Zhengjie said: "It turns out that it is really a problem of soil quality."

Xun Yu said happily, "I don't know where the master's soil comes from. I will organize the peasants to carry the soil tomorrow."


Luo Zheng suddenly choked, a little speechless.

The soil is from the vegetable garden, where can I get the soil.

Moreover, there is only a hundred acres of land in the vegetable garden, so even if you dig a hundred feet deep, you can't get much soil.

Replacing the soil is not the solution, it seems that we have to think of other ways.

Luo Zheng took a few steps back and forth, and said: "In this way, changing the soil is not a solution after all. Let the general think about it again. It is best to think of a perfect plan. Even if you organize tens of thousands of people, how much soil can you afford."

Xun Yu said anxiously: "My lord, the new year is approaching. Even if the golden rice is planted late, it will have to go to the ground in April. There are only three months left at most. I really can't delay it! Can golden rice be planted on a large scale?" , the matter is of great importance, my lord, please think twice."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Wait a few more days, let this general think about it!"

Xun Yu had no choice but to say: "My lord, please don't wait too long, so as not to miss the spring plowing."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Don't worry, this general knows it well."

Only then did Xun Yu call his servant, and repeatedly asked him to take good care of the corn seedlings in the pot.

After Luo Zheng returned to the mansion, he immediately planted a handful of corn seeds in the flower pot in the inner courtyard, and took two bowls of water from the vegetable garden, poured one bowl of water into the flower pot where the corn seeds were planted, and the other He threw a handful of corn into a bowl of water, soaked it for a long time before planting it in another flower pot, and finally asked the wives and concubines who came to watch to take good care of it.

Gan Qian was puzzled and said: "Husband, I heard that the yield of this golden rice is extremely high, and the yield per mu is [-] catties. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Naturally it is true, but after this stubble of golden rice has been collected, it has not been able to be planted. Xun Yu has thought of ways to do this, and today he can finally sprout. But I have to try again for my husband, so that I can understand There are many."

Gan Qian said with a smile: "The yield of this golden rice is so high, if the common people can cultivate it, there will be no famine in the world!"

Luo Zhengdao: "It's not that easy to put an end to famine. Even if it can be planted on a large scale, the husband can only let the people under his rule cultivate. Don't worry about these things, you women, just take care of the children in your belly."

Gan Qian sighed, and couldn't help feeling sad for those people who couldn't eat enough.

However, this kind of matter is not something that a woman can solve, so she has no choice but to agree.

Zhenbao next to him asked curiously: "Where did you get this golden rice? Why have you never heard of it before?"

Gan Qian, Ren Yan, and Wu Zhen also looked at Luo Zheng curiously, wanting to understand.

It is necessary to know that all the food in the world does not come from five grains.

This golden rice is not included in the five grains, but it is an out-and-out grain.

Not only is it food, but the output is also frighteningly high.

If it is true that the people of the world can farm, how can there be people starving to death.

And the first person to discover this golden rice definitely deserves the evaluation of Gong Zai Qianqiu.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "This golden rice was accidentally discovered by my husband, so don't ask more questions."

The women didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they had to ask about the details of planting golden rice, so that it would be convenient to take care of the seedlings after they emerged.

On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, the cloud cleared and the weather finally cleared up.

Xun Yu kept his feet on the ground, and went to the surrounding areas to check the conditions of the farmland and rivers. If there were serious silts in the rivers, he immediately organized the peasants to clean up the riverbed, repair the canals, and even went to Lingju to check the construction of the reservoir. Condition.

Once New Year's Eve is over, the weather will turn warm quickly.

This year's Awakening of Insects is relatively early, and in February, the wheat will be planted.

The season of the year lies in spring, and farming is the country's major plan, and nothing can be sloppy at all.At this time, the important tasks of governments all over the world revolve around spring planting. Spring planting is the key to whether there will be a bumper harvest in autumn.

Luo Zheng was busy reorganizing the army. Except for the [-] old troops, the rest of the Qiang and Hu cavalry were all reorganized.

At the same time, he summoned a group of generals and personally taught all the generals under him a modern military course.

The military warfare theory of this era is too simple, far less nuanced than later generations.

It's like a confrontation between two armies. Once one's general is killed, it will be fatally hit by morale.

For a professional army, this phenomenon is very abnormal.

Commanding generals are the core of an army, but they are not the whole of an army.

You must know that the victory of a war is won by the bloodshed of all the soldiers, not the merits of the general in command.In a perfect war system, even if the commander-in-chief dies in battle, the army should not collapse.

There will definitely be an impact, but it should never be defeated like a mountain.

Even if the commander-in-chief dies in battle, there should be subordinate generals who temporarily take over the command according to their ranks, and lead the army to continue fighting. .

The existing army is nothing more than that, baked pancakes are not easy to rub, and they don't have much plasticity.

Luo Zheng intends to apply these brand-new military ideas beyond this era to the new army to be organized, and cultivate a group of lower-level officers who are richer in military ideas and more flexible in war thinking, thus bringing out a real iron-blooded division.

(End of this chapter)

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