Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 326 The luck is so good

Chapter 326 The luck is so good

Hulao pass, Cao Jun camp.

Cao Cao supported the parapet wall, looked towards Luoyang for a while, then turned his head and asked Cheng Yu, "Zhongde, is there any movement from Li Jue?"

Cheng Yu knew what Cao Cao was implying, and replied, "Li Jue's troops are heading to Luoyang together. It seems that he has no plans to counterattack Hulao Pass. My lord, you can rest assured that you will return to Xuchang."

Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. Has the trebuchet arrived?"

Liu Ye next to him replied, "I'll be there in three more days."

Cao Cao nodded, and said with regret: "It's a pity that the Xiliang water army has returned to Guanzhong, and even more than [-] young men have been transported away. It is a shame that Luo Zheng's [-] water army was not blocked in the Central Plains." pity."

Guo Jia said: "There is no other way. Fortunately, our army's fortifications can only be built in one month. By then, if the Xiliang navy doesn't come, let it go. If they still dare to come, they will definitely come back .”

Cao Cao said happily: "As long as the waterway can be blocked so that Luo Zheng can no longer plunder the Central Plains, our army's goal will be achieved. Only those who are shaken can't keep Luo Zheng in the Central Plains. I can't sleep well every day!"

At this moment, a small school suddenly rushed to the top of the city, knelt down to Cao Cao and said, "My lord, is there an urgent report from Xuzhou?"


Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Speak!"

The little principal said loudly: "Yuan Shu took general Ji Ling as his marshal, and sent [-] troops to Xuzhou."


Cao Cao was taken aback and said in disbelief, "Yuan Shu raised troops to attack Xuzhou, what happened?"

The little school shouted, "Exactly!"

Cao Cao was speechless for a long time, before he finally said, "Yuan Shu is so arrogant that he dared to proclaim himself emperor. The situation in Huainan and Lujiang is not stable, and this guy dared to attack Xuzhou. I really don't know how the word 'death' is written."

Guo Jiadao: "My lord is right, Yuan Shu is looking for death on his own. But having said that, Yuan Shu only has two counties under his rule at the moment, so it is not surprising that he is eager to expand his territory. Only the two counties of Huainan and Lujiang have been expropriated by him, and the people are living in dire straits. If you want to use foreign troops again, you will definitely be defeated within two years. However, now is a good opportunity to pacify Xuzhou. As long as the lord sends troops to repel Yuan Shu's army, Xuzhou's gentry will meet them. At that time, Xuzhou can go down and the Central Plains can be settled. Yea!"

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and he slammed Jie and said: "What Feng Xiao said is very true, this is indeed a good opportunity."

Cheng Yu said: "In this way, Luo Zheng may be able to transport more than [-] people back to Guanzhong."

Cao Cao said solemnly: "There are priorities. If Xuzhou can be calmed down, there will be more than [-] people in the area, and it will be fine even if Luo Zheng is transported back to Guanzhong. Xuzhou has been free from military disasters for a long time. The corporals and the people are rich, which can be used by Cao Cao."

Guo Jia also said: "In the land of the Fourth World War in the Central Plains, the two prefectures of Yanzhou have been in constant war for years, and the people are really exhausted. If it were not for the full support of the gentry in the two prefectures, it would be difficult for our army to last until autumn. The gentry in Xuzhou is rich and the people are sufficient. If it can be used by the lord, our army will no longer have to worry about food and grass within three to two years, which can be said to be a success in one fell swoop!"

Cao Cao waved his hand and shouted, "Let's go, call the generals to discuss matters!"

Guandu, Xiliang army camp.

Jia Xu said, "My lord, Yuan Shao refuses to accept the common people."

Luo Zheng frowned, and sighed: "Yuan Shao is still Yuan Shao, he is really not a person who does great things."

Jia Xu looked down on Luo Zheng and Yuan Shao before, and was very jealous that Cao Cao had never understood it. Now he finally understood, and couldn't help but said: "My lord still has the foresight. No matter what the reason is, he refuses to accept these more than [-] people. It is also enough to show that this Yuan Shao is not enough to achieve a great cause. If the lord and Cao Cao are replaced, no matter how tight the situation is, they will definitely settle the more than [-] people properly. Whether it is to win the hearts of the people or save manpower, they will never let go reason."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "Wen He understands now, this general has already said that Yuan Shaoxu has his appearance and is not a person who can accomplish things. Don't look at Yuan Shao's current appearance, even if he is allowed to unify Hebei , nor is it Cao Aman's opponent. As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. A paper tiger is a paper tiger. It can scare people for a while, but it can't be majestic forever."

Jia Xu nodded repeatedly and said, "My lord's words are absolutely true, Yuan Shao is indeed a paper tiger."

Luo Zheng frowned, and said again: "The Gan Ning navy should be approaching Hangu Pass soon, right?"

Jia Xu said: "The naval army has set out for ten days. If there are no accidents, they should have reached Hangu Pass. Since Yuan Shao refuses to accept the remaining people, there is no need for our army to stay here. It should be It's back in the gate."

Luo Zheng sighed: "It's just suffering these people."

Jia Xu comforted: "My lord, you don't have to blame yourself. There is nothing you can do about it. Moving these people to Guanzhong will allow them to live a stable and prosperous life. However, all the princes have different ideas, and it is not the lord's fault that things backfire. .”

"Forget it, Wen He doesn't have to comfort General Ben!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "In any case, it was the general who took these people to Hebei. Now they can't be moved to Guanzhong. It's because the general didn't plan well, so I can't blame others. But after this incident, I will come back later. We must be cautious and serious when we do such a thing, and we can’t do it any longer and let the people scold the backbone of this general.”

Jia Xu nodded and didn't say anything else, he was also responsible for this matter.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Wenhe, go and gather the ministries, and get up and return to Guanzhong tomorrow morning."

"I obey!"

Jia Xu agreed, and was about to stand up and leave the account.

At this moment, a small school suddenly rushed in, before saluting, he said excitedly: "My lord, our army's secret service has just sent back the urgent news from Xuchang that Yuan Shu has attacked Xuzhou."


Luo Zheng was taken aback, and Huo Ran got up and said: "Yuan Shu did something to Xuzhou?"

Jia Xu was also taken aback, her brows twitched fiercely.

Xiaoxiao replied: "Exactly, according to the news from the detailed work, Yuan Shu led an army of [-] troops into Guangling with the general Ji Ling as his marshal, intending to take advantage of our army and Li Jue's looting of Yanyu and Yuzhou in one fell swoop." Xuzhou."


Luo Zheng couldn't believe it: "Yuan Shu was beaten by Cao Cao and threw his helmet and armor. He just took a breath and dared to use troops against Xuzhou regardless of the instability of the rule. Don't this guy know that this is looking for a dead end? ?”

Jia Xu said calmly: "My lord, I'm afraid Cao Cao is going to pacify Xuzhou."


Luo Zheng's eyes were condensed, and he understood instantly, his face was a little ugly, and he said in a dark voice: "It's really not good for Cao A to hide this guy, such a good thing can happen to him, how can this general not Such luck."

Jia Xu also said repeatedly: "Yeah, who would have thought that such a good thing would happen to Cao Cao, I'm afraid even Cao Cao didn't think of it. Yuan Shu is forcing the Xuzhou gentry into Cao Cao's chariot. When Cao Cao sent troops to repel Yuan Shu, Xuzhou's gentry would surely fight against them. The two states of Yanzhou have been in constant war for these years, and the people have already been exhausted. However, Xuzhou has recuperated for many years, and the scholars and people are rich. If Cao Cao wins Xuzhou, I am afraid that his strength will increase immediately .”

Luo Zheng's face was gloomy and authentic: "Is there a way to stop it?"

Jia Xu sighed: "It's too late. Cao Cao has left Hulao Pass. If our army marches into the Central Plains by water, although we can hold Cao Cao back, but if Cao Cao blocks the water, our army will be destroyed. Besides, Zhao Yun The general is attacking Hetao, and Li Jue is still in Luoyang, so it is really not the time to start a full-scale war with Cao A."

Luo Zheng got up and took a few steps before he said in a deep voice: "Cao Ah should have returned to Xuchang, right?"

Jia Xu said: "That's probably the case. However, although we can't stop Cao Cao from taking control of Xuzhou, our army doesn't have to abandon those 20 people anymore. If Cao Cao wants to send troops to Xuzhou, he will definitely not care about blocking waterways, unless he wants to be ruled by the lord." It was delayed in Xuchang. My lord, please order General Gan Ning to hurry up and take the opportunity to transport 20 people to Guanzhong for resettlement."

Luo Zheng turned a few thoughts, and said decisively: "Good, just follow the plan of Wenhe!"


At the end of April, when Yuan Shao refused to accept the more than [-] people captured by Luo Zheng in Hebei, Luo Zheng had no choice but to let the more than [-] people to fend for themselves and lead his army back to Guanzhong. turnaround.

Yuan Shu took advantage of Luo Zheng and Li Jue's troops to plunder the Central Plains. When Cao Cao returned to his army and retreated from the enemy, he wanted to take the opportunity to capture Xuzhou, so as to solve the problem of Chengguo's small territory and insufficient national power. Attack Xuzhou.

The situation in the world is changing so fast that it makes people confused.

After Cao Cao received the news, he rushed back to Xuchang as soon as possible. He didn't care about resting the army. He personally led an army of [-] to Xuzhou to meet Yuan Shu's army.

As for Hulao Pass, a full [-] soldiers and horses were left guarding it.

The left-behind general is none other than Xiahou Dun, the chief general under Cao Cao's account.

Moreover, in order to prevent Luo Zheng from attacking Xuchang again, Cao Cao also left the inseparable Guo Jia, first to prevent Li Jue from taking the opportunity to counterattack Hulao Pass, and second, to prevent Luo Zheng from leading Xiliang cavalry into Yingchuan again.

As for the one in the worst mood, it belonged to Yuan Shao in Jizhou.

Yuan Shu's dispatch of troops to Xuzhou gave Cao Cao a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take control of Xuzhou.

As long as Xuzhou is pacified again, Cao Cao will basically unify most of the Central Plains, and Yuan Shao has not destroyed Gongsun Zan, so how can he not feel the pressure? When he just received the news, he cursed Yuan Shu angrily.

However, the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to scold.

The only solution for now is to destroy Gongsun Zan as soon as possible, pacify the four prefectures of Hebei, and then send all the people from the four prefectures of Hebei to the south to fight Cao Cao.Yuan Shao didn't care to wait until the autumn grain came to the ground, so he hurriedly summoned all his confidants, civil and military, to discuss, and immediately mobilized five thousand Jizhou soldiers to kill and flee to Youzhou. He made up his mind to wipe out Gongsun Zan in one fell swoop, and unify Hebei as soon as possible.

In order to attract more enemies for Cao Cao, Yuan Shao took advantage of Tian Feng's plan and sent people to Luoyang to form an alliance with Li Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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