Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 329 Ten Thousand Cavalry

Chapter 329 Ten Thousand Cavalry

Mei Ji.

When Luo Zheng led the army to arrive, Zhao Yun, Cheng Ying, and Fazheng went out to meet him at the south gate.

"See your lord!"

The three of them stepped forward to salute, with different expressions.

Fazheng's face was full of red light. This time he defeated the Xiongnu and leveled the Hetao. If he hadn't lobbied the Xiongnu King Zuo Xian to go to the base, the Xiongnu would not be able to condense as a whole, and the opinions on the issue of war and surrender could not be unified. , did not send troops south when Zhao Yun entered Xihe, but Di, Rong and other tribes surrendered, allowing Zhao Yun to flatten the southern area of ​​Hetao in one fell swoop.

If the Xiongnu had sent troops to the south before the surrender of Di, Rong and other tribes, I am afraid that the result would not be what it is now.

Zhao Yun and Chengying were a little nervous. Granting military power privately is not a trivial matter. Although Luo Zheng did not add blame, the two were still somewhat uneasy in their hearts. They didn't know what Luo Zheng was thinking.

"Zilong, Gongju, and Xiaozhi are exempt from courtesy!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand immediately, "Go to the camp first!"

The three quickly straightened up and made way sideways.

Seeing that Luo Zheng's face was very peaceful, Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying were also slightly relieved.

Chinese army tent.

Luo Zheng didn't mention the fault, and praised Zhao Yun, Chengying, Fazheng and others for their efforts to clear the Hetao.

Until the end of the military discussion, the rest of the generals dispersed, and Luo Zheng left behind Zhao Yun, Cheng Ying, and Fa Zheng.

Seeing that Luo Zheng's brows were gradually raised, Zhao Yun hurriedly came out and said: "The last general has not been allowed by the lord to privately grant military power. It is really unforgivable. Please, the lord, remove the post of the last general and punish him severely!"

Cheng Ying also hurriedly came out and said: "The army in the lower capital is not strict, and I have failed the lord's high hopes. Please come down to the lord!"

Luo Zheng frowned, and said displeasedly: "Are you forcing the palace for this general, or are you coming out to accept the crime?"

Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying were silent and dared not answer.

Probably because Luo Zheng's majesty has grown day by day in the past two years, frowning casually will make people's hearts beat for a long time.

Jia Xu, an old fox, kept his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart, with an air of being completely irrelevant and high-spirited.When to speak and when not to speak, this old fox knows better than anyone else.

Luo Zheng slowed down his tone and said: "Okay, you two don't rush to plead guilty, the general knows that you are dedicated to the public, and you have no selfishness, but the private grant of military power, after all, the impact is too bad, if you don't punish, I will How can a general command the three armies?"

"My lord, please punish me!"

Zhao Yuncheng said in unison, there is nothing to explain.

It is indeed a big taboo to grant military power privately.If you meet a wise lord, you may let it go gently; but if you change to a lord with a suspicious personality, this matter is not much less than the crime of treason, and you don't want to be reused in the future.

Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying also knew this, so they accepted the punishment willingly.

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Zhao Yun, Cheng Ying, and Gao Shun, the main responsibility for this matter lies with the three of you, and the others will not be held accountable by this general. I will punish the three of you with half a year's salary and contemplate behind closed doors for three days, so as to serve as an example. "


Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, hesitated and couldn't speak.

Fazheng's brain is extremely flexible, and he immediately saw that Luo Zheng didn't want to pursue this matter, so he punished him for half a year without any pain and lightly uncovered his salary.

For this kind of thing, even if Zhao Yun's military power is confiscated, it is normal for him to be idle for a few years.

Only half a year's salary was fined, and it was true that a fine was equal to no fine, which made both Zhao Yun and Cheng Ying a little 'overjoyed'.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Talk about the situation in Hetao!"

Cheng Ying quickly cleared his throat, and said: "The world has been in chaos these years, the imperial court has lost its shock to the barbarians, the Huns frequently went south to plunder, and the Han people living in the Hetao area have all fled to Guanzhong and Sili. Only the Huns and Qianghu people remained in the Hetao Plain. Wuyuan, Yunzhong, Shuofang and other places existed in name but were all occupied by the Huns.”

Luo Zheng asked some other questions, and Zhao Yun, Cheng Ying, and Fazheng answered one by one.

The situation in Hetao is more complicated, and the eight hundred li Qiang Plain is about the same.

Although there were counties such as Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Yunzhong in the former Han Dynasty, the Han people in the Hetao area have almost disappeared, and the government is useless. The real masters are the Huns and Hu tribes, large and small.

Although the Huns have been wiped out right now, how to manage Hetao is a big problem.

Jia Xu said: "My lord, the situation in the Hetao area is special. It is not as cool as Guan Liang. The most people here are Hu people, and they have not been controlled by the imperial court. My lord, why don't you follow the example of the Huns and enfeoff hundreds of households, use barbarians to control barbarians, and govern Hetao!"

Luo Zhengdao: "Wen and talk about it in detail!"

Jia Xu said: "There are almost no Han people in the Hetao area. If you want to govern the Hetao area, you can only rely on those Hu people. But these Hu people are not my Han people after all. They are not my race. Their hearts must be different. They can only be used. It can make them grow up, so these Qiang and Hu people are still the targets of exploitation. In this way, if the lord wants to win over the Qiang, Di, Xiao Yuezhi and other tribes, he must let those small tribes also have targets of oppression and exploitation , the Huns are the best targets for exploitation.”

Luo Zhengdao: "This is a bit like the system of the slave society!"

Fazheng continued: "This is indeed the social system before the Warring States Period, but the ruling regime of the Huns is similar to this system. As for Hetao, there are almost no Han people here. Kill all the Hu people, and then kill the Han people. It’s not realistic to move here, the military advisor’s proposal is good, and I agree with it very much. There are the most Huns in Hetao, as long as there are Huns as an oppressed ethnic group, those small tribes will definitely be willing to use it for the lord.”

Luo Zheng thought for a while, then nodded, and said: "This method is really good, just do it like this."

Jia Xu said again: "As long as you win over those small tribes, my lord can firmly control the Hetao area without even sending troops to guard it. Moreover, the Hetao area is rich in water and grass, which is suitable for grazing and farming. It only needs a little management. In a few years, the lord will be able to produce a steady stream of war horses and military rations without wasting our army's manpower and material resources."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "That's the way to do it, but this is not a long-term solution after all. The enfeoffment system can solve temporary difficulties, but it cannot last long. Those barbarians can win over temporarily, but they must not be allowed to sit big. Only by truly letting the Han people Only by living and working in peace and contentment in the Hetao area can the land of Hetao be truly transformed into the territory of our great Han. I will discuss with Wenruo in the text and draw up a long-term plan to move some Han people to Hetao to live in peace without affecting the stability of the rule. , the vitality of those Hu people must be continuously consumed, and their population cannot be allowed to grow. The same is true in places where some Qiang and Hu people live in Liangzhou and the Qiang Plain in the eight hundred miles. Sinicization of the Hu people, let them forget their ancestors and ethnicity, throw away their characters and customs, and completely become Han people. After 30 years from this general, there will be only Han people in this world, and there will be no Hu people of other races. If there are people who don’t want to be Han people , then wait until the world is unified and kill them all."

"I obey!"

Jia Xu bowed his hand and began to think deeply.

Luo Zheng said so much, in fact, he set a goal and pointed out a direction.

The central idea is to gradually exterminate the Hu people, so that there are only Han people in the world.

It is not easy to achieve this goal, just like the grass on the prairie, it will never burn out.

Once the stubble is burned and the spring breeze blows, the grassland will soon turn green.

The same is true for these nomadic tribes, just like the weeds on the grassland, they can't be killed.

How to achieve this goal also needs to formulate a long-term strategic plan to achieve it step by step.

Luo Zheng asked again, "What about the Xianbei people in Mobei?"

Cheng Ying replied: "Since last year, Mobei has been plagued by constant plague, and many people, cattle, sheep and livestock have died, but according to the news from the merchants, the central Xianbei and western Xianbei have discovered the source of the plague, and It is suspected that our army did it. Now that our army has cleared the Hetao, it is very likely that the central Xianbei will move south in the spring of next year."

Luo Zheng asked: "How many Xianbei people died?"

Cheng Ying said: "Less than 20 people died in Xianbei in the middle and west."

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "Why is it so dead?"

Although the Xianbei people have split into three tribes since the death of Tan Shikai, and the Xianbei people are much stronger than the declining Huns. Twenty thousand is indeed too little.

Cheng Ying said: "My lord does not know that the Xianbei people have discovered the source of the plague, sent people to control the water source, and buried all the infected people, cattle, sheep and livestock, dead or alive, and have controlled the spread of the plague. .”

Luo Zheng was silent, and asked after a while: "How many soldiers can the Xianbei people have to fight?"

Cheng Yingdao: "Three tribes of Xianbei, the central and eastern Xianbei are the weakest and have been in civil strife. The central Xianbei is the strongest, followed by the western Xianbei. The central Xianbei has about [-] soldiers to fight, and the western Xianbei has about five. Around ten thousand."

Luo Zheng's eyes are fixed, the Xianbei people are really much stronger than the Huns, and the combined strength of the two Xianbei troops exceeds [-].Although the nomads are all soldiers, these figures are indeed a bit alarming.

You know, these 12 soldiers and horses are all blue cavalry, not even a single infantry.

12 cavalry, what kind of concept is this.

Even if you add up all the cavalry of the princes in the world, it is less than half.

Although Luo Zheng has no shortage of horses, raising cavalry in this era is definitely not cheaper than building aircraft and cannons in later generations. The cost of raising [-] cavalry is much higher than the cost of raising [-] infantry. It can be seen how difficult it is to raise cavalry.

So until now, Luo Zheng has only retained [-] cavalry as a mobile force.

Luo Zheng and Gongsun Zan are currently the only ones training and raising cavalry among the princes of the world. This is because Liangzhou and Youzhou already produce war horses, so it is relatively easy to support cavalry.For the rest of the princes, first, it was difficult to buy a large number of high-quality war horses. Second, the Central Plains and the South were not suitable for raising horses.

If all the 12 cavalry are assembled, it will not be a problem to wipe out Luo Zheng.

Fortunately, this is only a theoretically combatable soldier, not a force that the Xianbei can dispatch at one time.

First of all, it is impossible for the central Xianbei and the western Xianbei to unite, and it is impossible for the Xianbei people to come out in full force.Even the most powerful central Xianbei, under normal circumstances, dispatching a maximum of [-] to [-] cavalry at a time is already invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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