Chapter 318
Amidst the thunderous hoofbeats, a shrill howl suddenly rose into the sky.

The [-] Xiliang cavalry who had already pushed their horse speed to the limit were like a sharp awl, and directly slammed into Cao Ren's central army, which was gathering, and cut Cao Ren's rear army and central army into two pieces without any suspense. .

The rear army, which was approaching the central army, was in chaos in an instant, and could no longer care about leaning towards the central army.

The shiny saber passed by with a cold light, and heads flew up one after another.

With blood splattering, Cao Jun's soldiers were almost powerless to resist.

The fighting spirit of the soldiers of the rear army who were close was taken away, and they threw away their weapons and ran away desperately.

After the three thousand Xiliang cavalrymen cut off Cao Jun in the middle, they rushed straight for a few miles before making a big circle and then rushed back. They began to accelerate after a mile away.

"The spearmen step forward, reject the horse formation, and the archers prepare!"

Cao Ren couldn't calm down anymore, he waved his arms and shouted loudly.

Less than a hundred spearmen immediately jumped out, inserted their spears upside down at 45 degrees on the ground, held the body of the gun with both hands, and almost put their weight on the gun. Although there was a look of fear on their faces, no one retreated.

Cao Ren wanted to vomit blood, but there were less than a hundred spearmen.

When marching, the bows and arrows are usually placed in the middle army, and the spearmen and sword and shield soldiers are distributed in the front and rear army to protect the archers who have little protection ability. It's an archer.

Now I want to form a horse-rejection formation, but there are less than a hundred spearmen.

What can such a small number of spearmen do? They can't cause much casualties to the Xiliang cavalry.

Cao Ren was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, and the veins on the back of the hand holding the knife were throbbing.

"General, look!"

Suddenly, a small principal shouted loudly.

Cao Ren looked intently, and saw about a thousand cavalry in front of the Xiliang cavalry formation. They formed a cone-shaped assault formation and rushed towards them while the horses were galloping. The target was the banner of Cao Ren's army.

"No, Heavy Armor Iron Banner!"

Cao Ren's face changed again, almost turning green.

Today, heavy armored cavalry has been widely known to the princes.

Luo Zheng was just a weak prince before, and he did a good job of keeping secrets, so the name of the heavy cavalry has never been known.But since Luo Zheng pacified Guanzhong, he has become one of the most powerful princes in the world, and with the almost appearance of the heavy cavalry, it is no longer a secret, and has become the research object of various princes.

The dark iron armor wrapped the man and the war horse inside, and it shone coldly under the sunny day.

All Cao Jun's generals and soldiers felt a chill in their hearts, and couldn't help but feel a surge of war.

Closer, closer.

The spearmen who lined up in the front line to resist horses could already see that there were two egg-sized holes in the pitch-black mask filled with ferocious murderous eyes, and their hearts trembled uncontrollably.

Moreover, there is a big difference between the war horses of this armored cavalry and ordinary war horses.

The horses of the armored cavalry are taller and their limbs are thicker and more powerful.

Even if you don't know anything about war horses, you can tell that the weight-bearing capacity and running speed of these war horses must be much higher than that of ordinary war horses for iron armor that can bear hundreds of kilograms. .

Compared with the war horses of the Xiliang Army, Cao Jun's war horses are like thin mules.

Cao Ren also saw it, and a bad thought suddenly flashed in his heart.

He had also heard the report from the scout school of the scouts of the Xiliang army and the scouts of the Cao army before, and he never thought that there would be any problem if his scout battalion could escape the scouts of the Xiliang army.

But now that I think about it, there is a big problem.

There are only Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Liangzhou where the big Han herds war horses.

Bingzhou and Youzhou produced mostly Xiongnu pony horses. Although they had good stamina, their load-bearing capacity and short-distance running explosiveness were not satisfactory, while the military horses produced in Liangzhou were tall horses imported from the Western Regions.

Although the endurance is not as good as that of the Xiongnu pony horse, its weight-bearing capacity and short-distance running speed are far superior to the Xiongnu horse.

There is no reason why the Xiliang cavalry could not catch up with Cao Jun's scouts, but Cao Jun's scouts were able to escape smoothly every time.

Cao Ren immediately understood that there must be something wrong.

The biggest possibility is that the Xiliang Army is paralyzing itself.

Although the scouting school made a vow, the scouting battalion stared at Luo Zheng's army, and never left the scouting battalion's sight, but now Luo Zheng's main cavalry went around behind him, which is enough to explain the problem.

There is definitely a problem with the Xiliang cavalry going south from Kaifeng, otherwise how could Luo Zheng's main cavalry appear here.

Xiliang cavalry all ride two horses, as long as enough horses are spared, they can confuse people by arresting a group of people.

As long as you don't get close and take a closer look, it's hard to find a problem inside.

It is no wonder that after the Xiliang army left Kaifeng, they changed their previous swift style and marched very slowly. It turned out that the problem was here. It was not the Xiliang cavalry at all, but a group of people who were forced to ride horses .

And Luo Zheng's main cavalry is also very likely to leave Kaifeng at night when the scouts were chasing them.

Cao Ren fully understood, but it was too late.

"Luo Zhengpifu really lives up to his reputation!"

Seeing that a thousand heavy cavalry had charged within two hundred paces, Cao Ren couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Cao Ren could only feel ashamed for being able to calculate to such an extent.

Whether it was the Xiliang army passing the wild jujube and not entering, heading south to Kaifeng, posing as if they were going to attack Xuchang directly, or the chasing battle between the scouts of the two armies, and then leaving Kaifeng and going south, it can be said that they were all misleading step by step. Cao Ren gradually led Cao Ren into the ditch, thinking that Luo Zheng's main target was Xu Chang, and unconsciously gradually relaxed his vigilance.

This kind of grasp of people's hearts is beyond Cao Ren's usual cognition.

Think about it carefully, in fact, Luo Zheng's army also has several obvious flaws.

If he could be more cautious at that time, he might not have fallen into Luo Zheng's treachery.

However, there are not so many ifs in this world. Once something happens, it is impossible to change it.

Even if it happens again, Cao Ren may not be able to escape the tricks of this old fox, Jia Xu.

If Cao Ren had commanded a cavalry force, the situation would not have deteriorated beyond control.Even if they were attacked by the Xiliang army in a detour, they would not be completely defeated without any resistance.

It's a pity that Cao Ren commanded an infantry.

Suddenly encountered a surprise attack in the wild, the infantry did not have much resistance in front of the cavalry.

Even if the difference in troop strength is five times or more, it is impossible to assemble and form an array, and it cannot stop the charge of the cavalry.

"Fire arrows!"

When the heavy armored cavalry rushed within a hundred paces, the commanding squadron hissed decisively.

Suddenly, thousands of powerful arrows shot up into the sky in an instant, and shot fiercely at the heads of the heavy armored cavalry.

Cao Ren closed his eyes, he didn't need to look, he had already thought of the result.

This kind of monster, whose whole body is covered with iron armor, is definitely the natural enemy of archers. Ordinary arrows with lethal arrows can't cause any substantial damage to these armored cavalry.

If you want to break through this kind of iron armor polished by iron armor, you need at least a strong bow of more than three stones, and then attach an iron arrow made of pure iron to shoot flat at close range. Only then can it be possible to break through this kind of iron armor. There are a few more.

Even if he is himself, he can only draw four stone bows at most, and he can only shoot two arrows at most, and he will be exhausted.

Among the other generals and schools in the army, there was no one who could draw a three-stone bow, let alone an ordinary archer.

Cao Ren quickly opened his eyes, and tightened the sword in his hand.

Although the result has been expected, but absolutely must not give up resistance, no matter what must fight to the end.

At this moment, the armored cavalry who rushed forward had slammed into Cao Jun's refusal formation.

The poor horse refusal formation couldn't stop the charge of the heavy armored cavalry at all. Like two rows of fragile straw, they were crushed into pieces by the rolling torrent of armored armor. Amidst the miserable howls, less than a hundred spearmen It was directly trampled into meat paste.

The charge of a thousand armored cavalry continued unabated, and they directly broke through the second line of defense of the Cao army with the force of destruction and ingenuity, and rushed directly under the banner of Cao Ren's central army. The women who took off their clothes were completely powerless to resist the violent and brutal Xiliang man, so they could only accept the baptism of blood and blood amidst the ups and downs of miserable howls.

"go away!"

Amidst the thunderous roar, a Cao Junjian who came up was chopped into two pieces by Xu Chu.

The warm blood confused people's eyes, but it aroused Xiliang soldiers' desire to kill even more.

Under the leadership of Xu Chu, a fierce man, a thousand heavy armored cavalry were invincible, and Cao Jun was rushed to pieces.

A good knife needs good steel to chop hard bones.

If the heavy cavalry is an iron drill, Xu Chu is a diamond drill.

Only when the drill bit is hard and sharp enough can it cut through all the obstacles in front of it.

This is the general hatred and characteristics of the armored cavalry. Only the stronger the military force of the leading general, the stronger the armored cavalry can exert its lethality. Otherwise, the leading general's force is insufficient, or once he dies in battle, it is easy to dampen his spirit.

As for the armored cavalry charge, it is precisely in one effort that they can completely break through the enemy's formation.

Otherwise, if the vigor is dampened, once they fall into chaos, the end of the armored cavalry will come.

These iron-clad monsters are powerful enough to break through formations, but they also have a fatal flaw, that is, they are not flexible enough. Once they fall into chaos, they are like elephants surrounded by ants, and they will inevitably be bitten to death.

"General, I can't stop it!"

Seeing that the armored cavalry had already killed dozens of paces away, the charge was unstoppable, the commander of the soldiers looked sad, and said to Cao Ren: "The situation is overwhelming, please break through the encirclement quickly, the last general will fight to the death."

"It's all about death, how can someone leave the soldiers and escape alone!"

Cao Ren laughed miserably, raised his sword sharply, and said sharply, "If you are not afraid of death, follow me and fight the Xiliang army!"

After finishing speaking, he clamped the horse's belly fiercely, and killed the heavy armored cavalry rushing towards him.

kill kill kill...

Dozens of soldiers all looked solemn and solemn, and none of them escaped. They all followed Cao Ren and killed them.

(End of this chapter)

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