Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 333 Expedition, Expedition

Chapter 333 Expedition, Expedition

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Yizhou Mu Liuzhang became the king of Shu, and there was no surprise.

The princes of the world did not respond, only Yuan Shu sent a congratulatory letter to Liu Zhang.Maybe this guy has already been under pressure after becoming emperor, so now that someone is becoming king, he can share some of the invisible pressure of being in the limelight!

Luo Zheng did not become king, and neither did Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others.

Everyone is smart, and they are unwilling to make such a show before their foundation is determined and their biggest enemies are eliminated.Even if you want to be king, you have to wait until the great cause can be expected before you can take advantage of the trend.

According to the news from Mobei, the cavalry of the various Xianbei tribes in the central region have begun to gather at the royal court of Danhan Mountain.

Luo Zheng is also taking the time to prepare for the battle. The [-] elite infantry stationed in the Chang'an camp have gone north in batches and rushed to the Hetao area to gather. Bags of military rations and various supplies also departed from Chang'an and were transported directly to Hetao via Shangjun.

The [-] elite cavalry in the Chang'an camp are ready to go out at any time.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the atmosphere of war could not be felt on the land of Guanliang.

When the country is strong and prosperous, the people's spirits will be full, and people can hold their heads high.

The self-confidence and strength of a nation depends on victories. Only by winning more battles can the morale of the people under the rule be strengthened, and the army can develop the invincible belief that it will win every battle. This is closely related.

In these years, Luo Zheng has been fighting everywhere, and there have been many battles and deaths, but he has never led the flames of war to his own rule.

The people in Guanzhong and Liangzhou have gradually become accustomed to war, and they all habitually believe that Luo Zheng's army will not be defeated, and the flames of war will not burn to their own doorsteps. In addition to worrying about whether their husband and son will come back after going to the battlefield, He didn't have much fear of the war itself, and he was very confident, unlike the people under the rule of other princes, who would blow their scalps when they heard about the war.

At the beginning of February, Yuan Shao raised [-] troops impatiently and rushed to Youzhou again.

Gongsun Zan had already fled to Youbeiping, which was his lair, and he had been running it for many years.

Yuan Shao failed to sweep down Youzhou in one go last year. Seeing that Cao Cao had already pacified Yan, Yu, and Xu states, how could he not be in a hurry. If Gongsun Zan could breathe again, he would have to spend a lot of time to sweep down Youzhou.

Cao Cao seized the time to govern the three states under his rule, and for the time being did not care about using troops abroad.

In mid-February, news came again from Mobei that the central Xianbei had assembled more than [-] cavalry.

When Luo Zheng received the news, he immediately ordered Yan Xing, the mighty general of Xiliang, to lead the [-] elite cavalry from the Chang'an Camp to the north, and then led the newly organized [-] wolf cavalry to Hetao. Jia Xu, Fazheng, Cheng Ying and others accompanied the army Advising the military and handling important military affairs.

At the north gate of Chang'an, [-] cavalry were waiting in formation, and the weather was heavily guarded.

Luo Zhengjia's stomach and body, riding a sweaty BMW, full of energy, said to Xun Yu and the others who saw him off: "Wen Ruo, this general is not in Chang'an, please trouble Wen Ruo for everything big and small, don't make the soldiers who go out to worry about the rear."

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "My lord, don't worry, I will not disgrace my life!"

Luo Zheng nodded, and he has nothing to worry about Xun Yu. For so many years, he has been out all the year round, and Xun Yu has been watching the house, allocating money and food for the army, and guarding against the surrounding enemies. There has never been any trouble.

Right now the surroundings of Chang'an are peaceful, there is no strong enemy coming, and there is nothing to worry about.

Luo Zheng didn't say much, and immediately turned the horse's head and rode away.

Three thousand wolves rode in the clouds, and rolled northward, sending up smoke and dust on the official road.

Xun Yu stood at the north gate and watched for a long time, until the three thousand cavalry disappeared from sight, and then returned to the city.

Meiji, former Shanyu Wangting, today's Xiliang army camp.

Luo Zheng led three thousand wolf riders to arrive, and Zhao Yun's Gao Shun, Yan Xing and other generals who had arrived earlier greeted them. Before he could speak, he went straight to the commander's tent of the Chinese army and called officers above the school lieutenant to discuss military affairs.

Jia Xu, Fazheng, Cheng Ying and other civil servants accompanying the army are on the left.

Zhao Yun, Gao Shun, Yan Xing and other generals in command are on the right.

Luo Zheng's eyes were burning, he looked around at the civil and military under the tent, and said: "Tell me, talk about it, how should I fight this battle?"

Jia Xu said: "The specific combat strategy was already decided in Chang'an. However, I don't know the specific terrain of the Hetao area. How to implement this combat strategy depends on how the generals implement it."

Fazheng and Chengying also nodded. They were just staff officers, and they were only responsible for formulating specific combat strategies.

The general direction has been established. As for how to fight the battle, that is the matter of the generals. At most, they can only put forward opinions based on the ever-changing situation on the battlefield when the war comes, and let Luo Zheng decide whether to implement it.

A counselor is a counselor, and it is impossible to replace the commander-in-chief.

Otherwise, just let the counselors lead the army, why do you have to lead the army?

Luo Zheng looked at Zhao Yun and said: "Zilong, you are the most familiar with the situation in Hetao, you should talk about it first!"

Zhao Yundao: "My lord and the military have made a very clear strategy. The morale of the Xianbei people going south is high. If our army cavalry fights head-on with them, there is not much chance of winning. We can use [-] elite infantry to guard the main road to enter the pass. With favorable terrain, kill and injure the Xianbei cavalry as much as possible, and when the Xianbei soldiers suffer heavy casualties and their morale is low, then switch from defense to offense and defeat the enemy."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "This general has a good idea, but where can he defend?"

Zhao Yundao: "Crossing the Yin Mountain from the desert to the south of the Hetao, the only entrance is Manyi Valley. Before that, the last general went to Manyi Valley when he was chasing the Xiongnu cavalry. A few days ago, he went to check with Gao Shun and Yan Xing in person. Stand firm."

Gao Shun and Yan Xing also nodded. The terrain of Manyi Valley is dangerous, and it is indeed the best place to stop the Xianbei cavalry.

Luo Zheng walked to the military topographic map and looked at it for a while, then asked Jia Xu and the others, "Does Wenhe have any objections?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said, "I have no objection!"

Fazheng and Chengying also nodded, and they had no objection.

Luo Zheng took a few steps and said in a deep voice: "In this case, then follow what Zilong said."

After a pause, he asked again, "Where are the [-] infantry, have they ever gone north?"

Gao Shun replied, "I have gone north to Heyin, and I am camping on the south bank of the river."

Luo Zheng pondered for a while, and said decisively: "The military topographic map is just a rough idea. You have to see it yourself to know the specific terrain. Let the army set up camp first. You will wait for General Duben to go to Manyi Valley to see what happened tomorrow morning. .”

"As ordered!"

Everyone surrendered together.

Xuchang, Cao Cao's official base.

Cheng Yu said: "Master, Chang'an urgent report!"

Cao Cao's expression froze, and he said, "What's the matter in Chang'an?"

Cheng Yudao: "Xiao Zuo sent back the news that Luo Zheng has already set off to the north and went to Hetao."

Cao Cao cheered up and said, "So, is it true that the Xianbei people are going to march south to Hetao in the spring?"

Cheng Yu replied: "Ninety-nine is not far from ten, otherwise Luo Zheng would not be able to send all his troops to Hetao. There are only [-] soldiers and horses in Luo Zheng's Chang'an camp. nothing else."

Cao Cao said, "Xianbei people are going south in a big way. This is a good opportunity to destroy Li Jue."

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "This is not the time to attack Li Jue. Although Li Jue is in decline, there are still tens of thousands of Xiliang rebels. If Luoyang cannot be defeated quickly, once the battle is stalemate, it will be troublesome when Luo Zheng defeats the Xianbei people and goes south. Besides, the lord has just begun to recuperate in Xiayan and Yu prefectures, so it is really inappropriate to go to war at this time."

Cao Cao sighed: "That's right, the geographical location in Guanzhong is superior. Luo Zheng and his fellow fought repeatedly, but they never brought the flames of war to Guanliang. They also have the benefits of gold and rice. Under the rule, the harvest is abundant year after year, the people are rich, and the money and food are not good. The strength is getting stronger and stronger. The Central Plains is flat, there is no danger to defend, and there are many strong neighbors around. I also want to build water conservancy, reduce taxes, and make the people live in peace. But these years have been wars and chaos. I think there is no chance to take a breath. You guys Tell me, God is so unfair!"

Xun You said: "My lord, this is just an objective condition. Guanzhong and Liangzhou are actually not as easy to govern as the Central Plains. If Luo Zheng hadn't slaughtered millions of corpses and killed the barbarian people who didn't respect his orders with blood, security would be as prosperous as it is today. .If Yuan Shao and Yuan Shuzhi are exiled to Liangzhou, it is hard to say whether Guanzhong and Liangzhou can be pacified."

Cao Cao was vain, and heard Xun You's hidden warning. Not only did he not take it seriously, but he said with a smile: "Gongda is very right, it's because Cao is a bit lacking in responsibility. The situation is really difficult. You can't blame others. Cao Cao You should continue to work hard. Although Luo Zheng's hatred is as deep as the ocean, he has to admit that this person is indeed not comparable to Yuan Shao. The land of Guanliang has been in chaos for hundreds of years, and this guy was able to wipe out the barbarians. The rule of Guanzhong and Liangzhou is indeed beyond what ordinary people can do. If Yuan Benchu ​​were to go to Liangzhou, he would doubt whether he would be able to pacify Liangzhou, let alone unify Guanliang and make Guanzhong and Liangzhou rule."

Guo Jia said: "My lord, Yuan Shao has already dispatched troops to Youzhou, and Gongsun Zan can't hold on for long. Qingzhou and Bingzhou are both occupied by powerful forces and have no strong enemies. Within two years, the four Hebei prefectures should all belong to Yuan Shao and be left to our army. Time is running out. The most urgent task now is to straighten out the internal affairs of Yanzhou and Yuzhou as soon as possible, select and appoint talented people, so that the people will no longer flee with their families, and then try to solve Yuan Shu after the autumn grain is released, and Yuan Shao raises his troops to go south At this time, our army will not be attacked by the enemy."

Cao Cao said: "What about Li Jue, this is also a disaster."

Guo Jia said in a drunken voice: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it. Li Jue is a mediocre person, so there's nothing to worry about. This guy is doing a good job of harming the people in Luoyang. Now there are only hundreds of thousands of people in Luoyang. How can he support tens of thousands of Xiliang chaos?" The army, at most three or two years, is bound to be at the end of the road, and only a few thousand soldiers and horses are required to hold the Hulao Pass to make them unable to attack."

Liu Ye said: "What if Luo Zheng sent troops to take Luoyang?"

Cao Cao frowned, also a little worried about this problem.

Guo Jiadao: "Jia believes that Luo Zheng will not send troops to Luoyang until the Lord and Yuan Shao decide the outcome!"

If Cao Cao realized something, he immediately understood what Guo Jia meant.

Cheng Yu, Xun You, Liu Ye and others frown and think, and seem to gradually understand.

(End of this chapter)

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