Chapter 327

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

Fifty miles west of Meiji, in a small ravine, [-] cavalry were resting with their armor and saddles off their horses.

Returning from Shangjun to Guanzhong, from Guanzhong to Liangzhou, and finally crossing the Yellow River from Lingzhou in the north, crossing the [-]-mile sand sea to enter Nifang, and then from Shuofang to Hetao. It's really far.

Especially after entering Shuofang, they have been hiding all the time, not sleeping well, eating well, everyone is very tired.

Zhao Yun stood on a higher ground with his armor stomach in his body, and he did not take off his armor stomach to rest like other soldiers. Even if he didn't sleep for three days and nights, he could survive. At the critical moment, he didn't dare to be careless.

It is basically impossible for the five thousand cavalry to touch Shan Yuting without anyone noticing.

But it was relatively easy for the eight hundred cavalry to avoid the scouts of the Huns.

This detour for thousands of miles, the attack on Shan Yuting absolutely cannot be missed, Zhao Yun dare not be negligent in the slightest.

The [-] cavalry managed to evade the Huns' eyeliner and reached Shan Yuting fifty miles away. At this time, if all previous efforts were wasted because of carelessness, Zhao Yun would not forgive himself. He could only succeed, not fail.

When it was getting dark, the scout soldiers who went out to explore the way finally came back.

"General, I found out."

The scout soldiers said excitedly: "The Huns are really lazy. They don't build cities at all. Meiji is just an earthen city. Anyone with a short wall can climb it, and there is no defense at all. There is no gate at night. Closed."

Zhao Yun frowned and said, "Really, no matter how careless the Huns are, how could they not close the city gate at night?"

The scouts called Qu and said, "General, how can a villain dare to talk nonsense about such things? Most Huns are used to wrapping blankets in the wild, just like sheep herders. I'm not used to it. Only the nobles of the Xiongnu live in the city. Anyway, when the villain left, the gates of Meiji City were still closed."

Zhao Yun showed surprise, and said: "Okay, let's go down and rest first!"

The scout soldier agreed, and then ran away.

A small school next to him asked, "General, do you want to make a surprise attack at night?"

Zhao Yun shook his head and said: "Weary soldiers are not conducive to fighting, and the Huns will not open the city gate at night, otherwise Shan Yuting would have been attacked and destroyed long ago. Let's rest for a night, and when we have enough strength, we can go back tomorrow morning." Raid."

The little school cupped his hands and said, "Obey!"

Meiji, the Huns Shan Yuting.

Just after dawn, the four gates of Meiji City were already opened.

For the nomads who are used to herding horses and sheep and have a wide view, living in a city is really not very used to it, because the city will block the sight, and people will no longer be able to see the endless grassland and herds of cattle and sheep.

Even though the Southern Huns have been attached to the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, this kind of national habit cannot be changed.

Except for the nobles of the Huns, no ordinary herdsmen are willing to live in the city.In fact, Meiji City is the seat of Shan Yuting of the Southern Huns, and basically ordinary herdsmen are not eligible to live in the city.

The walls of Meiji City are not high, only about ten feet high.The Huns like to ride on horseback and gallop on the prairie to their heart's content. They don't like to build walls with mud, so many places on the walls of Meiji City are full of potholes.

Although it is a bit exaggerated for people to climb up, the walls of Meiji City are indeed not high.

There is no moat, and the height is about one foot, and you can climb up with just a ladder.Or someone with astonishing jumping ability can really climb to the top of the city. Such a city really doesn't have much defensive ability to speak of.

When the sun rose, people from the four gates of Meiji City were already very lively.

Unlike the Han city, almost all the Huns who entered and left Meiji City rode horses, and none of them relied on their legs.

Before the change, there were no guards in Meiji City.

Because the main force of the Huns is distributed around Meiji, even if there is a war, it is absolutely impossible for the various tribes of the Huns distributed around Meiji to directly kill the city of Meiji, so there is no need to send special guards at all.

It is obviously different now, the four gates of Meiji City are guarded by soldiers.

Luo Zheng's army of thieves had wiped out the southern area of ​​Hetao. The Qiang, Xiaoyuezhi, Rong, Di and other tribes were afraid of Luo Zheng's fierce reputation. After the Xiliang cavalry arrived, they did not dare to resist and surrendered one after another.

The Qin Hu people are a bit eggy, and they have assembled nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses, ready to fight to the death.

It's a pity that I couldn't stop Luo Zheng's army of thieves. Fushi City was broken. I heard that a general named Zhao Yun under Luo Zheng directly ordered the massacre of the city. Nearly [-] Qin Hu people were killed and nearly [-] were old, weak, sick and disabled. None remained.

For the remaining [-], women and children became slaves, and it was said that Luo Zheng would reward meritorious soldiers.

As for the young and strong men of the Qin and Hu people, they were also reduced to slaves and sent to Tongguan as livestock.

After the news spread, some Huns were also scared.

There is no way, Luo Zheng's murderer is too capable of killing people, and he has become synonymous with death. Wherever he goes, the nomadic tribes there will flow into rivers of blood, so the Huns are not afraid.

Huchuquan Shanyu refused to surrender, and had already summoned all the troops and went to Guluo City.

The Xiliang cavalry was going north from Shangjun, and Guluo City was the place they had to pass through.As long as Guluo City can be defended, the Xiliang cavalry can be kept out of the Hetao Plain.However, in order to guard against the Xiliang cavalry's sneak attack from Xihe, Huchuquan Shanyu seems to have allocated part of his troops to garrison Caisangjin, while the rest of Shanyuting are only women and children, and some old and weak.

Of course, it cannot be all old and weak women and children, there are still a thousand cavalry.

This year, the cavalry was stationed in Meiji City, responsible for guarding the Hetao old camp.

A dozen or so soldiers guarding the door lazily leaned against the wall, yawning incessantly.I have never done such a boring thing as guarding the gate, so naturally I am not interested, and I don't know which nobleman is so idle that he wants to send someone to guard the gate.

Those Han people are afraid of death, so they can't wait to send someone to guard the door even when they go to the toilet.

But the brave Huns are not Han Chinese. Look at the gate, those damned nobles are really afraid of death.

The soldiers scolded their mothers in their hearts while looking around boredly.

At this moment, a fast horse galloped over from afar.

"Oh no!"

The Xiongnu soldiers on horseback urged their horses to gallop, and shouted loudly, "The cavalry from Xiliang are coming."


The first reaction of the Xiongnu soldiers on the top of the city was to be in a daze, but the second reaction was to be in a daze.

Xiliang cavalry came over?
Isn't this nonsense, Xiliang cavalry is still in Guluo City, how could they come from behind?

At this moment, the scouts and horses who rushed over like a whirlwind had rushed to the city.

After shouting a few more times, the Xiongnu soldiers on the top of the wall finally came to their senses.

"not good!"

A Xiongnu soldier roared, "The Xiliang cavalry must have come from behind to sneak attack, go and tell General Tiefu."

Immediately there was chaos on the top of the city, the Huns ran and howled, their eyes glaring fiercely, sharpening their knives.Although they were also afraid of Luo Zheng's fierce reputation, when the real war came, none of these Huns were soft-hearted. They all took up their sabers and prepared to fight the Xiliang cavalry. This is the wildness and bloodiness in the bones of the nomads.

Soon, the entire city of Meiji was boiling.

The efficiency of the Xiongnu cavalry is frighteningly high, definitely not much worse than that of Xiliang cavalry.

In less than a stick of incense, nearly a thousand Hun cavalry rushed to the west gate to assemble and form.At this time, the [-] Xiliang cavalry had already reached three miles away from Meiji City, and were accelerating their charge.

"Sons of the Huns!"

In front of the Xiongnu cavalry formation, a tower-like man raised his sword to the sky and yelled, "The damned Xiliang cavalry came to attack us. It's your turn to show your bravery. Are you afraid?"

"Scared of a bird's egg!"

Nearly a thousand Hun cavalry beat their chests vigorously and roared in unison.

The iron tower-like man said sharply: "Very well, Luo Zheng's murderer wants to kill us Huns, rob us of our cattle, sheep, livestock, women and children, this matter must not be left alone. Pick up your saber, Clamp your eggs, and now follow Lao Tzu to kill these Xiliang cavalry who came to steal, and let Lao Tzu cut off all their eggs."

"Kill kill kill!"

Nearly a thousand Xiongnu cavalry roared loudly, clamped their horses' belly, and began to steer the horses to run.

At this moment, all the Huns are excited, fighting with high spirits, and fearless.

There are hundreds of cavalry in the area, and they are not in the eyes of the Huns at all.

What's more, the thousand cavalry left behind in Shan Yuting are the most elite iron guards of the royal court, all of them are warriors picked out of ten or even hundreds of people, so how could they be afraid of the mere hundreds of Xiliang cavalry.

As for defending while hiding in the city, that is something that Han people who are afraid of death do.

In the thinking of the Huns, there has never been the concept of hiding in the city and being a turtle.Even if the brave Huns fought the enemy to the death, they would not hide in such a muddy city and be laughed at by others.

In front of the Xiliang cavalry formation, Zhao Yun rode in the lead and galloped forward.

Seeing that the Xiongnu cavalry had abandoned Meiji City and rushed over, a cold smile could not help but appear on the corner of their mouths. These barbarians were really brave enough to leave Jiancheng alone, and ran out of the city to fight at night.

This kind of stupid to the extreme bravery really needs to be appreciated.

Zhao Yun tightened the iron spear in his hand, and he could already clearly see the ferocious face and murderous eyes of the tower-like Hun cavalry in front of the rushing Hun cavalry, and his eyes gradually became sharper.


Zhao Yun clamped the horse's belly lightly, and at the same time raised his gun and shouted, "All officers and men obey orders and break through the enemy's formation."

The eight hundred cavalry immediately responded with three calls, and instantly increased the speed of the horse to the extreme.

Amid the billowing smoke, the two cavalrymen finally collided fiercely without any fancy.

The eight hundred Xiliang cavalry were like an awl piercing through the air, tearing apart the Xiongnu cavalry fiercely.

The tower-like Xiongnu man just cut through the air with a knife, and he would never have a chance to see the sun tomorrow. He was shot through the throat by Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun did not love to fight. After defeating the Huns cavalry, he directly killed Entered Meiji City.

(End of this chapter)

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