Chapter 332

The news spread that Liu Zhang was going to become King of Shu, and all the princes became concerned.

The Han Dynasty has been dead for several years, and people’s hearts have been changing all the time. Now the general situation of the world has gradually become clear, and it depends on who can finally defeat the heroes and establish the world. At this time, it is not appropriate to call the emperor, but it is logical and necessary.

A lord who does not want to be an emperor cannot get the loyalty of his subjects.

Because you don't even have any ambitions, there is no future for that group of people following you, it's better to break up early.

It is a good choice to advance to the rank of prince, which can make the subordinates feel at ease and see hope, so Wu Yi and others got Liu Zhang to become king, so they immediately advised Luo Zheng to also advance to the rank of prince to protect their interests.

This is also the subject of Luo Zheng's subordinates, the first to appeal to his lord for benefits.

Only Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Fazheng and a small number of people did not say a word, neither agreed nor responded. These people are all human beings, so they naturally understand the stakes and do not want to get involved in this interest appeal.

Calling the king is a good choice. If Luo Zheng has the intention of becoming a king, they will naturally support it.

But before finding out Luo Zheng's true intentions, it's hard to express this attitude.

Especially on this occasion, it is not suitable to express one's opinion.

Zhao Yun, Xu Chu, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and other generals in command did not say a word. These people are not stupid. Even Xu Chu, who doesn't like to use his brain the most, can feel the demands of some people, let alone others.

Not liking to use the brain is due to personality, but it does not mean that people are stupid. Who is a fool in this world.

These people are the core participants and executors of Luo Zheng's military group, and they don't want to mix this interest appeal.

Luo Zheng temporarily suppressed this appeal, did not refuse, but did not agree, just put it aside.

The pursuit of interests is not to form cliques, nor is it to form cliques for personal gain.It is a good thing to have normal interest demands, which means that these people have already boarded their chariots and have no other thoughts, just want to follow their own promotion and make a fortune, which is of course a good thing.

However, it is still too early to become king at this time.

After all, Luo Zheng is not Liu Zhang, he is a relative of the Han family, so it is reasonable to call him king.

The military discussion discussed the implementation plan of the army and key strategies for the next year or several years, the expansion plan of the army, the governance goals of local counties and counties, and the selection and appointment of scholars, etc., mainly other people were talking, and Luo Zheng was listening.

If you don't understand something, just ask on the spot.

If you need to object, put it aside temporarily; if you need to agree, just nod your head.

If there are disagreements, raise them on the spot and let everyone discuss how to implement them.

It is relatively simple to govern a county and a county, but it involves all aspects in governing a country.At this time, no matter how high a person's intelligence is, there are things that he can't consider. This requires a group of capable courtiers to work together and make suggestions.

Fortunately, those who can participate in today's military meeting are all really capable people.

No ability, only a fool who can only shoot, there is no soil for survival under Luo Zheng.

Even Mi Fang, a guy who is stalking the crowd, has his strengths. In the past two years, he has been doing business in the world, and he has brought a lot of urgently needed materials to Luo Zheng in the Guanzhong and Liangzhou areas, and he has also spied a lot of information by the way.

At the end of the military discussion, Luo Zheng left Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Fa Zheng, Cheng Ying and a few others.

Several people entered the side hall, took their seats, and some soldiers offered them leisure.

It's not a formal military meeting, so the atmosphere is more relaxed.

Luo Zhengdao: "Just now I only discussed the general strategic direction, and I will touch on the specific details. Li Jue is still alive, when exactly will the army be dispatched, how much will our army have to pay, the specific situation in Luoyang, etc., talk about it !"

Jia Xu said: "Cao Cao has unified the Central Plains, and Yuan Shao will pacify Hebei in three or two years. There must be a battle between the two. This is the general trend. There is nothing to say. I think that before Yuan Shao raises his troops south to the Central Plains, our army should not move lightly. , just sit back and watch Yuan Cao fight, now taking Sili is harmful and useless, and it is not the action of a wise man!"

Fazheng also said: "Hangu Pass is a watershed. If our army does not go out of Hangu Pass, Li Jue will block it. Naturally, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will fight without any worries. If our army occupies Sili, then we will not It's the same, both Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will have concerns. They don't want to be taken advantage of by our army. Naturally, if they don't win, they can give it a go. It is even possible that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao will join forces to deal with the lord first, at least let us The army's vitality is seriously injured, and if they are unable to enter the pass, these two people may let go and fight. Therefore, I agree with the military adviser's opinion, our army only needs to stand still and watch Yuan Cao fight."

Luo Zheng's eyes showed appreciation, and he said: "Xiaozhi's analysis hits the nail on the head, really great talent."

Even Xun Yu gave a rare compliment, "Filial piety is a great idea!"

This analysis is not only aimed at the general trend, but also has an incisive analysis of people's hearts, which can be described as unique.

Fazheng hurriedly said modestly: "Duo has been taught by my lord and military advisor, I dare not take credit for it."

Cheng Ying is also a discerning person, and he also nodded and said: "The military division and Xiaozhi analyzed it promptly, and I have no objection."

Luo Zheng thought for a while, and said: "Since everyone thinks so, then let Li Jue jump around for a few more days, and when Yuan Shao raises his troops to go south, he will clean up this guy. However, what is the situation in Luoyang now? ?”

Cheng Ying replied: "There are more than two million people in the surrounding areas of Luoyang and Hanoi occupied by Li Jue. However, since Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, Luoyang has been suffering from wars for many years, and the loss of people has been very serious. Hundreds of thousands of people flee to Guanzhong with their families almost every day. The exact number is unknown, but judging from the current situation, the people under Li Jue's rule will not exceed 50 at most, and Li Jue cannot support him at all. There were tens of thousands of Xiliang rebellious troops, so this fellow had to frequently plunder the Chenliu, Yingchuan and other places under Cao Cao's rule, as well as Nanyang."

"Five million!"

Luo Zheng said with emotion: "In just a few years, more than two million people have dropped by more than [-]%, hey!"

Xun Yu said: "The military disaster is only part of the reason for the people's relocation. My lord has often fought endlessly these years, but the number of people under his rule has not decreased. In fact, in the final analysis, it depends on whether the princes can treat the people well and whether they can give them a way out." The lord's benevolence to the people is rare in the world. The people under his rule have less taxes, less labor, and can eat enough and wear warm clothes. Naturally, he will not flee with his family. to flee."

Cheng Ying also nodded and said: "Not only are the people fleeing in large numbers, but many soldiers under Li Jue's command have also fled. According to the current situation, in two or three years at most, Li Jue's tens of thousands of Xiliang rebellious troops will be the most It would be nice to have [-] left over.”

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "Cao Cao already has three prefectures of Yan, Yu, and Xu. That guy is not a good guy. This general will not take Luoyang, but Cao A will definitely let Li Jue go if he doesn't lie to that guy. We have to guard against it."

Jia Xu said: "It's nothing to let Cao Cao take Luoyang. If Yuan Shao really calms down Hebei and sends troops south, Cao Cao will definitely move his army north to meet the enemy. At that time, no matter who wins or loses, my lord will be able to break through Luoyang with a thunderous force. Hulao Pass intervenes in the war in the Central Plains. No matter who wins Yuan Shao or Cao Cao, they will definitely suffer serious damage."

Luo Zhengdao: "Where are people like Yuan Shu and Liu Biao, is it possible to take the opportunity to come and share a piece of the pie?"

Fazheng said: "I think that my lord doesn't need to worry about this. These should be Cao Cao's worries. Cao Cao is also an invincible hero. Central China is originally a place of four wars. There is no danger to defend. How could Cao Cao put his back Stab Yuan Shu with a knife. If it is as expected, Cao Cao will definitely destroy Yuan Shu within two or three years, and even send troops to Nanyang, seize Wancheng, and drive Liu Biao's forces to the south of Xiangyang in one fell swoop, so that he can deal with Yuan Shao with confidence. Raise your troops and go south."

Luo Zheng's eyes were full of appreciation and he said: "Xiaozhi's words hit the point, which made this general Mao Sai suddenly open!"

Fazheng hurriedly said a few words of humility, and immediately felt that his sharpness was showing off, and he looked at Jia Xu again, just in time Jia Xu also looked over, with only admiration in his eyes, so he felt relieved.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, and said: "That's it, let's talk about the Xianbei people. It is said that the Xianbei in the central part may go south in the early spring. Is it true? If the Xianbei people really go south, they will How many soldiers and horses were dispatched?"

Cheng Ying said: "According to the news brought back from the desert by the merchants traveling to and from Mobei, the various tribes of Xianbei drove their cattle and sheep to the old camp of Danhan Mountain before the winter. It has been confirmed that the Xianbei people will send troops."

Jia Xu said: "Xianbei grew out of grass, and the tribes are too scattered. Only when there is a big military operation, those tribes that are scattered far away will migrate to the old camp of Danhan Mountain, so as to gather as much as possible to avoid When the army goes out to fight, people take advantage of the old battalion when it is empty. Now that the Xianbei tribes have already started to move, it is certain that the Xianbei people will send troops."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "How many soldiers can the Xianbei people send south?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. The Xianbei in the middle is the most powerful, and they can fight with [-] soldiers. Even if they don't come out in full force, the number of troops dispatched will not be less than [-]. It will only be more or less. .”

"At least [-] cavalry!"

Luo Zheng rubbed his brows and said: "The cavalry combat power of the Xianbei is still higher than that of the Huns and Qianghu people. Thirty thousand cavalry is not a small number. Cavalry is no better than infantry. As long as the battle is lost, it can be lured away. Expand the army It will take time. The general and the [-] Hu cavalry in Hetao are only [-] cavalry. It is not a problem to prevent the Xianbei cavalry from going south, but how to annihilate the vital forces of the Xianbei people needs to be agreed on a feasible method. Have a good plan?"

Xun Yu said: "There are too many casualties in reckless fighting. Only by outsmarting can we reduce the casualties of our army."

Jia Xu also said: "The law of war says that the world changes, and the time to use troops changes. Xianbei people are all cavalry. If our army takes the initiative to attack, even if we can defeat the Xianbei cavalry, it will be difficult to wipe out the main force. It is better to wait for the attack according to the danger. The vigor of the Xianbei people, but when there is a turning point in the battlefield, when the world is changing, if you attack again, you can defeat the Xianbei cavalry in one fell swoop, and take advantage of the momentum to march north to the desert."

(End of this chapter)

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