Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 317 Not good, Zixiao is in danger

Chapter 317 Not good, Zixiao is in danger

Chapter 312

Ruyin, Cao Cao's camp.

Cao Cao was convening the generals for a discussion, when Cheng Yu suddenly rushed in.


Cheng Yuning said in a loud voice: "General Cao Ren ordered the horse to report, and Luo Zheng personally brought five thousand troops to Guandu!"


Cao Cao was taken aback, "That guy Luo Zheng really came?"

Cheng Yu nodded solemnly, this is indeed not good news.

Cao Cao's face also turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Since Luo Zheng led the army here, Jia Xu, who is inseparable from him, must also be in the army. Both of them are scheming, and Zi Xiao fears that he will not be an opponent."

Guo Jia also said: "Luo Zheng brought the army to come, I'm afraid the picture is not that simple. If it's just plundering the population, you only need to condemn a general to lead the army. It can be seen that Luo Zheng must have other goals. "

Cao Cao said solemnly: "What other goals does Luo Zheng have?"

Cheng Yu, Liu Ye, Xun You and other counselors, as well as Cao Chun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Hong, Li Dian, Le Jin, Yu Jin, Cao Xiu and other generals also had gloomy expressions on their faces, and they were all thinking quickly.

Guo Jia's face turned serious, and he said: "It's hard to say for the time being, but Luo Zheng will not be satisfied with only looting tens of thousands of people if he brings a large army to come, otherwise, if it's just looting people, there will be Xiliang water army to respond , Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and other generals under his command are also fully capable. Luo Zheng's first goal should be Xuchang. If Xuchang can be attacked, he will naturally be able to inflict heavy damage on the lord. Even if he can't attack Xuchang, he will try to break the lord One arm, otherwise Luo Zhengjuan will not retreat."

"not good!"

A flash of light flashed in Cao Cao's mind, and he shouted, "Zixiao is in danger!"

Cheng Yu, Liu Ye, Xun You and the other generals all changed their expressions. After thinking about it carefully, this possibility is really possible.

This is by no means a worry for mediocrity. Since the first year of Chuping led troops to conquer Guanzhong, Luo Zheng has fought dozens of battles, and has never been defeated. Even Cao Cao and Luo Zheng have confronted several times, and they have not taken advantage of it.

Although Luo Zheng is very afraid of Cao Cao, he listed Cao Cao as the first target to kill, but in the same way, Cao Cao is not afraid of Luo Zheng.In terms of being able to conquer and fight well, Cao Cao has never been afraid of anyone except Luo Zheng.

Although Cao Ren was quite capable of commanding troops, if he confronted Luo Zheng head-on, no one present would be optimistic about Cao Ren.

Even Cao Cao, who valued Cao Ren the most, didn't think Cao Ren was Luo Zheng's opponent.

This has nothing to do with trust, it is Luo Zheng's outstanding military exploits, and Cao Ren is far inferior in comparison.

Leaving aside the pacification of Guanliang, the feats of sweeping the [-]-mile Qiang Plain and slaughtering Xiutu Gehu are not inferior to those of the famous ancient generals.Not to mention Cao Ren, even Cao Cao is not as good as Luo Zheng in terms of military exploits alone.

Facing such an opponent, Cao Ren really lacked enough background to make everyone have confidence in him.

Guo Jia said in a deep voice: "The battle in Huainan is at a stalemate, it's useless to stay longer, please send troops back to Xuchang, my lord, maybe there's still time!"

Cao Cao, the hero of the world, is an extremely decisive person, and he immediately shouted: "Come here, quickly send orders to all the ministries. Tomorrow three shifts will cook food, and five shifts will set up troops and retreat to Xuchang at full speed. There must be no mistakes!"

"As ordered!"

All the generals responded with a bang, and filed out of the tent.

Early the next morning, Cao Hui broke out of his camp before dawn and withdrew to Xuchang.

General Ji Ling of the Cheng Kingdom was finally relieved when he heard the news, but fearing that he would fall into Cao Cao's trick again, he still ordered all his ministries to guard the city pass and not act rashly, and sent more than ten scouts to strictly monitor Cao's movements.

It was not until it was determined that Cao Jun's retreat was not due to fraud that the team returned to Shouchun.

To the south of Junyi, Cao Ren's army is in front.

"General, something is wrong!"

The scout cavalry rushed over like a whirlwind, and shouted at the top of their voices, "Suddenly a large number of Xiliang cavalry appeared west of Junyi, and they have already killed ten miles away. General, please make a quick decision! "


Cao Ren's face changed suddenly, and he asked sharply, "Luo Zheng's army has already left Kaifeng and headed south. Where can Junyi return the Xiliang cavalry?"

"The villain doesn't know either!"

The scout cavalry finally rushed to the front, gasping for breath, sweating on his forehead, and hurriedly said: "The Xiliang cavalry came out suddenly, and the villain can only see it because it happens to be on a mountain."

"Could it be a mistake?"

Some generals asked incredulously, some couldn't believe it.

"How can I be wrong!"

The scout soldier said sadly: "General, the villain saw it with his own eyes, there are at least three thousand cavalry."

Cao Ren's complexion changed again, and after thinking for a while, he immediately shouted: "Order all the ministries to line up on the spot and prepare to meet the enemy."

Some generals still couldn't believe it, and said: "General, the strength of our army's scouts is almost staring at Luo Zheng's army. If Luo Zheng's army escapes, it is impossible to hide our army's scouts. This Xiliang cavalry is Who is it?"

Cao Ren sternly said: "I can't control that much anymore, hurry up and gather soldiers and horses, and form an array to meet the enemy!"

"As ordered!"

The general didn't dare to say any more, he hurriedly obeyed his orders and ran away.

At this moment, the sound of thunderous hooves came from a distance.

Cao Ren turned his head and looked, and saw a large cloud of smoke and dust rising from the northwest direction. This was at least the momentum that can only be seen when thousands of cavalry marched quickly. His heart sank immediately, and his face became extremely ugly.

When did the Xiliang cavalry go around to the back? Could it be that this cavalry is not under Luo Zheng's department?
Cao Ren shook his head, really unwilling to deceive himself.

If there are other cavalry nearby, how could they hide it from their own eyes and ears.

This Xiliang cavalry is most likely Luo Zheng's subordinate.

However, Luo Zheng has led the army out of Kaifeng to the south, how could he go around behind him?
Cao Ren didn't have time to think about it, because after a while, a black line appeared in his line of sight.

Ten miles is not a distance at all for cavalry.

If the cavalry charged at full speed, it would take at most one stick of incense ten miles away.

With the physical strength of the horses of the Xiliang Army, running ten miles at the limit speed is not a problem at all.

After receiving the military order, the [-] army immediately began to quickly gather in the wilderness on the side of the official road. Both the front army and the rear army moved closer to the central army immediately.

At this time, the only option is to gather as many troops as possible and fight to the death with this Xiliang cavalry that suddenly appeared.

If it can stop the Xiliang cavalry's surprise attack, then everything will be easy to talk about.

If it can't be stopped, everything will stop, and it will be useless to ask for more supplies and fodder.

What's more, the baggage vehicles were already at the back, so there was no time to rush over.

Cao Ren was so heartbroken that he galloped on the horse himself. While urging all the ministries not to panic, he personally directed the soldiers and horses approaching to form a defensive circle and gather as many soldiers and horses as possible.

However, it was too late.

The [-] army stretched back and forth for three miles, how could they gather in a hurry.

If the cavalry marches at full speed and runs for twenty miles, the horse's physical strength will be exhausted in a short period of time. Even if they get close, they will not be able to charge again unless they charge close by at a normal marching speed. I am charging with all my strength, but in this way, it will take longer and the infantry will have enough time to assemble and form.

But if the distance is within [-] miles, the cavalry will still have enough power to spare after running for [-] miles.

This is the reason why Cao Ren did not dare to let the Xiliang cavalry come within twenty miles.

It would be a disaster if the cavalry was found within ten miles.

For a distance of ten miles, even if the horse runs at the fastest speed, that is, just after warming up, its physical strength is still at its most abundant stage, and it is completely possible to launch the most powerful charge, and it will not take much time.

In such a short time, the [-] troops had no time to assemble and line up.

Cao Ren had just collected less than [-] soldiers and horses, and the [-] Xiliang cavalry had already rushed to kill them.

Soon, this Xiliang cavalry rushed within a mile, and was approaching at an astonishing speed, and let go of the rear army and went straight to the central army. The intention was obvious, to cut off the eight thousand army.

"General, it is Luo Zheng's cavalry!"

A general pointed to the front of the cavalry formation, and a flying flag hissed loudly.

"Shut up, General Ben saw it!"

Cao Ren was so angry that he couldn't help but let out a yell, and the general was drunk.

On a large flag in front of the cavalry formation in Xiliang, a large "Luo" character is vigorous and majestic. The only princes surnamed Luo in the world are Luo Zheng's family. who army.

Moreover, this is a Xiliang cavalry led by Luo Zheng himself.

Cao Ren had no time to think about when Luo Zheng came around behind him, and shouted sharply: "There are orders from all ministries, the sword and shield soldiers are in front, the archers are in hand, shoot at the corners of the formation, don't mess up."

The hastily assembled less than [-] soldiers and horses did not need to be ordered at all, and they had already drawn their bows and waited.

However, after witnessing the shocking power of the Xiliang cavalry when they charged, all the soldiers felt as if they were being pressed against a mountain, and they couldn't breathe.

Although I have heard countless times of the Xiliang cavalry's fierce and good fighting skills, my ears are almost callused.

But I have never confronted the Xiliang cavalry under Luo Zheng's command before, and I don't have any intuitive impression.

Until now, all the generals and soldiers of the Cao Army had really experienced the front of the Xiliang cavalry.

Cao Ren saw farther and saw more than others, and felt even colder in his heart at this moment.

Although there were not many Xiliang cavalry, when they launched a collective charge, their aura and killing intent were not comparable to the Xiliang cavalry they had seen before.If the Xiliang cavalry of Dong Zhuo's time were a group of ferocious beasts, then this Xiliang cavalry was a group of organized and disciplined wolves, far more palpitating than the Xiliang cavalry of Dong Zhuo's time.

Although the cavalry in Xiliang during Dong Zhuo's period were also tough and good at fighting, wild beasts were wild beasts. Even if wild beasts without organization and discipline were ferocious, experienced hunters could still deal with them.

However, a group of organized and disciplined wolves is far more difficult to deal with than undisciplined beasts.

Cao Ren absolutely did not dare to underestimate Luo Zheng, and he had no right to underestimate Luo Zheng, but seeing the Xiliang cavalry led by Luo Zheng himself and charging, his heart sank into the deep valley.

(End of this chapter)

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