Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 325 Want it?

Chapter 325 Want it?
Jia Xu said with a serious face: "Master, if Hulao Pass is captured by Cao Cao, it will be a big trouble."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said in a deep voice: "There is a section of the river near Hulao Pass that is less than a hundred paces wide. You only need to set up dozens of trebuchets on both sides to block the waterway. What a trick, this The general was almost cheated by this fellow."

Jia Xu said anxiously: "My lord, please remind someone to remind Li Jue immediately, lest the event will be over!"

"Hopefully it's still too late!"

Luo Zheng couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately ordered people to go to Luoyang.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, news came from the scouts that Cao Cao's army turned westward.

Luo Zheng's face was ugly, and he said after a while: "False shot, Cao Aman really wants to plot Hulaoguan!"

Jia Xu's face was also a bit unsightly. As a military adviser, he didn't think that Cao Cao would take Hulaoguan beforehand, which was the biggest dereliction of duty.But then again, how can all the affairs of the world be calculated, besides, Cao Cao is not a good person, and the resourceful people under his command are even more unknown, so it is not easy for Cao Cao to suffer a big loss.

"This is all to blame!"

Jia Xu blamed himself and said, "If I could think of it early, I only need to remind Li Jue to thwart Cao Cao's plot. Since Cao Cao has led his army westward, he must be sure to break through Hulao Pass."

Luo Zheng was a little annoyed, but he still waved his hand and said, "Wen He doesn't have to blame himself, this time he sent troops to attack Xuchang, if he can kill Cao Ren and make Cao A suffer a big loss, this general can be regarded as a profit. Besides, Guo Jia and others There is also resourcefulness, but how can we not try to turn the situation back? It is normal for us to have such omissions. Besides, the situation has not deteriorated to the point where it cannot be controlled. Our army has suffered no losses."

Jia Xu said: "Although this is the case, if Hulao Pass is really taken by Cao Cao, General Gan Ning's navy will encounter trouble if they want to return to Guanzhong. Impossible, you need to prepare as soon as possible.”

Luo Zheng thought for a while, before sighing: "It's really not possible, I can only send more than [-] people to Yuan Shao."

Jia Xu said: "My lord, don't expect too much, Yuan Shao may not appreciate it!"

Luo Zhengdao: "Try it, if it doesn't work, think of a way."

Jia Xu agreed and immediately went to find Guo Tu.

Luoyang, Beigong.

"Brother, something is wrong!"

Li Heng rushed into the inner palace in a panic, his face was frighteningly pale.

Li Jue raised his head, frowned and asked, "Why are you panicking, what happened?"

Li Heng wiped the sweat from his brow, and said in a trembling voice, "Hulao Pass has been lost."

"Hulao pass?"

Li Jue was startled for a moment, then he realized that he jumped up in shock, and said sharply, "What, you said Hulao Pass was lost? This general heard correctly, there are five thousand soldiers stationed at Hulao Pass, right?" , how could it fall?"

"Brother, it's true!"

Li Hengda shouted: "Brother, I don't know something. Cao A lied to his relatives and led the army to go north to Guandu. That guy had already planted an ambush near Hulao Pass. When Li Ying led the army to retreat to Hulao Pass Unprepared, he was defeated by Cao Aman's ambush soldiers and Xiahou Dun's chasing troops, and even Hulao Pass was lost."

Li Jue was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and roared, "Even if Li Ying was ambushed, how could he lose Hulao Pass?"

Li Heng looked at the furious Li Jue, dared not hide anything, and said bravely: "Li Ying was captured alive by Cao Cao after his defeat. Big defeat, so..."

"Li Ying is a bastard, I can't spare him!"

Before Li Heng finished speaking, Li Jue roared ferociously.

Looking at that appearance, I can't wait to catch Li Ying back, skin and cramps, and swallow him alive again.

Li Heng shuddered Lingling and dared not speak again.

No wonder Li Jue wanted to eat Li Ying in anger. There are five gates in Luoyang, but the most important gates are Hulao Pass, which is known as the most powerful pass in the world in the east, and Hangu Pass in the west, which guard Luoyang. something barrier.

When Hangu Pass was breached earlier, Li Jue was already furious.

If Hu Feng hadn't been killed in battle, he might have been caught and eaten alive by him long ago.

Now that Hulao Pass is lost again, how can Li Jue not be angry.

Without Hangu Pass, Luo Zheng's army may enter Luoyang at any time.

Without Hulao Pass, Li Jue would no longer be able to leave Hulao Pass to plunder the hinterland of the Central Plains, and Cao Cao's army could go from Hulao Pass to Luoyang at any time. The two swords made him restless.

It is no exaggeration to say that whether Hulao Pass or Hangu Pass is lost, the problem is too serious.

The only thing that made Li Jue heave a sigh of relief was that Cao Cao did not take advantage of the situation and marched into Luoyang, which was a blessing in misfortune.

But even so, it must not be careless.

There is no danger to defend from Hulao Pass to Luoyang, and it is only a distance of more than three hundred miles.

If Cao Cao attacked Luoyang, he could reach Luoyang in five days at most if he marched quickly, so he had to be on guard.

Li Jue had no choice but to mobilize heavy troops to defend Luoyang.If Luoyang is lost again, it will really become a lonely ghost. Although the world is big, there is no place for Li Jue anymore.

Yecheng, Yuan Shao's official residence.

"My lord, Hulao Pass has been lost!"

When Yuan Shao was convening a civil and military discussion, Guo Tu rushed over and threw a bomb.

"What, the Hulao pass has fallen?"

Yuan Shao was taken aback, and said quickly, "Was it Luo Zheng or Cao Cao who broke through Hulao Pass?"

Guo Tu replied, "It's Cao Cao!"

Yuan Shao's expression turned serious in an instant, and he asked in a deep voice, "Could it be that Cao Cao is going to attack Luoyang at this time?"

Tian Feng said at the time: "It is absolutely impossible. Cao Cao's current strategic focus is Huainan and Xuzhou. Before Yuan Shu is defeated and Xuzhou is not settled, Cao Cao will never send troops to Luoyang. Making enemies on all sides is the way to kill. How can Cao Cao not clear."

Yuan Shao was puzzled and said, "If you don't attack Luoyang, why would Cao Cao capture Hulao?"

Tian Feng looked at Guo Tu and asked, "I wonder if Cao Cao's army took advantage of the situation and marched into Luoyang?"

Guo Tu reluctantly said, "Cao Hui didn't take advantage of the situation to attack Luoyang."

Bie Jiaju gave the attack and said: "It's obvious. Li Jue took advantage of the emptiness of Xuchang's troops and when Luo Zheng rushed to attack Xuchang, he plundered Yingchuan, Chenliu and other places, waiting to stab Cao Cao in the back. Eat. After suffering such a huge loss, how could Cao Cao just let it go. The purpose of occupying Hulao Pass this time must be to get rid of it once and for all, so that Li Jue will never be able to get out of Hulao Pass again."

Tian Feng, Guo Tu, Shen Pei, Feng Ji, Xu You, Xin Ping, Xin Pi and other counselors all nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shao caressed the willow beard, and said meaningfully: "Cao Cao captured Hulao Pass, some people may be in a hurry!"

Tian Feng said in a loud voice: "My lord is wise, the river water is no more than the river water, and the rivers in many places are less than a hundred steps wide. There are many ways to block the water army. Luo Zheng wants to rely on the water army to cross the waterway, but it is a big mistake and a very wrong one. This time Cao Cao broke Hulao Pass, one is to prevent Li Jue from leaving Hulao Pass, and the other is to block the Xiliang water army, so that Luo Zheng's Xiliang water army can no longer go to the Central Plains by water. It is even possible that Cao Cao still wants to block Luo Zheng's [-] sailors in the Central Plains, and he will not be able to return to Guanzhong."

Yuan Shao suddenly became interested and asked, "How should Cao Cao block the Xiliang water army?"

Tian Feng said: "This matter is easy. As long as the river channel is widened and the river bed raised, the fishing boats can pass, but the navy's warships must not be able to pass because of their deep draft. Or build fortifications in the narrow part of the river channel to block the west. The Liangshui army passed."

Yuan Shaodao: "In this way, Luo Zheng's [-] sailors may really be blocked in the Central Plains, and they will not be able to return to Guanzhong."

The counselor said: "That guy Luo Zheng will bring more than [-] people to Hebei, and he wants to transport them back to Guanzhong by water, but he's shooting himself in the foot. Let's see how he transports so many people back Guanzhong."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but their hearts were a little heavy.

Tian Feng sighed: "If Cao Cao really blocked the waterway, the more than [-] people will be in chaos. Right now, the more than [-] people have been captured by Luo Zheng to Hebei. Wipe his ass."

Guo Tu also said at this time: "My lord, Luo Zheng wants to ask my lord to settle these more than [-] people?"

"Is there such a thing?"

Yuan Shao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jushou, and asked, "Zezhu, maybe more than [-] people will be resettled?"

Ju Shou didn't want to think about it and said: "The people are the foundation of the country. There is no reason to be too many. Since Luo Zheng can't take it away, he is willing to give it to the lord. This is a good thing, and it must be properly settled anyway."

Tian Feng also agreed: "That's right, if I agree with you, it's my brother's opinion!"

The counselor, however, said: "My lord, more than [-] people need grain and grass every day, and the autumn grain is not harvested at the moment. These people don't have much food at all. The government will at least feed these more than [-] people until next year." The autumn grain goes to the ground, although there is some grain in the treasury, but after the autumn grain goes to the ground, the army will march north. If these people are accepted, it may affect the army's expedition."

Feng Ji also said: "Yes, there is another point. The lord has not turned against Cao Cao now. At most, he has only secretly provided some help to Luo Zheng. If he accepts these more than [-] people, he will turn against Cao Cao."


When Yuan Shao heard this, he immediately hesitated.

Whether it's fighting against Cao Cao or influencing the army to go out after autumn, it's not what he wants to see.

Even if Yuan Shao is arrogant and is not afraid of Cao Cao at all, if it affects the army's northern expedition to Youzhou in order to settle the more than [-] people, then it will be impossible. How can the military strategy be changed easily? .

Ju Shou said: "My lord, with a population, money and food can be abundant, and the army can be strong. The people are really a long-term plan. How can you keep them out of the door? I hope the lord will think about it."

The judge immediately objected: "Could it be that in order to resettle these people, we must abandon the plan for the Northern Expedition?"

Tian Feng said: "The resettlement of the people does not conflict with the Northern Expedition to Youzhou!"

Feng Ji said: "It's nice to say, if there is not enough money and food, how can the army go out!"

There was an immediate quarrel in the hall, Tian Feng, Ju Shou and a few others strongly agreed to accept the more than [-] people, while Jianpei and Feng Ji were unanimously opposed, neither of the two groups could persuade the other, Yuan Shao was a little shaken Embarrassed.

After being in a dilemma for a while, they still felt that they could not affect the grand plan of the Northern Expedition, so they adopted the suggestions of Jianpei and others, and finally decided to refuse to accept the more than [-] people. Tian Feng, Ju Shou and others had no choice but to sigh secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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