Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 328 Liu Bei's Spring Has Come

Chapter 328 Liu Bei's Spring Has Come

In the fourth year of Jian'an, May 196 AD.

Taking advantage of the fact that the main force of the Xiongnu was drawn away, Zhao Yun personally led [-] cavalry detours for more than [-] li, went south from Shuofang, attacked Meiji Shanyuting in one fell swoop, and killed all the Xiongnu nobles and family members in Meiji City.

After the main force of the Xiongnu went out, almost all the people left in the Hetao old camp were old and weak women and children.

After the one thousand imperial court iron guards left behind were defeated, how could those old and weak women and children be able to stop the Xiliang cavalry who were like wolves and tigers.

In just three days, tens of thousands of heads fell from the old camp of the Huns, and [-] Xiliang cavalry were killed.

After the news reached Guluo City, the newly established Shanyu Huchuquan of the Southern Huns vomited blood on the spot. Nearly [-] Huns cavalry were all blown up, and their old nests were copied. This is a fart battle, hurry up Go back and grab your wife and children back.

If something like this happens, there is no way to fight this battle.

Even if Hu Chuquan wanted to be suppressed, he couldn't be suppressed, so he raised his army to fight back against Meiji's old camp.

Gao Shun, who was invited to rule the army on behalf of the army, would not miss such a god-given opportunity. He led [-] Xiliang cavalry and soldiers from various Qianghu tribes to attack, defeated the Huns cavalry, chased nearly [-] miles in three days, and killed the blood of the Huns. Flowing into a river, floating corpses everywhere.

Hu Chuquan assembled soldiers and horses to fight to the death several times, but they were all defeated, and led the remnants to retreat to Mobei.

As for women, children, cattle and sheep, how can they care about these at this time.

Gao Shun led his army to pursue Meiji, and despite Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying's dissuasion, he handed over the army to Zhao Yun and returned to Hedong immediately.It was already his limit to be able to achieve this step, and the overall situation was already settled, so how could he be able to take charge of Zhao Yun again.

Zhao Yun sent Gao Shun away without staying for a moment, and immediately led the army to continue northward to pursue the remnants of the Xiongnu.

In June, Hu Chuquan reorganized his army in Wuyuan, intending to fight Zhao Yun to the death.

Zhao Yun personally led [-] Xiliang iron cavalry and [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry to attack for hundreds of miles, and once again defeated the Huns with Manyigu. win all.

From below Shanyu Huchuquan, the Xiongnu nobles such as Zuo Xian Wang, Zuo Guli King, Zuo General, Zuo Dadu, Zuo Da Danghu, etc. did not run away, either were killed or captured, and the Southern Xiongnu officially perished.

And these Huns who surrendered did not gain the right to be human.

According to the strategy set by Luo Zheng when he went to the Central Plains, Zhao Yun demoted all the young and strong men of the Huns who were still able to work as slaves and sent them to Tongguan. Like the captured Qin Hu Qingzhuang, they were treated as livestock envoys.

Building Tongguan required a lot of manpower, so it was a pity to kill so many young men.

When Luo Zheng went to the Central Plains, he had discussed with Jia Xu, and only changed his previous strategy of massacre whenever he defeated the barbarians. He only killed those old, weak, sick and disabled who had no other use value except wasting food, and all the young and strong men were left behind. , Relegated to slaves and sent to Tongguan as livestock envoys, thereby reducing the number of civilians recruited and reducing the burden of labor for the people under the rule.

These captives have no human rights, no freedom, and are even worse than livestock.

The animals still have some time to rest, but these foreign captives can only sleep for two or three hours a day, and they have to do heavy physical labor during the rest of the time. As for the time for eating, they can be completely ignored.

If you dare to riot, you will be killed without mercy immediately.

Many slaves were overwhelmed and were exhausted to death on the construction site.

Xu Huang, who was in charge of the work, carried out Luo Zheng's orders to the end, and had no sympathy for these alien captives with the blood of the Han people on their hands. As for the field soldiers, there was no reason to sympathize with these slaves.

When Tongguan was first built, a lot of heavy physical work was done by field soldiers.

Now that there are these foreign slaves, many of the gravitational work is done by these slaves, and they don't need to do it anymore. Naturally, these field soldiers are very happy, and they desperately use these slaves as livestock, and they deserve it if they are exhausted.

Luo Zheng and Jia Xu have already discussed it, and they will not kill the captives in the future when they flatten the nomadic tribes.

These young and strong men are the best labor force. Even if Tongguan is built, these captives can be engaged in other heavy physical labor, such as building water conservancy, building bridges and paving roads, mining ore, and even opening up wasteland and farming.

With these slaves doing physical work, the labor of the people under the rule can be reduced.

If the people's labor is reduced, they will naturally grow a few acres of land, raise a few more pigs, and weave a few more pieces of cloth, so that the materials under the rule can be enriched faster, and it will play a huge role in restoring the vitality of Guanzhong as soon as possible.

A notable feature of the nomadic people is that the proportion of the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled is relatively small.Because of the harsh living conditions and the shortage of food, the resources of nomads will only be tilted towards women, children and young adults.

Han people pay attention to respecting the old and loving the young. The elders are used to show filial piety. If you are hungry, you cannot let the elders be hungry.

The nomadic tribes are just the opposite. When there are food to take care of the children and able-bodied men who can protect the tribe, the old, weak, sick and disabled will be the first to starve to death in case of food shortage, so the proportion of the elderly, weak, sick and disabled in nomadic tribes is quite small.

The Southern Huns living in the Hetao area have a population of more than [-], and they are the most powerful branch of the Southern Huns attached to Han.

There are more than [-] people, the old, weak, sick and disabled account for less than [-]%, and the rest are women, children and young adults.Women and children are all property, and after the Hetao is completely settled, it will be distributed by the lord.

After Zhao Yun sent all the young and strong to Tongguan, he finally began to count the seized cattle, sheep and livestock.

The Huns had so many cattle, sheep and livestock that they couldn't count them in just ten days and a half.

In June, a major event happened in Xuzhou.

With the help of Xuzhou gentry, Cao Cao defeated Ji Ling's army in the south of Huaiyin. Ji Ling's army retreated to Guangling.

Lien Zhan was defeated, and the [-] soldiers had no fighting spirit, so Ji Ling had to lead the army back to Jiangdu to rest.

Cao Cao got his wish and formally entered Xuzhou under the welcome of the Xuzhou gentry.

When Yuan Shu heard the news in Shouchun, he jumped angrily and scolded Cao Aman.

Cao Cao then used Che Wei as the governor of Xuzhou, and used Xuzhou nobles to govern the place.After the situation stabilized, the teacher returned to Xuchang in early August, and at this time, Luo Zheng had also left the Central Plains and returned to Guanzhong.

After more than four months, the Ganning Navy finally transported more than [-] people to Guanzhong in batches.

Luo Zheng led his troops into Shangdang, crossed Tianjingguan and entered Hedong, but instead of going south to Guanzhong, he went north to Hetao.

When Cao Cao entered Xuzhou, Yuan Shao in the north was not idle.

In June, Yuan Shao personally raised an army of [-] troops to attack Zhuo County, and fought successively, but Gongsun Zan retreated steadily. At the end of July, he was driven into Ji County by Yuan Shao, leaving only [-] remnants of the defeated soldiers, and the situation was over.

Yuan Shao adopted Tian Feng's strategy and besieged the city to fight for aid. He successively defeated several reinforcements from Shanggu, Daijun, and Yuyang, and encircled Jixian County.

At the same time, major events also took place in Jingzhou.

Sun Jian occupied the four counties in Jiangdong for more than a year, and his rule gradually stabilized. Seeing that the small princes in the north were almost wiped out, only a few powerful princes such as Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Luo Zheng were left, and he felt the pressure.

Yuan Shu was in a hurry, and the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, so he couldn't swallow it easily.

After discussing with Xi Chang, Sun Jian decided to take advantage of Liu Biao's pacification of the Jingnan rebellion and the situation in the four counties of Jingnan had not yet stabilized, so as to take advantage of Liu Biao's four Jingnan counties.

In May, Sun Jian instigated Wuxi Man to rebel, and Wuling was in chaos.

However, Liu Biao also has capable people in his tent. Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue are both well-known scholars in Jingxiang. .

Liu Biao followed his words and immediately ordered Liu Bei, who could only practice trilogy, to go to Wuling to quell the chaos.

Liu Bei has been very unsatisfactory recently. Originally, Liu Biao promised to give him a county, but after he arrived in Jingzhou, he was squeezed out by the Jingzhou gentry. Liu Biao also defended Liu Bei. After Liu Bei led the army to put down the rebellion in Jingzhou, Liu Biao summoned him. Returning to Xiangyang as a guest minister, she seemed to have an honorable status, but in fact she was extremely idle, and was raised as an idler.

But Liu Bei didn't get nothing. After spending more than half a year in Xiangyang, he finally recruited a capable person.

The man's name is Xu Shu, and his surname is Shiyuan. He was born in Changshe, Yingchuan, and he was good at fencing and knight-errant.

Liu Bei likes to make friends with talented people. He met Xu Shu when he went out to visit the leader. He was different from the conversation, so he sincerely agreed to invite him to join the army. Recently, he often talked with Xu Shujie at night, discussing the general trend of the world.

Knowing that Liu Biao wanted to let him go to Wuling to quell the chaos, Liu Bei has been frowning since he came back from Liu Biao's mansion.

Xu Shu said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Although Liu Biao has the name of Eight Horsemen, he is really jealous of the virtuous and capable, but he is just a dog's ear for success. It is very likely that Sun Jian did the rebellion in Wuxi. If there is no accident, Sun Jian has a high probability Jiuhui raised troops to attack Jingzhou. If my lord does not follow Liu Biao, I fear he won't tolerate him, so we can only put down the rebellion of the Wuxi barbarians first, and then make a decision."

Only then did Liu Bei become more cheerful, and said: "What Yuan Zhi said is very true, and with Yuan Zhi as the planner, Bei will feel more at ease."

Xu Shu said again: "Sun Jianshi is a hero, and he is good at fighting. His advisers are like rain, and his generals are like clouds. Liu Biao's mediocre people are definitely not his opponents. If the four counties in Jingnan lose, all the generals in Jingzhou are incompetent. A person who can take on great responsibilities, if my lord can lead the army to meet Sun Jian's army at that time, he can just get the military power in Jingzhou, so the opportunity has come."

Liu Bei nodded again and again, and his face showed joy, "What Yuan Zhi said is very true, what he said is very true!"

After discussing for a while, the two of them dispersed.

Liu Bei went to gather his own parts and prepared to go to Wuling to quell the chaos.

Sure enough, not long after Liu Bei's army left Xiangyang, news came from Changsha that Sun Jian from Jiangdong, with his eldest son Sun Ce as the vanguard, personally led an army of [-] out of Yichun and entered Changsha.

Within ten months, they killed Linxiang, the prefecture of Changsha.

Han Xuan, the prefect of Changsha, issued three urgent documents of [-] miles in a row. Liu Biao urgently called his confidantes to discuss, but before he decided whether to send troops to Changsha, the news of Linxiang's breach had already reached Xiangyang.

Liu Biao was shocked and did not dare to hesitate any longer. He condemned his son Liu Pan to lead an army of [-], and his captain Huang Zhong went to meet Sun Jian's army.

(End of this chapter)

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