Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 330 Sun Jian's Death

Chapter 330 Sun Jian's Death
In the fourth year of Jian'an, there was a severe drought in the Central Plains, and many autumn grains on the ground were not harvested, and the people dug grass to eat.

Cao Cao's joy of taking control of Xuzhou was gone. After all these years of constant conquests, he had no time to give the people a chance to recuperate. As a result, the water conservancy fell into disrepair, a large number of farmlands were abandoned, and the rule became more and more barren.

If Xuzhou had not just been pacified, the tens of thousands of troops under his command might not be able to support them.

While Cao Cao dispatched a large army to guard the passes, he seized the time to organize the peasants to reclaim farmland and build water conservancy. He planned to spend a few years to manage the Yan and Yu prefectures under his rule.

Compared with the devastated Central Plains, Guanzhong and Liangzhou are thriving.

Especially in Liangzhou, there has been no war since Luo Zheng pacified Liangzhou in the third year of Chuping. Not only did it attract a large number of refugees, but even many merchants and noble families who fled to Liangzhou settled in Liangzhou in the past two years.

Although Luo Zheng has been fighting, but all of them are foreign troops. The battlefields are in other people's territory. He has never led the war to his own rule, and except for attacking Guanzhong, the rest of the foreign troops are small-scale military operations. The recuperation under the rule did not have much impact, so Guanzhong and Liangzhou were able to take a new look.

This is the advantage of geography. As long as you guard a few dangerous passes, you will not be afraid of others.

In particular, the land of Guanliang is far away from the Central Plains. No matter how fiercely the various princes in the Guandong fight, the flames of war will not reach Guanzhong.

As long as Luo Zheng wipes out the [-]-mile Qianghu, Hetao, Mobei and other places, there will be no more wars in Guanliang.Compared with the land of the Four Wars in the Central Plains, there is no danger to defend, Guanzhong does have a great advantage in terms of geographical location.

Of course, Guanzhong and Liangzhou also have shortcomings.

That is, the population is too small, and the surrounding alien races are too strong, so it is difficult to govern.

Luo Zheng spent a lot of effort, and he did not hesitate to kill the Qianghu people and Huns who refused to obey the order with bloody killings, so that foreigners would not dare to invade again, and spared no effort to attract people to settle in Guanzhong and Liangzhou. Profit is the reason for today's weather. Among them, the terrible food production of corn has played a vital role.

Without corn, the people in Guanzhong and Liangzhou can't even eat enough, let alone live and work in peace and contentment.

If it were any other person, it would be impossible to quickly settle down in the cool place.

In October, the corn harvest in Guanliang Land was bumper again.

Luo Zheng ordered the establishment of Yongzhou and Shuozhou governors, and Zhong Yao as the prefect of Hanzhong, summoned Yan Xing to return to Chang'an, ordered Zhang Liao to guard Hangu Pass, Gao Shun guarded Hedong, Zhao Yun guarded Hetao, and recruited young and strong to expand the army.

As the news spread, Liu Zhang, the shepherd of Yizhou, and Li Jue, who occupied Sili, could hardly sleep or eat, and all of them stepped up their guard.

This is the first time that Luo Zheng has expanded his army since he entered Guanzhong in the second year of Jian'an.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Luo Zheng's strategic thinking is changing from strategic defense to strategic offensive, and the massive military expansion is an obvious signal.

In the past, when there were only [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, they were still feared like tigers.

If we want to expand the army again, it will be fine, no wonder Liu Zhang and Li Jue can't sleep.

At this time, Sun Jian also played triumphant songs in Jingzhou, winning consecutive battles.

In July, Liu Pan, the grandson of Liu Biao, led an army of [-] to meet Sun Jian's army in the important town of Baling. Lieutenant General Huang Zhong thought that Sun Jian's army's morale was high and it was not conducive to a tough battle. He could station in Baling first to defend and wait for the attack. If he lost his vigor, he would fight to the death with Sun Jian's army, and he might be able to retreat from the enemy, but he was not adopted by Liu Pan, who was eager to make meritorious service.

The [-] troops left Baling and went south, taking the initiative to attack.

The two armies fought for more than ten battles, causing casualties to each other. Sun Jian had few soldiers and didn't want to fight head-on with the Jingzhou army, which would only increase casualties. Pan and Huang Zhong.

Sure enough, Liu Pan fell into the trick, and he was on guard against Huang Zhong. He ordered Huang Zhong to lead [-] soldiers and horses in front, and the self-unified army behind.

Sun Jian also condemned his eldest son, Sun Ce, to lead [-] soldiers and horses to attack at night from the waterway. When Huang Zhong returned to help the army, he swung his troops to cover up and defeat Huang Zhong's former army in one fell swoop. .

Liu Pan was also beheaded by Sun Ce, who was brave in Jiangdong, and died without a whole body.

Huang Zhong tried his best to gather soldiers and horses, and wanted to enter Baling to rest and recuperate, but was followed by Sun Jian's army and defeated. Broken in half.

Sun Jian did not go north to pursue, but turned around and went south to continue the attack.

When the news reached Xiangyang, Liu Biao was shocked and turned pale. He summoned all his confidantes to discuss, and ordered General Huang Zu to lead [-] troops to Jiangling south to take over from other troops and fight against Sun Jian's army.

He also adopted Kuai Yue's plan and ordered Huang Zhong to attack and recapture the important town of Baling from the waterway.

Before Huang Zu's army arrived, Huang Zhong sneaked in from the waterway, and he took back Baling while Sun Jian was going south. Sun Jian almost vomited old blood when he heard the news, and repeatedly told him to beware of the Jingzhou army's sneak attack from the waterway. Unexpectedly, he lost it baling.

If it wasn't for the military commander's pleading, he would have beheaded his dejected nephew Sun Ben for public display.

Fortunately, Sun Ce and Xi Ping tried hard to persuade them, and only then did they slap the board and settle the matter.

Baling is an important military town in southern Jing. It is the hub of Guiyang, Changsha, Nanjun, and Jiangxia. If it is not captured, it will be defeated by the Jingzhou army at any time. If it is not captured, Sun Jian will not be able to go south to attack Guiyang, Lingling, etc. county.

Don't want the army to come to Baqiu, Huang Zu has already led an army of ten thousand to gather all the soldiers and horses.

Sun Jianqiang couldn't attack, so he attacked from the waterway, but was also defeated by Huang Zu.

In a fit of rage, despite the persuasion of Xi Ping and others, he personally led three hundred dead men to rob the pass and seize the city, but made all the civil and military confidantes very anxious. As the lord, he did not hesitate to risk himself. It was too hasty.

The spirit is good, but the action is not desirable.

At the south gate of Baling, the war drums shook the sky, and the sound of killing filled the field.

Sun Jian personally led [-] dead men to seize the city, which greatly boosted morale. The army opened a gap.

Huang Zu was nearby, seeing Sun Jian personally lead the troops to attack the city, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Now hiding behind the banner, he drew a strong bow of two stones, put a spiked iron arrow on the string, waited for about half a stick of incense, finally seized the opportunity, and beheaded a soldier before Sun Jian swung his sword. , when the blood splashed on his face, he suddenly let go of the horned bow that was drawn like a moon, and the wolf-fanged iron arrow shot Sun Jian's forehead, and Sun Jian fell back with a loud cry.


The soldiers around him immediately went crazy, and desperately rushed up to help Sun Jian up.


Sun Ce also killed the top of the city, not far away, turned his head when he heard the sound, his eyes were tearing up when he saw it, his wolf-like eyes swept over, and immediately found that not far away was hidden behind the banner. Huang Zu.

"Come on!"

Sun Ce's eyes were red, he roared, and swung his knife to kill him.


The commander of Sun Jian's soldiers roared loudly, and more than ten soldiers immediately carried Sun Jian and withdrew from the city.

The city that Xi Ping and the others were looking at from the bottom of the city changed, and when they rushed over to meet him, Sun Jian was already dead. Everyone was shocked and fell to their knees in front of Sun Jian's glaring body, weeping bitterly, at a loss for what to do.

On the top of the city, the fierce battle is still going on.

Huang Zu saw that Sun Ce charged towards him, at first he didn't take it seriously, but he expected Sun Ce to be unstoppable, and if there was a divine help to avenge his father, no one could stop him for a moment, and he was ten paces away in an instant.

"No, this guy is invincible!"

Huang Zu's face turned pale with shock, he quickly got away and left.

Where Sun Ce was willing to give up, he tried his best to catch up, and slashed with a knife.

Hearing the sound of wind in the back of his head, Huang Zu quickly turned around and swung his sword to fight back. With one blow, his weapon was knocked flying. When he was terrified, Sun Ce had already cut him in half with a knife, and the nearby Jingzhou army was in chaos.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The titan Cheng Pu hurriedly turned around, "Young Master is still on the top of the wall, you must not retreat!"

Xi Ping endured the pain in his heart, and his thoughts turned sharply. He immediately said in a concentrated voice: "The news of the death of the lord has not been spread yet. The eldest son is a great talent, brave and good at fighting. He can succeed the master. Now Huang Zu has been taken by the eldest son." Beheaded at the top of the city, our army is about to attack Baling in one go, and after defeating the Jingzhou army, we will announce the death of the lord, and ask the eldest son to command the three armies to stabilize the situation."

"As it should be!"

All the generals agreed in unison, and they all agreed to attack Baling with one effort.

Huang Zhong also led troops to fight at the top of the city. Because he was far away from Huang Zu, he didn't know that Huang Zu was beheaded by Sun Ce. After being beheaded by Sun Ce, they all panicked. The soldiers lost their fighting spirit and became chaotic in an instant, and they were defeated by the Jiangdong soldiers who occupied a weak force.

Huang Zhong fought desperately, but failed to save the defeat, and soon the city gate was opened.

The fierce battle lasted until the sun set. The morale of the Jingzhou army was low due to the death of the main general, and finally it was completely defeated.

Sun Ce wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but was stopped by Huang Zhong, who had broken his back.

Although Huang Zhong is nearly fifty years old, he is very old, but he is old and strong, and his courage is not inferior to Sun Ce, who is the most brave in Jiangdong. It's half as cheap.

If Tai Shici hadn't killed him in time, he would have been shot blind by Huang Zhong's arrow!
Sun Ce was shocked, he didn't think Liu Biao had such a strong general under his tent, it would be a pity if he couldn't use it for himself.

This guy, like his father, is also a heroic man. Seeing Huang Zhong's bravery, he thought of loving talent at that time, and wanted to capture Huang Zhong alive for his own use. Therefore, when he fought Huang Zhong with Tai Shici, he kept a hand There was no killer.

Otherwise, although Huang Zhong is brave, he is determined not to be able to stop Sun Ce and Tai Shici from joining forces.

Huang Zhong fought for more than [-] rounds, but he couldn't stand it any longer. When the three horses passed by, he shot two arrows in a row to force Tai Shici and Sun Ce away. .

(End of this chapter)

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