Chapter 331
When Sun Ce wanted to pursue him again, the news that Sun Jian had died in battle had already spread among the army.

The soldiers of the three armies are all panicked, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit.

Sun Ce had no choice but to lead the army back to Baling. He ordered the army to rest for a whole day, then escorted Sun Jian's body, and ordered the whole army to go back to Wujun with filial piety. With the support of the old ministers, he inherited the title and took over the four Jiangdong counties, quickly stabilizing the situation, but because the old and the new were changing, he was temporarily unable to use foreign troops.

After receiving the news, Liu Biao felt distressed and worried.

The new pain is that the confidant general Huang Zu died in battle, and the worry is that if he kills Sun Jian, this feud will be a big one.

When Sun Ce inherits Sun Jian's career, once the handover of the new and the old is completed, he will inevitably attack aggressively.

Liu Biao didn't have too much ambition, he never thought about expanding his territory, he just wanted to guard Jingzhou and become king, that's why he had a headache.

At the end of November, Tongguan was completed.

Luo Zheng recalled Xu Huang to Chang'an and ordered Zhang Heng to lead [-] troops to guard Tongguan.

With Hangu Pass blocking the front, the role of Tongguan is not so obvious. There is no need for a general to guard it. Once there is a change in Hangu Pass, troops can be dispatched in time. Xu Huang also has the talent of a general, so it is a bit inferior to defend Tongguan.

As for how to arrange Xu Huang, Jia Xu made suggestions.

There is no war in Hedong, so there is no need to station too many soldiers and horses, otherwise it will cause a lot of waste just to transport food and grass.

Jia Xu suggested that Xu Huang lead [-] soldiers from the east of the river to guard the east of the river, and recall Gao Shun to Chang'an for training.In this way, Xu Huang was reused to show his favor, and the huge waste of grain and grass transportation was avoided.

Luo Zheng followed goodness like a stream, and immediately moved Gaoshun to be the governor of Hedong, and led [-] Hedong soldiers to guard Hedong.

He also ordered Gao Shun to lead [-] field soldiers back to Chang'an, and recruit [-] young men from Liangzhou to form a new army.

According to the concept of Luo Zheng and Jia Xu, the army under the rule is divided into three levels according to the command level and different military tasks. The first level is the army stationed in the Chang'an camp, with [-] mobile troops plus the newly organized [-] cavalry and [-] Infantry, a total of [-] troops form the Central Army, which is directly commanded by Luo Zheng and is mainly responsible for foreign wars.

This army will also be the main military force for Luo Zheng to go out of Hangu Pass to compete in the Central Plains in the future.

In a short time, the central army will not expand its army.

The second level is the army stationed at various passes and strategic locations, that is, the army led by generals such as Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Li Meng, etc., also only accepts the command of Luo Zheng, and the local states and counties have no right to respond to military operations .

The strength of these second-level armies is about [-], including [-] Hedong soldiers led by Xu Huang, [-] miscellaneous Hu cavalry reorganized by Zhao Yun, [-] troops from Zhang Liao, [-] navy troops from Ganning, and guarding Wuguan. , A small number of soldiers and horses in Tongguan.

Luo Zheng has always felt that there are too few soldiers and horses available in his hands. In fact, after careful calculation, the number of troops is not small at all.

It's just that except for the soldiers and horses guarding the dangerous and important places everywhere, there are not many mobile soldiers and horses.

The same is true for Cao Cao, the number of troops under his command is more than [-].But the Central Plains has no danger to defend. Not only should we guard against Yuan Shu in Huainan, but also Yuan Shao in Hebei, Li Jue in Luoyang, and Liu Biao in Jingzhou. There are more than [-] soldiers and horses in various places.

The third level is the army in charge of maintaining law and order in local counties and counties. The number ranges from a few hundred to two thousand. They are commanded by the sheriff or county magistrate of the local counties and counties, but the specific military affairs and actual command operations are completed by military officers.

In addition, Luo Zheng formed another [-] wolf cavalry in addition to the [-] cavalry.

This cavalry has to be selected from all the existing cavalry, and finally the most elite cavalry will be formed. All military equipment and equipment must be equipped with the best equipment, and the salary of each soldier selected is also the highest. .

Even if it is a pension after the death of the war, it is necessary to keep a distance from other soldiers.

After the cavalry is organized, it will be led by Xu Chu. It will only be responsible for the defense of Luo Zheng's escort and the general Di's mansion, and will be responsible for some extremely difficult military tasks. No one has the right to mobilize and command except Luo Zheng.

In December, Luo Zheng summoned all the county guards and generals under his rule to gather in Chang'an for the annual military meeting.

At this time, the princes from all over the country were working hard at home and planting seeds, and the world was relatively peaceful.

There have been several heavy snowfalls, the roads are different, and no one has come out to fight the autumn wind.

The county guards and generals in command all over the country handed over general and government affairs to their adjutants and rushed to Chang'an.

General Pingdi's mansion, meeting room.

The people have not arrived yet, and dozens of people are gathered together, talking with each other.

Some people originally had friendship with each other, but it is rare to see each other once a year in various places. After finally gathering in Chang'an, it is natural to talk about the relationship after parting. For example, Xun Yu, Zhong Yao, and Shi Tao are old friends, and so are Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao. Get together for the first time.

Originally, there was a default unspoken rule in the way of being a minister, and the ministers were not allowed to be too close.

But Luo Zheng believes that a wise monarch does not need to be on guard against his subjects at all times.

A courtier has ambitions, just let him kill them, what's the use of being on guard all day long.

This kind of thing is like a cycle of yin and yang, one ebbs and another. When the ruler is wise, all his subjects will naturally serve loyally. If the monarch is mainly incompetent, the ambition of the subjects will naturally expand, and there is no way to prevent it.

Therefore, Luo Zheng does not shy away from some friendship between civil servants and military personnel under his command, normal communication is still possible, as long as he does not accept gangs and cliques for personal gain, and this is a court, there is nothing to be taboo about.

At least for now, it seems that there is no discovery of forming cliques and forming cliques for personal gain.

Luo Zheng was at the top, drinking rice wine while thinking about some things.

Jia Xu, an old fox, is well versed in the way of being a minister. Even if he knows that Luo Zheng doesn't care, he still sticks to the way of being a minister. He never has too close contact with the generals under Luo Zheng's command. talk to people.

Cheng Ying hurried in, walked directly to Luo Zheng's side, bent down, and whispered with his ear: "Master, Xichuan urgent report!"


Luo Zheng retracted his thoughts and asked in a deep voice: "What can Xichuan do?"

Cheng Yingdao: "The news came back from Chengdu that Xichuan gentry, headed by Pang Xi, Huang Quan, Zhao Wei, etc., jointly admonished Liu Zhang, Yizhou Mu, saying that the Han Dynasty was dead and the world was in chaos. People's hearts, I invite Liu Zhang to become King of Shu."

Luo Zheng was a little surprised, and immediately understood, and asked: "Has Liu Zhang agreed?"

Cheng Ying said: "But Pang Xi and others have joined forces to remonstrate three times, and Liu Zhang has decided to become King of Shu on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "The Han family is dead, Liu Zhanggui is the clan of the Han family, and it doesn't matter if he becomes the King of Shu. This is also a matter of course, no one can say anything. Yuan Shu is already called the emperor , live a good life differently."

Cheng Ying said deeply: "People's minds change, righteousness and fame are just a means for bureaucrats to consolidate their status. Even if Yuan Shu proclaims himself emperor, the world's gentry will just curse a few words. Except for Cao Cao, no prince will attack Yuan Shu. .And Cao Cao was just pretending to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, but in fact it was for Xuzhou."

Luo Zheng asked: "Where is Liu Biao, isn't that guy still king?"

Cheng Ying replied: "Because Sun Jian raised his troops to attack Jingzhou, Liu Biao has been dealing with Sun Jian, and there is no news yet."

Luo Zheng sighed: "Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian can be considered a character, when this general was still a small soldier, he fought against him at Sishui Pass, designed to behead two generals under his command, and unexpectedly died in the hands of Huang Zu .”

Jia Xu also came over at this time and said: "Sun Jian, the hero of the world, thought that after Sun Jian's death, Jiangdong would inevitably be in chaos. I didn't expect that Sun Ce is also a character. He did not bother at all, and he explained the situation in Jiangdong steadily!"

Luo Zheng's face was serious, and he said: "Although Sun Ce is young, he is also a great person. Wen He should not underestimate him. This person's ability is not inferior to his old son Sun Jian. In the future, I am afraid that this general will be the biggest resistance to smoothing Jiangdong."

Jia Xu was surprised and said, "Your lord thinks so highly of Sun Ce?"

Luo Zhengdao: "This general has never missed someone, this Sun Ce is also a hero."

Jia Xu nodded solemnly, and said with emotion: "Jiangdong really has a lot of heroes."

At this time, Xu Chu came over and said, "Master, everyone is here."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, the military discussion begins!"

The people who were whispering immediately sat upright, looked at Luo Zheng together, and the needle could be heard in the hall.

Jia Xu and Cheng Ying also returned to the civil servant seats on the left and took their seats in order.

Luo Zheng cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Before the military starts, let's talk about something else. The news came back from Chengdu, Yizhou Shepherd Liu Zhang will be the king of Shu on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. What do you think?"

When everyone first heard the news, they were in an uproar and began to discuss in low voices.

Only Xun Yu looked surprised and thoughtful, and did not discuss this matter with others.

After a while, the discussion in the hall gradually died down.

Wu Yi, the prefect of Jincheng, cupped his hands and said: "The Han Dynasty is dead, and the situation is gradually clear today. Except for the Lord, there are only Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, Sun Jian, and Liu Zhang. This is the trend of the times! Now the lord is sitting in Liangzhou, Guanzhong, Hetao, Hanzhong and other places, and he has wiped out [-] miles of Qiang Plain, ruling thousands of miles, far surpassing the princes of the Guandong, but he is only a township and a general. , It is really inconsistent with the status of the lord. In order to rectify the name and occupy the great righteousness, I ask the lord, Yizhou Shepherd Liu Zhang, to become the king, open the mansion and confer festivals, so as to inspire the soldiers of the three armies and the civil and military officials!"

"My lord, please advance to the throne."

As soon as Wu Yi finished speaking, a large group of people immediately seconded in unison.

Although this proposal was very abrupt, no one objected.

Even Xun Yu, who has always cherished the Han family, did not object.

Luo Zheng glanced at it, good guy, more than [-]% of the people have seconded, and after a little thought, he will understand.

In terms of territory, he can be regarded as the largest prince in the world, even if his people and military strength are not bad, but now his title is still a township, and his military position is still General Pingdi conferred by Emperor Ling of Han.

My lord is a miscellaneous general, how can the civil servants and military generals who have made meritorious service be promoted.

People in the world are busy with fame and fortune, which is understandable.

If the subordinates want to be promoted, they can only push themselves, the lord, to a high position.

And becoming a prince is just the beginning.

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, he waved his hand, and said: "Let's put this down first, let's start the military discussion!"

(End of this chapter)

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